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Hello there,

We’re back with another Patreon post and this week, it’s all about highlights from our latest community brainstorming, the theme of the next one and a poll!

Town Activities Brainstorm Recap (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

As always, we got so many great ideas from this month’s community brainstorming session about town activities! Thanks to everyone who shared what they had in mind here on Patreon or on Discord and Reddit. Here’s a little recap describing a few of the great ideas that came out of this brainstorming. Please note that we can’t confirm exactly what we will be able to integrate to the game but it gives us a lot of fuel for thoughts!

  • 🏡 First of all, I think we can all agree that Paralives is set in a small open world town so it’s important that the town feels alive and that players are inclined to explore it instead of just staying home. Town activities will really help achieve that.
  • 🍎 Having all kinds of shops including grocery stores and clothing boutiques. Each of these could have sales and special items available for a short amount of time.
  • 💃 Festivals, concerts, farmers’ markets, garage sales and other special events could be held. Websites, TV shows and newspapers could talk about these events.
  • 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 In order for the town to feel alive, neighbours and other citizens should go around town and perform their own activities and achieve their own goals. It would be great to see your neighbours doing things in their yard. Citizens could also hold their own event and react to things that are happening to the town or to the player’s household.
  • 🚎 There could be different ways to get from point A to point B, not just by cars or by walking there. This could include trains, buses, subway stations, bike paths or even helicopters.
  • 🚗 Having to visit a gas station to fill your car’s tank or a garage to repair your car
  • 💰 There should be many types of commercial lots like restaurants, café, bars, shopping malls, movie theaters, market squares, shops, hair salons, offices, camping sites, marina, gyms etc.
  • 🌳 There should be many types of public or city lots like parks, dog parks, gardens, libraries, fire stations, police stations, city halls, animal shelters, pools, cemeteries, hospitals, schools, vet clinics, etc.
  • ✨ Exploring the town should help the player learn about its history and lore. Players could also stumble into hidden secrets or activities and meet new people. Interesting events and emergent storytelling could happen anywhere around town
  • 🎁 Players could help townies with problems they have, spread gossip about them or send gift and receive gifts.
  • ⚖ There could be a way to influence the laws and the development of the town by engaging into politics.

That’s it for our quick recap of the ideas but there were a lot more. We’re looking forward to making more progress on the game and integrating some of these things in the future! It should really help us make an interesting town to visit and live in.

Special thanks to Axart, a member of our Discord server who made a summary of everything that was shared about town activities during the month!

New Monthly Brainstorming Theme: Clothing (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

As discussed in a previous Patreon post, we’re currently working on some Paramaker features. We’ll also be building a list of all the clothing items we’d like to have for the initial release of the game. Of course, we’ll add more and more clothes in updates after launch but right now, we aim to determine the most important clothes to create first.

Since we’re working on clothing, we’d like to make it the theme of the new monthly brainstorming! If you’d like, tell us in the comments below your ideas regarding these topics :

  • What specific pieces of clothing and style would you like to see in the game?
  • What kind of customization would you like to have for clothing?
  • How should clothing affect gameplay?
  • Any other suggestions you might have regarding clothing!

In addition to opening this brainstorm to you Patrons today, we’ll also announce it and open it to the public on Reddit and Discord next week. Thanks in advance for sharing your ideas!

Poll: Clothing (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Speaking of our newest community brainstorming theme, we’re curious to know: what type of clothing are you most interested in when playing life simulation games? Let us know in the poll below! You can check multiple boxes.

Thank you and have a good one!




Tokyo street fashion and yukata


Oooh, such an exciting topic. I never would've imagined it and I'm pleasantly surprised 🤩 But then, you always do manage to do that! I love my flared 70s style jeans/trousers! Or even flared to the point of rave trousers. I would looove to see that in the game but if it's not, it's one of the first CCs I'll be looking for 😊


I like both clothes that I would wear and extravagant clothes, because everyone have different sorts of personalities, from the most reserved to the most outrageous.


The first thing I thought of when I saw unique clothing was the singer Aurora’s closet.


Not too concerned with fashion since my style is non-existent, but I do think clothes shouldn't be locked by gender, just putting that out there. It would be nice to see some street wear tho, love that style

Victoria Garcia

This is all so exciting! The world and traveling sounds like it will be very immersive! Also, I love fashion so it would be really cool to have stuff that I'd actually wear!


Lovely post and recap as always! For me, clothes should be diverse enough to represent different personalities. Not everyone follows the newest trends, some people like an extravagant style, others prefer very traditional clothes. So diversity is more what I personally would like to see than a specific style.


I’d really really love representation for alt (goth, punk, emo, scene) clothing in paralives. It’s really lacking in the sims so I rely pretty heavily on cc for that.

Charmen Young

Clothing that fits with the feel of the town would be cool but also seeing Paras with their own unique fashion sense would be great. If it's a farming town, you won't see too many 4 inch stilettos and tuxedos. But if it's a huge, bustling city, you may see that. Or what if it's a quaint beach front town but a few of the Paras love New York street fashion? Have a few Paras reflect that.


