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Hi, everyone. I’ve been away on a trip and i just realized i didnt even tell yall about why i disappeared for a week, and that i havent even given out this month’s form or last month’s rewards. Genuinely im so sorry. I’m actually planning on making a post about whats been up with me lately and i may just give yall a refund and focus on finishing due art. Please hang tight a little while while i think this through. Again, I’m very sorry.
Published: 2023-11
Hello and happy December, everyone! Winter’s right around the corner and so is the year’s end. Time flies. Haha

If you dont mind, please fill out the end-of-year survey attached below. It’ll be of great help to me! This is your chance to influence my work in 2024!
Published: 2023-12
Hi everybody!! i just wanted to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy holiday season! ❤️
Published: 2023-12
Hi everyone! Remember theres only a few days left to fill out the end of year survey! Your input would be greatly appreciated! ❤️

Published: 2023-12