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Hey there,

A few weeks ago, in a Patreon post, we asked you to vote on what would be your preferred way of selecting the skin color for your Parafolks. We’ve made some progress so today’s post is all about that! This post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it, thank you!

As a reminder, here are the three options that we suggested:

  • A: Complete premade list of a wide variety of skin tones for every ethnicity
  • B: Special color wheel made for skin colors
  • C: Full color wheel with ALL the colors

And here are the results of the poll:

As you can see, a lot of people are liking the idea of a color wheel custom made for the skin. However, in the comment section of the post, many suggested that ideally, all three options would be in the game because they serve a different purpose. Well, good news! After some testing and tweaking, we were able to make all three of these work in the game and we have a first version of it to show you today!

A: Complete premade list of a wide variety of skin tones for every ethnicity

For many players, the easiest and fastest way to select a skin tone will be by clicking one of the premades that we will have created for you. Simply click a color to preview it on your Para and quickly try many of them to make your decision.

For now, we only made three premades colors but a lot more will come. We aim to research the right colors and review them thoroughly to make sure almost everyone can find their own skin color in these premades.

The current three skin tones applied to a Para. Please say hi to our model who will assist us showcasing the skin color in this post!

B: Special color wheel made for skin colors

If you were not able to find the exact skin color you want in the many offered premades that we will have, you will be able to create a new swatch by pressing the “+” button. This will bring you to the special color wheel made for the skin color. First, select a skin tone at the top and then adjust the saturation and lightness. This should let you be extremely precise! Then, hit OK to save the color in the list of premades to be able to use it later for any of your Paras.

Left: the skin color wheel. Middle: the skin tone from the second premade color in the previous image. Right: this skin tone but tweaked using the skin color wheel.

You might notice that the initial concept sketch for this special color wheel was round. We ended up switching to a rectangular design because we found it easier to use. The look and design of this interface will still get improvements though.

C: Full color wheel with ALL the colors

Finally, if you want no limit at all for selecting a skin color, you will always be able to switch to the full color wheel with the press of a button (see button in the bottom left corner in the image below). Great for alien or supernatural storytelling!

That’s it for today. Please note that the interface and the current skin tones are not final and will still be worked on a lot. Don’t hesitate to tell us in the comments below if you have any questions or suggestions!

Have a wonderful weekend,




Wow there has been so much progress keep it up guys👍🏾


so happy to hear i can choose between a skin tone color wheel and a rainbow one, great work!!

Mo Des

Looks nice!!




This is awesome!

Heaven Moore

I love this so much! Very happy that all three are making it !!


Awesome! Love the involvement of the community in building this game.

Ashley Strebel

I’m so excited!!!!! AH I CANT WAIT! everything is coming together so well!!!!


Love this! Keep up the good work

Elen Pink

Is it possible to do both A and B? Make a special color wheel for skin color, and then create a list out of that color wheel? For people who are lazy to play around with a color wheel.


This is fantastic x


I’m so happy you guys were able to make all three work!!! I was worried about the results when I voted! B looks too complicated 😅


I mean, I would've been okay with just B though I would've missed A and C, especially depending on the type of para I may make. All three definitely works for me, lol. I love it!


Yay! That's exactly what I was hoping for! Love it :)




I can't say thank you enough for going for all three! And the skin details look so good on all the skin tones - even the crazy coloured ones! 😍 The skin details look a bit softer, I think, than they did on Sebastian... or is it the pictures that make it look that way? If they're softer, is that the direction you're taking it? Maybe just a little sharp on the lightest skin still, especially on the inside of the elbow. That said, even with no change, I really do love how they look!! All the colours look great! ❤️


While I kinda liked the art style (brushes?) on Maggie's halloween costume, I don't like them as much on lighter skin tones. The brushes are too distracting on the first example. I can't really put my finger on it what is bothering me, but it just looks kinda off. I think I could pass on the brush style/outlines, because until now it has either been a hit or a miss with them. Other than that I am really excited about being able to choose every skin color we want.


thank you guys for all that you do. I'm so impressed ❤


I really love those pinkish/reddish tones,


I absolutely agree. Especially on the lighter skin tones the details are just a little too dark, too much contrast but on the dark skin tones it looks nice


Hooray!! Wonderful work team!! 🎉 I'm loving what you guys are doing for us and our future Paras!! 💖

Kaitlyn Hendrix

Wow!!! It’s turning out amazing I’m so excited!