The things about the fashion trends is that they pass. Look at The Sims 2, it's all 2000s fashion but now, 15 years later it doesn't look that good. That's why I think having as much versatile and timeless clothes would work better. Also to cater to different styles, people who can't afford to dress in mainstream fashion or prefer more specific and alternative trends like dark academia or punk. Not to mention conservative clothing for modest and also elderly Paras. I think different patterns could allow the player to make unique and extravagant Paras without having to create clothing elements unusable in day-to-day occasions.


Clothes connected to seasons/temperature. Winter -> warm cloth and summer light cloth etc.

Aleksandra Gołębiewska

I love korean fashion, both casual and elegant. It would be nice to see some clothes inspired by it.


This is such an awesome take to get from future players!!! Personally, I love stylish-trendy but comfy clothes. That’s up there already but what isn’t, is boho :) boho is super cute and I’ve recently taken a liking to it! I also love modern style and the casual clothing you see advertised from shops on social media :)


Clothing that suits plus or curve sized characters


I like to recreate characters from fantasy franchises, so I'd love clothes that fit that vibe, though I know it's a niche ask :P


I want all kinds of clothes throughout history so i can set up historical saves maybe you could also set an entire town to wear era specific or particular types of fashion. I also want a good amount of basics as well as some unique items.


Customizations I'd like to see: zipped/buttoned up, half way or not at all. Heel length on shoes. Different beanie/hat wearing options (cap facing forward/backward, beanie covering your ears or not). Different pant croppings (full length, folded at the bottom, shorts etc). Shirts tucked or not, and sleeves folded/short...


Each para should be able to own clothing items as well as complete outfits that can then be randomised everytime they get dressed. So the player doesn't have to manually change clothes just to stop the paras wearing the same thing every single day


I agree with everyone who is suggesting diversity in the clothes options. If all of the clothes are trendy now, then in five or ten years they're going to look really outdated. I mostly wear plain t-shirts paired with brightly colored and patterned wrap skirts, so... I guess my personal style is a little boho. The storytelling I do, though, features characters in high-tech futuristic settings, so I'd want clothing styles to match that, too.


Alex asks how clothing could affect gameplay. Not sure if the paras can recognise what others are wearing, but one idea is there could be a "revealing" score given to the clothing based on aggregate of transparency channel. The less solid rgb on the item the more revealing it is factored to be so paras with the "proper" trait might frown on the outfit


I think the ability to layer things and customize each thing would allow you to have less items while still catering to a lot of different fashion styles. Like a dress can have the option to be a solid color, or have several different patterns. Then this one dress can be minimalist black, vintage floral, or modern geometric. Then, on top of the dress you can add a jacket that can be either a jean texture or a leather texture or a solid color. And so on and so on.

Clara Rose Elliott

I would live to see diverse fashion options that aren't just reliant on Western commercial trends or costume-y ideas of "other" fashions though I understand that may be difficult to accomplish without custom content. I would love some diversity of clothing shapes in the base meshes though.


I'd like jackets to be sperate from shirts. And I'd like to decide if it's something that's only worn outside or all the time, or even swap a jacket for a sweater when coming in, like Mr. Rogers, lol


I'd like clothes suitable for older people more like what we used to buy in Marks & Spencer before they attempted to be fashionable.


Not exactly a type of clothing but I would love if jackets and tops could be chosen separately! I have 1 or 2 jackets that I wear with most outfits so it's more realistic to me especially if the para is not super rich (because good jackets are expensive)


Other: Clothes that are timeless. Whenever I open TS3 these days I am struck by how last decade those clothes are. I'd love my Para's to have a wide assortiment of Basics that would witstand the wheel of time a bit better than Fashion trends that are really cool when you are playing now, but you feel less inclined to use in 2 or 3 years. Edit: Trust the modding community to do the wildest fashion trends. If there are enough people that really want that shit there will eventually be a modder with a paypal that would love it if the community bought them coffee.

Miesha Smith

I think a combination of them all and when teens age up their clothes change to go with their personality. Having likes and dislikes for certain clothes. Example: a girl is a tomboy so she dislikes dresses and if we put her on a dress her mood changes


I'm sure some CC creator will hook you up with the fantasy looks if they're not in the vanilla game

Laura Burchart

Traditional clothing from different countries!


E-girl,goth,emo,scene,darkroom,warcore styles as well as fantasy styles but most of all over sized hoodies ♡

Emerald Sausage

I would like to have to pay for clothing, just like paying for furniture. I want to have to save up to buy a fancy new outfit for a special occasion, for example, rather than just picking it in the paramaker. I feel it would add a lot of storytelling possibilities. Obviously there should be a setting to turn this off for people who don't want it.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Clothing should affect first impressions from other Paras. A judgemental Para who dresses preppy could automatically have a bad opinion of another who dresses goth and vice versa. Clothing items should be tagged. A sweater should be tagged for cold weather, so if it's hot out your Para will be very uncomfortable and can even get a heat stroke. A formal dress or suit will have the formal tag and your para might feel overdressed if the occasion doesn't call for it. Paras should also find certain styles attractive and increase chemistry.


What a beautiful summary post! I'm so excited!!!!!!! I think since we are going to have an open world with perhaps markets events, clothing stores, neighbours doing gardening....parafolk can be wearing "work clothes" like garden aprons, business attire, casual comfortable but professional wear, costumes for events... The sellers behind store counters could be wearing new clothing released in that store to promote it. In regards to gener clothing: I think there need to be staple clothing peices that are flexible for many different styles, I.e: plain coloured shirts, plain jeans, plain jackets...things that don't go out of style but aren't in any necessary style themselves. A white shirt could be worn by a grandmother or an edgy teenager. Maybe even tucking/untucking options on clothing could help clipping issues for certain pairings of clothing? I know sims have this issue....that simple white tee worn with high waisted pants will not look as good if we can't tuck the shirt into the waist line for a fashionable look. I'm so excited for clothing. Its such a key point in creating a personality. I love the idea of fashionable looks but we needs lots of staple looks that work across fashions as well. Final thought: colour wheel on clothes!!! And ability to change different parts of a shirt colour independently - I.e imagine a graphic tee. A colour wheel option for the graphic and the shirt so player can customise the tee.


Something I think would be a really fascinating feature would be like "modular" clothes, ie. the bottom of the dress is customizable in ways that the top isn't, in that you can control the length of the dress, and maybe the style of the top of the dress, changing it to a halter, sweetheart, strapless, etc. Being able to change the patterns /colors of clothes, or even import your own texture files into the game, would do WONDERS for the total number of outfits able to be worn!

Maiden Minnesota

My biggest beef with all the clothes in The Sims is that absolutely NOTHING is modest. Everything is sleeveless or short sleeved, the skirts are WAY too short for toddlers through elders (elders don't do minis, people! I know. I am one.) It's like EA doesn't realize that not everybody lives in California, and many have religions or careers that require more modesty. We live in the age of the maxi skirt, and here they are pushing minis. It would also be nice to have authentic ethnic clothing, instead of stuff that "sort of" looks like it. I don't like having to download tens of thousands of CC items. It really slows down the game, and takes up valuable hard drive space. So, I know it would be a ton of work, but to allow sliders to adjust skirt hems, necklines and sleeve lengths. That way you have one skirt that would fit everybody's needs. Short for those that want it, longer for others. Same with tops. They can be adjusted from long sleeved turtlenecks for winter to sleeveless v-necks for summer. One shirt, endless looks.


Separate items of clothing that can be mixed and matched. As my para may have a cardigan they really love and want to wear it with everything.


As many separate elements as possible! Jackets separate from shirts as others have mentioned, but being able to layer multiple shirts would be cool too, or a skirt with leggings underneath, etc.


Yesterday I saw a girl in the bathroom with a really cute shirt. I told her I liked it and she thanked me and told me I looked beautiful. We both walked out of there with smiles from ear to ear. It'd be fun to have little interactions like that with some sort of temporary buff like "confident from a compliment" or the opposite where someone doesn't like your clothes and you get "embarassed from an insult" or something like that


I love to see more modern clothing but I also love thrifting so maybe there could be thrift shops and antique shops in the town for the paras who like to be more sustainable or like a more vintage vibe. It could also be really cool if there was some kind of clothing designer tool where you could either alter the clothes or create your own somehow. Maybe as part of a career or hobby? There could be a sewing machine that functions and opens up a screen to sew your own clothes. I also agree with having more clothes suitable for elders and older paras, as well as make the clothes suitable for the age of para that you are playing. Children’s clothes are different from toddler clothes, etcetera, etcetera. I know this is a lot to ask for the initial release but maybe as updates in the future!


Being able to separate jackets from shirts, layering clothes (dresses over shirts, shirts over skirts, etc), hat options (forward, backward), mixing and matching/layering accessories (jewelry, belts, glasses, etc.), nothing gender specific, and for later down the line i think releasing “decades” collections would be a cool way to incorporate popular 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s styles into the game. i agree with the fact that trendy styles most likely won’t age well, but if a para is an artist, designer, anything in that realm, odds are they wouldn’t have your timeless, every day style so a few more “out there” style options would be cool to see


As others are saying, I would like more classic shapes that can be customized for different trends or even decades. A-line dresses, simple heels, high waisted pants, button down shirts, etc. Clothing trends move so fast now and I don't want the game to be instantly outdated. I do like historical play so it would be nice to have some modest long dresses with simple patterns options.


To piggy back on this great suggestion, I would love to build out a wardrobe for my para. And, for storytelling, that can be either large or minimal. We could even have favorite pieces that get worn more often.


Mix and match is going to be key to a timeless wardrobe. So many of the outdated clothing options in Sims games come from the fact that everything is locked together in a specific combination.


Colour wheel on clothes!!! And ability to change the colour of different parts of a single item independently - I.e imagine a graphic tee. A colour wheel option for the graphic and a colour wheel for the shirt. This way a player can customise the tee. I also like the idea of fashions from other cultures and general areas of the world: Middle eastern, Spanish/Mexican, Asian, European, African. I want hair not to clip with clothing either hahaha 😆


I'd also like formal clothing options, but I don't want them to be too outlandish. Sims 4 City Living comes to mind where they gave us these outlandish high fashion clothes that few people would wear in real life. Since Paralives is set in a small town, I don't really need to see high fashion.

Diamond Nicole

Please please please have some diverse trendy/simple clothes and not just eurocentric. Also having the option to add an outfit category like "school outfit" "work outfit" "wedding outfit" "lingerie outfit" ect. would be amaaaaazing!! And layering clothing like the previous comments suggested would be great too!