Very cool! I never considered using a rectangular range for the normal human skin tones, but looking at the original circle wheel and this one, I can see how the rectangular version would be easier to use.

Ashley Brent

this looks great so far. glad we have all three options!


Piękna modelka ❤️

Victoria Garcia

This is awesome, and so are y'all!


Someone mentioned above that it might be because the lines are too dark on the lighter skin tones. If they chose a color that was a little close to the skin color (or one that wasn’t as dark) then I think it could work because I like the style on the darkest skin para


If we want to make two paras with the same skintone, will we be able to copy from one to the other, or find out the exact setting to apply?


This looks great and looking at the pictures/comments. I agree that the skin details should be a color close to the skin color you choose so it blends better. Otherwise it looks great and I'm so excited.


The base skin colours look lovely but I agree with several people mentioning the skin details being too harsh on light skin tone. Also some of the areas on the body are too exaggerated with the pink colour on the light skin tone. I kind of preferred the previous softer Para design as now they look more "drawn in" rather than like 3D people in the 3D space.

Bre Indigo

Perfection! This is exactly what I'd hoped for!!! Tysm for hearing us out.


please remember to make the palms of the hands + soles of the feet lighter on the darker skin tones !!


Love it! Just hope there is an option to "Reset to Defaults" which goes back to original Paralives skin tone presets. Imagine this will be helpful if we create too many presets and it gets cluttered and you're confused about which ones are official and which ones you created.


I see what ya'll did. Nice work. I thought it was only gonna be down to one option and that would ruin making certain paras but this way you're letting us go about is perfect. If you wanna just make a quick para the first option works but if you want it more fine tuned the next 2 are better


As someone who is Dutch and British ( Gibraltar - some look like they are Spanish whether it’s a tan or natural - my uncle gets mistaken as a black man due to how much he tans, my mom is whiter then the sand ) but most of my family is very pale, I’ve always struggled making darker characters ( not that I don’t want to but because I’m not familiar enough - I grew up in a small town where we had maybe one dark skinned person in each grade ) so it’s hard to make diverse characters but all the skin tones included makes me very excited to try and I can’t wait to see all of the individuality from other players and hopefully to learn more, I want to make characters that are cultural and diverse and I want my towns to feel super cultural! Seeing this is amazing and absolutely beautiful! Ugh I just wanna play like Yesterday!!! Lol but please take your time, clearly it’s paying off and I’m so excited for all of the additions, how many options you are providing us is just not what I expected and it really shows that this game will last for a long time and everyone will be happier with the multitude of options we are given! Options is like my must have and to see it being done so well.. I’m so excited 🥰😍🥳🤩 I appreciate the team 💜

Kora Bucks

Also please add an option for disabling the crazy skin colors from appearing randomly!! Like with babies born or random generated paras. It would be great to have setting options like Realistic Skintones Only ✅ RGB Skintones Only ✅ and Any Skintone ✅

Makayla Boyko

Looks like in both the natural and non-natural skin color wheel both offer the hex code for the selected color, which is that 6 character code consisting of both numbers and letters just below the color range in both pictures. So that such suffice in being able to get the exact color you want for multiple paras. All it should take is copying and pasting the code between each para.


Yess, I'm glad to see all three options


This looks so great, I love seeing how you all take everyone’s suggestions into account and really implement them!


The UI looks amazing thus far. Great work!