Honestly, I would love clothes that are modern to the point of dating itself. I never played the *** when they were current and they felt like a neat time capsule, so I think think it'd be neat to have a window into these times for future players. Helps give it an identity rather than trying to stay basic and timeless IMO ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


LAYERS! Let me have a separate shirt/hoodie tank/jacket that can be layered on/off for cold and warm weather. Also please find a way so they don't automatically change on the front lawn or go in rabbit holes in their underwear. ETA: Also, a good retail experience here would be amazing for buying new clothes and accessories

Diamond Nicole

Omg the last part yes!! when they go to uni in their sleepwear and their sleepwear is bra and panties... -.-'


I would love it if we had a fashion job where we can create our own clothes and sell to Parafolks! it’d be really nice if we can choose how the clothes will look. I like to mix my clothes in real life it would be really nice if I can do that in the game as well.


I would prefer staple pieces that can be customised to meet a variety of needs. Eg. A simple skirt that has adjustable length, so it can be a business skirt or a mini skirt, having a collared shirt with adjustable sleeve length, etc. If we have enough of the basics, a lot more unique cuts and styles can be added later on to mix and match with. Also a lot of accessories would go a long way to adding some personality to simple outfits.


please make the clothes simple and wearable. we don’t need ugly patterns, weird pockets and what not. Tons of pretty basics that can be mixed and matched together will do the trick, trust me.


shops including grocery stores and clothing boutiques. ( - would be great that if you wanted to open a store that you could create and sell NFTS ) going on the lines of what Xavier Zayas says , being able to create and sell the digital item in game ,


Timeless pieces. Basics. Ordinary, even. A core of items that have straight legs, regular rises (and rinses,) and little to no embellishment. As others have mentioned, these items could even be adjustable to a degree (i.e. hem length on sleeves and pant legs.) If we're unable to have something of a color wheel, it would be useful to have a few uniform neutral swatches so that we can have things match if we'd like them to- black, white, cream, dark and light rinse denim, for instance. Then take it from there with patterns and colors. Similarly, for things like accessories - it would be wonderful to have some uniform metal tones across the board. A standard gold and silver would go a long way compared to each item having a slightly different tone of gold.

Catherine Glick

I think in the beginning the clothes should to be the basic that most people wear and are staples, and then as you go add in thing that are trendy.

Lisa Sarver

The main thing for me is a color wheel or being able to import my own swatches. Nothing that will bog the game down graphically, but having swatches we could recolor would be great.


There's a few different ways to wear the same piece of clothing. Off the top of my head: you can roll up your sleeves, button/unbotton shirts, tuck them in, cuff your pants, wear a hat forward/backward, different ways to wrap a scarf, etc. It would be nice to have something similar. I'm no game developer, but I'd imagine there might be a good way to implement this as to add a lot more options without actually adding more pieces of clothing and using up hard drive space and/or menu space.


I would like to see plain old jeans and tank tops for summer. Maybe sweaters to thrown on in cooler weather. And sneakers, too.


Being too modern is like the best part! Basics are always guaranteed (and more dated than you'd think), but having extravagant and trendy clothes makes for a neat mark of our times! Leave a window in time for future players n all that~


I would love a large selection of unisex clothing, and for all ages. The sims has always had the problem of mainly focusing on adult feminine clothes and leaving the other genders and ages in the dust. My hope would be that any character i create has access to most if not all of the clothing options so the possibilities are endless


1. I want to be able to apply custom patterns to clothes. Download an image with a pattern, apply to clothes through the game interface, boom. New custom clothing piece. This would make basic clothing items much more versatile and would be simpler to download from CC creators than entire sets of recolors. (Obviously, color wheel for clothing is a desire, too.) 2. Layering. I want jackets to go on over shirts so that you can have different outfits with fewer meshes. 3. Parts and pieces. I'd love to see a basic sleeveless shirt mesh with a variety of sleeve meshes you can apply, rather than a ton of different full shirts with sleeve variations. (And similar options for other clothing pieces, like the cuff height of pants.) This would make for fewer thumbnails for players, fewer meshes for creators, and more diversity options overall. 4. Tags. A huge thing for me is how to organize clothes, and I'd like to be able to tag things myself. I'd like to be able to block Paras from wearing certain tags or make an individual Para wear *only* a certain kind of tagged clothing item. Some other comments have mentioned that they want only fantasy clothes or only historical clothes in some of their towns: what if we could enable/block specific tags per town? Thinking about it, what if we could enable/block clothing types per NEIGHBORHOOD and even per LOT, so that Paras that spawn there are restricted to certain clothes? A run-down industrial part of town would probably want different clothes than a suburban part of town. Likewise, an elven forest part of town would have different clothes than a demon part of town (for the fantasy-inspired players). And that creepy house on the hill probably isn't going to fit a Para who loves bright colors. 5. Outfits. I've always wanted to be able to build and share saved outfits, and maybe tag them so that they appear on townies who have that tag enabled. (Muslim clothes? No problem, tag a Muslim Para and they will rock it.) 6. Color swatches. This could cross-reference outfits and tags, and this way you wouldn't have to make half a dozen outfit saves just to get all the different colors. One outfit save, and several color swatches to apply to it. Or even just color swatches tagged for certain things, like goth would be all shades of black, but pastel goth would be in pastels, a suburban mom would have mostly neutrals, and boho would have earth tones. That way the player could pick the colors they like best for Paras to apply to themselves without worrying about random clashing messes. So to break it down: Para A has the "rockstar" tag for clothes options. You have some outfits with the "rockstar" tag saved, so (if they're not an active Para) they can pull from those. Those outfits have certain color swatch options, like red/black/white applied, which itself has tags like "rockstar," "vampire," and "romance gothic." The "rockstar" outfit also has some other swatches, like yellow/black, which has the tags "rockstar" and "bees." So... those are my ideas. I've also made a Pinterest board collecting outfit ideas by nationality, culture, and subculture, for my own education and for future Para character ideas: https://www.pinterest.com/bethlovesalex/fashion/ I don't know if it would be helpful to y'all, but it's there.

Lane Brettschneider

I'm really excited about how the color/pattern customization that was highlighted for building could translate to clothing. It seems to be a great balance between customization and limits so the customization options don't become overwhelming or tedious, but there is still enough freedom so Paras aren't all wearing the same thing. The most important thing to me is expressing my Paras' personalities (and how their personalities might change and develop over time) through their clothes and style. Starting out the game with classic silhouettes that can be customized with colors, patterns, layering, and accessories I think would be a good way to do that. Then of course more interesting and exciting clothes could be added over time through updates or community-created items. And as others have said, I would love for my Paras to have to shop for new clothes!


As I think others have mentioned, one of my biggest wishlist items is having a color wheel and maybe swatches. There are so many items in the sims that would be awesome if I could just alter the coloring. That combined with shirts/jackets as separate items would make a selection of clothing basics very versatile.

Alani Mason-Callaway

It would be cool to be able to customize a shirt or sweater (or any piece of clothing, really) by adding whatever text you want to it. For example, for a shirt, if players could pick a color and style (e.g., v-neck, long sleeves, short sleeves, crop top, etc.), click somewhere on the shirt and a text box appears. Write whatever text you want on it, pick a font, adjust the size and voila: a custom shirt. I could put so many of my real-life clothes in the game this way. :) Also, having a Para go to their closet or dresser to pick out what they want to wear that day, and maybe not being able to wear something that's dirty (unless they're working in the yard or something). Also, getting stains on clothing (e.g., food, grass stains, pain, dirt, etc.) and having to wash it out. Or it being possible to ruin clothing (e.g., if you wear it so much it wears out, or if you wear it for a purpose for which it was not intended, etc.). The ability to have "hand-me-downs" from older siblings (or cousins, or whatever). The ability to decide that worn out can clothes can be worn as pajamas instead. Or maybe, the ability to assign new clothes to a particular category (e.g., a t-shirt can be for wearing outside of the house or it can be intended as a pajama shirt, depending on what the player/para wants).


100% this. So amazingly annoying to have slightly mismatched colors.


I agree with the basics. I’d like to add: the game feels very cozy, and I’d love options that reflected that. Cozy sweaters and a fall aesthetic would be the first clothing I reached for in this game.


Having jackets, belts, scarves, etc. as separate clothing/accessory items so paras can pair the same blazer with a dress or a tank top or wear the same pants with or without a belt. Ability to choose fit on the same items, so some paras can wear tight t-shirts while others can wear the same exact tee loose Shared clothes - so a guy could like let his girlfriend wear his jacket or she could sleep in one of his t-shirts


I really want to see a good capsule wardrobe for all the genders/ages. In the sims, all the clothes can be really fussy, while the basics aren't too great either. I've often only liked a handful of the options in total. A good capsule wardrobe where everything can be mixed and matched with everything else and still look good leaves a lot of options and combinations for players.

Alani Mason-Callaway

Being able customize details of clothing (e.g., pocket style, buttons vs. zipper, style and color of buttons, belt or no belt, collar style, sleeve style, turn it into shorts or capris, straight legs or bell bottoms, high rise vs. low rise, etc.)


and relating to the garage sales... maybe some fun vintage/retro/crazier pieces that can only be acquired at a neighbor's garage sale or a specialty clothing store?


I would like a diversity of clothing styles, since I like to create very different Paras with very different interests. I think that the way one dress can sometimes tell a lot about your interest and your personality, but at the same time it can be an expression of art. ----------------------------------- Just some examples of Paras I like to create: One Para which loves to make fantasy photos and dress for them completely magical (her hobbies would be playing pen and paper, photography and cosplay). But she likes to wear her clothes also in her free time for she finds them so beautiful. She often dreams of being in a natural, fantasy world and likes to share her interest with others who are like her. Then one Para who loves gardening and animals and is completely down to earth and modest. She would dress more in a simple, but modern farmer style. Fashion for her must be practical rather than beautifull. And she would see beauty even in a old jacket from her grandmother. Then one Para who is a complete nerd and loves computer games or a special tv series. This Para would like to express his or her interests in his/her free time in T-shirts or merchandise, but wear normal clothes for work. Then another Para who loves to go all out and make herself look beautiful. For most it looks very extraordinary, but she finds herself beautiful and most important: fashionable. So what if the clothes are uncomfortable, one must do what one must do to be beautiful. At least that's what she thinks.. Another Para who likes to dress Gothic and loves Vampires and spooky stuff. Then a Para who likes to were normal, comfortable clothes. This Para wants to look nice, but only if the clothes are comfortable to wear. Besides this Para doesn't want to impress anyone. Looking clean is one thing, but character is more important than beauty. This Para really can't understand how anyone could sacrifice their comfort for beauty. And what is beauty exactly? This Para really can't understand how anyone could call the fashion beautiful which is shown in fashion shows. For this Para it just looks crazy. Then another one who loves to dress very randomly. Why dress alwys the same when there is so much to explore?! This Para likes to confuse people and really it doesn't matter what anyone says, as long as one is happy, right? --------------------------------- In any case, I personally would absolutely love medival or fantasy/elvish clothes (since I were them in real life too.. Haha). I know that supernatural is not planned yet, but I would love to make a Para who loves fantasy or where I can at least imagine her to be from a fairytale.