Lucy McClean

Perfect, thank you 😊

Luther Duncan

Outstanding !!!! I looooove the current texture and choice of tweaking existing colours ! Question… it seems there are some high tones like for instance the blue skin where it’s more apparent, will we be able to manipulate those light areas on the skin map ?


Excellent, thank you for making all three options a reality!


I have a question! Would the randomly generated Paras that populate the world also have skin from the full color wheel? I bet I'm not the only one who prefers a realistic playthrough, so I wouldn't want to have a blue-skinned neighbor haha


You guys are doing amazing! Curious about what skin details like stretch marks, body hair, freckles, achne, scars, ect. will look like

Tato E


Toffy (Monique)

Awesome, good job, I love it! <3


Yay! 👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿 looking forward to more options like this! Loving the color wheel variety and the representation y’all! Also, as others have mentioned, if possible can we get an *option* for realistic skins only so our neighbors don’t appear blue, green, etc unless we want a play through like that?


I'd love to see an option for both, realistic, or unrealistic only. Playing in an unrealistic only town would be perfect for something along the lines of a rainbow legacy challenge.


It's so awesome that you've been able to implement all of the options! Great work, you guys!

Michael Green

So glad that you’ve been able to incorporate all 3 options! Cuz now I can have my realistic paras and my rainbow paras for different saves 😁


Wow!! That's so cool!!! It looks great, and I can't wait! Do you know how those three options will work with genetics? For example, if a dark skin para will have a baby with a lighter one, how will the game choose the baby's skin colour? And thank you so so much for your hard work and all the weekly updates! It's a great way to end the week, and I'm finding myself waiting for it the whole week!


Thank you! Yes, a skin color is actually made of 4 colors: base, highlights, outlines/shadows and blush (the high tones on the blue skin). There is an advanced mode where you can tweak all 4 colors of a premade skin color swatch


The randomly generated Paras and the Paras created from genetics will always have natural skin color :)


Thank you very much! We are building a set of rules for the genetics system to make it so babies have a skin color that is realistic based on the skin tone of the two parents. Still tweaking all this though so more info on that later!

BooDotBoo .

I wasn’t expecting to get all three options, but knowing how much you all want the game to have as much of our requests as you can reasonably put in, I’m not that surprised, lol. I swear, I love this team; you do as much as you can for us, even when you don’t have to, and that just makes me so happy! The color wheels and swatches are looking great!


This is SOOOO cool!


Coolness glad you guys were able to pull off integrating all three options, the skin tone possibilities are now endless.

M13Vulpecula XIII, ruler of Vulpeculand

It's honestly neat that you managed to pull all 3 options into the build :D It shows dedication to ultimately give the player the tools to create their own world, which I can only recommend 🌟🌟

Fabiana Inu

This is amaziiiiiiing!


Thank you for the recommendation, Michael. That would be a good thing to add, or perhaps a way to delete your custom skin tones one by one but the base ones cannot be deleted? Either way, note taken! :)


This is perfect! Thank you for listening.




This is perfect, thank you so much!❤️


This is pretty exciting!


I'm really happy we'll be getting all three options. I think representation and storytelling will really benefit from having these options in the game.


I was wondering....using the mod tools in the game, would we be able to create a number of different custom skintones and then upload them as the one package to the steam workshop? (or would they have to be upload indivudally?)


This is incredible! You all have left no stone unturned for our choice of skintones! Thank you!

Dawn Star

Thrilled! So thrilled! I love the idea of having all three and can't wait to make so many unique Parafolk!

Christina Renna

You guys are awesome! Love how we can get the best of THREE worlds! ;)


OMG this is such great news! I love having full creative options available when making new characters! Thank you!!

Elizabeth Gonzales

Omg, thanks, you guys! This is amazing, and I'm super happy! It makes me happy that you guys try so hard for us, and we appreciate it! <3


Gotta love how the whitest model with freckles looks sunburned. Too realistic #NoSunInTheNorth :D



Christina Ozeki

Wow, these are amazing, you made all 3, that is fantastic, thank you!