I would love a variety of alt styles, even just a small variety! I often find in games with character creation that the best you get is 'slightly goth', seeing varied aesthetic influences eg cybergoth, decora, steampunk etc, even just in colourways or in small elements that could be combined would be amazing to see as someone who's never been able to accurately make themselves or their friends without custom content!


Also all the clothing, even the long dresses are figure hugging in the female clothing. So they can't really dress to cover up.


Clothes for different weather would be nice for realism. Also I would love accessories especially nail polish.

Denee Hemmings

For outerwear during the colder months, it would be cool if we could just throw a jacket over our outfit we are already using instead of making a whole new outfit


I would love for clothes to have gameplay influence - for example, being able to have your Paras go clothes shopping, or different qualities of clothing having certain buffs/debuffs. Is that designer? Maybe it gives the Para wearing it a confidence boost or causes other Paras to react enviously. Is your Para wearing athleisure to a black-tie gala? Negative reactions all around, and a debuff to relationship building in that situation. Clothing in the Sims series is so one-dimensional, when in reality the clothing we pick says so much about our personalities and lifestyles.

Charlotte Stevens

I'd love for the game to come with a really good variety of clothing that could be customisable. I think it would also be so cool and realistic if Paralives had a few of it's own made up brands/shops interegrated into its world and lore that we could all get to know, for clothing and household objects. Some ideas here for different brands that could be suitable to different types of characters -for clothes 'on trend' there could be a fast fashion (not promoting it but it's a part of our western world) with cheap fashionable items available to purchase, perhaps more catered to certain age groups. -vintage clothes shops, with styles available to purchase that are inspired by decades gone by. I love the idea of 'one offs' so styles that can only per purchased once per save file and gifted/handed down - a luxury boutique with extremely expensive aspirational pieces, that you wouldn't see townies/neighbours wearing unless you played as these parabola and purchased.

Maxayn Henderson

I would love it if my para could pick their favorite piece of clothing. Like the chile para that has a favorite shirt and wears it all the time. The slob para that sniffs their clothes to see if they can wear them another day. Having the clothes hang on the para that loses weight or tightens when they gain weight. Having maternity clothes for pregnant paras (male or female). If possible I would like to pick the size of the clothing....my teen para likes tight clothing where their sibling likes oversized shirts because they feel uncomfortable in their skin. Hats would also be good as well. Beanies and baseball caps. Having t-shirts to buy at festivals would be great. Let's not forget accessories!

Anna Boratyńska

My biggest request would be to separate everyday clothing into home and outdoor. When I'm at home with just my family I would wear my favourite, slightly worn out t-shirt and sweatpants but I wouldn't wear something like that when in public (shopping, taking a walk etc.). So separation of those two would be great. I would also love the ability to manually change the tag (or whatever you'll decide to use). Example: I like certain piece of clothing but it's classified as formal and I would like to wear it as everyday outfit. Or I would use this piece only for sleepwear but it's available for every section - I would love to be able to manually change this to avoid cluttering menus. I would also love to define whether certain piece of clothing is for outdoors only. As an example in my culture it's consider rude to wear hats indoors. As for clothing themselves I would prefer timeless collection of different styles and an ability to mix and match. Options for different weather and/or season. I'm not sure how I feel about clothes impacting the game. There are so many cultures and views about what's proper or fashionable that it may be difficult to script reactions that would suit the player. Maybe set of customizable rules? Or maybe a reaction for new/worn out, clean/dirty ect? But then once again the reactions should be different depending on situation, people involved etc (there are different standards for evening at home and lunch with friends).


Closets/dressers interaction option to randomly generate an outfit based on the para's owned clothes "throw on casual outfit" "throw on formal outfit" "throw on athletic outfit" you know for when you're running late and you just gotta grab whatever's clean


Here's my biggest wish for clothing: A slider for adjusting the hemline for skirts, pants, waistlines, neck lines, and sleeve lengths would go such a long way in customization and reducing the amount of assets to load when using the PAM. One of the biggest issues with The Sims 3 was how long it took for clothing items to load because not only were there so many tops and pants, for example, but three different suggested color swatches on the UI for each item, taking up three times the space and three times the wait time for everything to load. I like the idea of suggested color swatches and patterns, but I would like for them to be done in such a way that it doesn't clog up the UI.


Being able to throw on a coat coat you leave the house instead of changing into an entirely different outdoor outfit

Virginie M.

I choose "clothes that I would wear in real life". I really want high heels and fancy/shiny dresses for night life. For the impact, I imagine having a happy/bad mood when you buy new clothes or edit in the PAM depending on the personality. And others paras can notice when you've changed your style and give you compliments etc

Em Zed

I would love lots of ready made style combos (shoes, top, bottom, accessories), so that I don't always have to choose the full outfits myself.

Em Zed

I would also be interested in what Hannah said in the comment above to add a random clothing feature. It would be great if the "random outfit" feature was customizable. For example, in the Paramaker we would choose the Para's style and outfit colour preferences, and blacklist some items, and based on that it would put together some nice random outfits. In the paramaker we could also create our own filters for outfits, that we could assign to individual paras. For example, I could make a filter called "goth" and then check each piece of clothing/colour that fits that category. During gameplay I could assign that category to my Para, and they would choose clothes only from that filter. The game could be launched with a few pre-made outfit filters, and the rest we can make ourselves as players. Maybe we could even share our own categories with other players as a mod! Custom filters for furniture would be nice too :)


I would love to be able to make my own presets for my Paras. Like a particular makeup look or accessory choice or clothing combination that I like. That way I can just select the preset or the saved look and I don't have to find the same make-up or accessory for every outfit if I want my Para to have a bracelet or earrings that they wear with every outfit.

Ruth Baines

I would loooove vintage themed clothing, especially 90's and 70's!!


I like the idea of presetting outdoor clothes i.e coat and hat that only add to the outfit as the para steps outside the door


I'd like to see some clothes that affect gameplay. For example wearing a rain coat and rubber boots would make Paras feel less wet and less uncomfortable in the rain. A straw hat might make them less susceptible to overheating in the summer. I'm sure there are many more pieces of clothing that have a use other than fashion.


I would like to see more realistic clothing, shoes, accessories, etc... One thing that bugs me the most with a lot of custom content out there for a game we won't mention, is the outrageous toddler content. I mean seriously, toddler are simply toddlers/babies, please stop trying to make them look ridiculously grown up. This just irks the hell out of me! I mean who actually puts dangly earrings on a baby or toddler? This to me would be child endangerment/borderlining abuse. They could literally rip those things from their ears and bleed insanely much. The grip on babies and toddlers is like a vice, have one get ahold of your hair lol. I just want to see the adorableness that babies and toddlers truly are, but also want to see the terrible two's brat reality ;) So in short, styles that truly portray the real baby/toddler, as well as all other life stages. Of course one needs to portray the garish/outlandish types as well, even if they are a minority, and maybe even include styles for homeless para's or bums, Goth, Royalty, rich & famous, country living, city vibes, etc, etc, etc.....


Timeless clothing is important - but I ALSO want some fun quirky outfits and themed clothing. People are bringing up Tokyo streetwear, villager elder clothing, tattered grungy clothing, etc. These are all great ideas. Timeless clothing + FUN unique outfits. I DON'T want to see everything to look like a UNIQLO store - solid color basics with no flavor!


I've suggested this before, but agreeing and adding to everyone's points about versatility I'd love to see a mix and match 'snapping' mechanic. You'd have a load of basic top styles e.g. halterneck, turtleneck, bandeau, long sleeved etc. and a load of basic bottom styles e.g. different skirt lengths and trouser/shorts styles. These could be worn separate or snap together into a dress/jumpsuit/romper. That mechanic, plus a colour/pattern wheel and layering would be so versatile and timeless! Great for everyday, but especially for special events like weddings. The wedding and bridesmaid dress options would be limitless!

Alvar Rayne

i wear a lot of dark academia and cottagecore clothing and i don’t see a lot of it in games bc ig it’s too trendy? or smth


I think, when you enter Paramaker (which shouldn't be immediatly by the way, but after you've loaded into the world...) you should have most of the game's clothing available so you can dress your family however you like. When you load into the game, you will not have access to every clothing item anymore. Now you'll have to buy more to be able to wear them. Alsoooo, a piece of clothing that has been bought in a store should still be costumizable in PAM. I would really love to be able to pick your shirts and your jackets seperately. (I don't know if hairstyles are included in this poll, but I would love to have wigs for bald para's or for para's trying to switch things up a little. They could work just like hair in pam, but there could be some fun animations in game as well as the option to put it on or take it off.)

Michael Green

I would love some clothing that’s actually ‘dated’ like 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s. Or some styles that were fashionable then but came back in style in current times. It would be cool if we could have the option to disable/hide clothing and hair we don’t want and whitelist the ones we do so Paras will only wear the whitelisted clothes so townies will only be randomized in the whitelisted clothing. There are players who like to do themed era legacies and this could help make it easier to have a bit of realism for those plays.


I’d love clothing that can be worn regardless of gender. Often in games, I’ll see an awesome clothing piece that is man or woman only and it drives me bonkers!


I think having a variety of clothing styles is important. Everyday clothes and quirky clothing can help tell a story or give us a look into a para's personality. Also, having a para completely changing their outfit when it's raining would seem a little outrageous. It would be nice to just simply add a coat over an existing outfit by using a coat rack/closet.