I love it! We already got so much! I was just going to suggest if it would be possible to have vitiligo, dermatitis or birth marks. You already gave us so much that I don't want to ask for it, so just a suggestion.


Love it! Thank you so much!


I just have to ask this. Since the Para has boobs, I'm gonna take a wild guess and guess a woman. However, I do still sense some masculinity coming from how the body is structured. For example, the arms/legs. Something just feels "off". Im super stoked about the skincolors though!! :)


Not necessarily, the para could be trans, and have boobs due to hormones. I think we will be able to make any combination of masculine/feminine/neutral features.

Pedro Lima

I'm so happy! You really did listen to us!!


Thank you Alex 💖


Thank you, thank you, thank you! This totally beats modding extra skin tones in the game! :D

Paige Fletcher

I like the idea of a full color wheel!!!

Samari Prime

Holy crap that's amazing!


Wow! I loved the way you combined everyone's suggestions! This is exactly what I was hoping for when you premiered the options. So glad I get to even witness this process!


This might be the first life simulation game ever I won't install DR skin mods. More I see new pictures about paras, more I love the art style. And all those skin colour options are just perfect. Your work definetely shows your passion and determation to create the game together with the community - with love, care and careful listening. ♡ (Just a little suggestion completely unrelated the skin colours: please let us have an option to tweak the "drawn lines" of paras' body and face. By this, I refer to those little details seen on the model like eyelids, navel, stomach and breasts. Maybe different presets for them in Paramaker might work?)

Amy Joscelyn

Yay, this is thrilling! I can't wait to make a plethora of Paras with all of these options!


This is amazing! I had a feeling the poll might have been a "we're actually working on all 3 but we just want to get a measure of preference." So glad I was right! 🤩 Now with a little patience, anyone should be able to find the exact tone they're looking for. As always with Paralives, the level of customization options available is really going to put it in a separate tier from the rest.


Oh HORRAYY!! I'm going to be honest I'm very excited to fill a town with people with odd skin and hair colors and just see what happens with their decedents I'm so happy that you let us have that option thank you!


Can't say I didn't see this one coming (because, in all honesty, this is the kind of attention to detail and willingness to listen to the community's feedback that the Paralives team has already gotten me used to) but I'm still glad I took the time to write a comment and explain my point of view when the original post with the poll came out. This reminded me that, sometimes, taking the time to explain the reasoning behind your vote might be as important as the vote itself. :)


this so cool


That’s so cool!!! I do have a suggestion. This isn’t even almost related to skin tone, fair warning, but please for the love of god allow more than 8 people in a household. 😭😭 Sincerely, someone sitting here playing sims angry that I can’t fit more people.


Right? When it gets to be too much for me or my computer, I can decide. Or maybe a switch? Like allow more than 8 toggle?

Alex Robitaille

I am so impressed and glad I am now a patron. This post blows me away! I am so excited to see how the genetics of the skin/eye/hair/etc work, seeing this only makes me giddy. Great job so far, keep up the incredible work!


I think I got the smartest idea , you know how when creating a character youll go down the list and try on a few things, and even though you find things that may fit you keep scrolling to see if something else is better , and try that stuf, now with the system in most game you'd than need to scroll back up to get the thing you liked , well what if we could put those ''maybe'' clothes on like a hanger in the background that you'd be able to simply click on to put on again


Yes, this is PERFECT!!! Thank you ♥

Jessica Hughes

Applause! You guys are doing amazing work!


oh my gosh... you guys are KILLIN IT ! this is amazing. i'm crying lol this is so exciting. i hope you all wake up every day in the power of knowing how many people you're going to make so incredibly happy, and artistically fulfilled with this game. so much customization and i'm just ... so thankful.