I would love to see unisex/gender neutral clothing, and that clothes are not bound to the gender so that, for example, a woman can also wear men's clothes


Specific pieces of clothing: It would be nice to have layers - t-shirts, vest tops and then a hoodie etc if your character was cold. Removable, and (if possible) able to hang on a chair or throw on a sofa etc if they take it off? Style: as many different kinds as you can! To match the different personalities/interests of each person :D Customisation: definitely colour and pattern, and maybe even brands made specifically for the game? With different stores/budgets in the town, people would be wearing high-end designer fashion or grabbing a great bargain piece! Also, definitely some saved presets, as I've seen another person commenting, that was a cool idea. Affect gameplay: it would be cool if the clothes affected your character's mood/temperature and was almost an activity in itself. If the character came inside from outside and felt really warm, they can take off their jacket and feel better, or their scarf etc. Also, maybe if the character's clothes are getting old and worn, they'd want new ones or to learn how to repair them? Maybe that's too detailed, but something like that would be cool! :) AOB: As much customisation as you can! Also, it would be really fun if you had random clothes, such as a chef's uniform or a deep sea diver costume. It would be cool to see people let their imaginations run free!


My kind of clothing ranges from 1940's - 2010's.. I love the 1960's era and that's why the new expansion ( from the sims 4 ) Cottage Living - the dresses really excited me, but I've been actually looking for clothing recently and welp I can say I don't understand.. I love "maxi" dresses, I've come to realize but I'm always looking for comfortable clothing.. I want the clothing to work well for the scenario the para's will be in, if they are in a bustling city that has lots of clubs etc, they have club and work attire that fits, in a country more attire that "can" get dirty in the sense, overalls, boots, etc.. Definitely having pieces that can be mixed and matched is super helpful, so pieces that are good on their own and can work with multiple styles or some pieces that really works for a certain style then a pair of jeans, flared jeans for more 'hippie' styles and then boot cut or something for work or everyday attire.. Mix and match pieces are not only easy to make an outfit out of but I think also allows modders to play around to make specific styles, I'm in no sense a modder, but I've come around to clothing custom content as of recent, I had building custom content for a while as I'm a builder, but I have enjoyed making specific people or styled people in games as of late; I'm someone who loves color! So a range of color options would be appreciated! Also find the lack of purple in games, which is my favorite color! And currently the color of my cream cheese on my bagel ( mixed berry - I recommend highly ) Soooo... I think it's important to have a variety of colors over a massive varieties of different types of clothing, I feel a color/ swatch ( possibly including designs ) can change a look drastically rather then having a massive amount of different types of clothing, I'm definitely NOT saying don't include a nice range of clothing because of course I want that, but I know that you are limited in doing things in order to get things done and done right, so I'm all for a decent amount of swatches - my personal opinion a minimum of 8 and a max of like 14? In other games when an item only came in 1 -6 swatches I felt limited in what I could create with that item.. I think that's important to note as these types of games that offer any type of sandbox/ creating is my main type of playstyle and I find that this needs to be worked upon in the genre a lot, and I feel like Paralives has the team to do this, to make this change into a better/ more diverse game for many to feel included in! I could ramble forever but I think I have said the most important bits; always feel free to connect with me if you have any questions on what I've said, I'm usually always available :) And happy to help as I'm so excited for this game! Thank you Paralives Team <3


I don't want a perfect 1/1 view of real life, I need some of that wacky stuff!! And I desperately need some of that kawaii sh*t as options as well lmao


Something tremendously important to me is the ability to customize the clothing options available. Why should a t-shirt only be available in black, white, or yellow? What if I want purple? Or a darker purple than the one provided? What about patterns? I think being able to select a color not just from a limited set of pre-defined options and maybe even upload patterns from an image would be a HUGE deal for good-looking clothing options.


I would love if you added clothing from other decades that were trendy as well as alt like the 60s, 70s, and 80s as well as the grunge of the 90s and the scene/emo and y2k from the 00s. Goth, pastel, glam, egirl/eboy, fairy, gyaru, lolita, pretty much everything but the kitchen sink. I love having variety and just having the different aesthetics will add so much. Itd also be cool that the parafolk might have different reaction to these styles. Like maybe older parafolk would be disgusted seeing a young para wearing alternative or gyaru but another young para might get excited over it. Alternatively, an older para seeing a young one wearing clothing from the 70s could be happy and have an option to reminisce about old times. This probably should be done using optional traits and interests of course. Maybe if a para is set to like a very specific type of fashion, if they were put into a different style they would be upset and uncomfortable about it


I would love if I could layer a tank top or corset over a long sleeve. And like maybe a tank top base and I can add sleeves from cap to mid length to full length. Mostly just a color slider for each aspect of clothing. Like the sleeves, the collar, the base or the stitch and the pockets of jeans. I mostly mostly want an easy way to upload CC patterns.

Jo Landers

https://youtu.be/qJrGUeEhBOQ this video the team uploaded showcases clothing customization options already built into the game!


I'd like a few outfits from each era: frilly dresses, jackets with shoulder pads, baggy trousers etc, while also having fairly generic items like plain t-shirts, shorts, jeans etc. Maybe some over-the-top items too, but that's not as important.


Seconded for the option to disable/enable clothing, accessories, and hairstyles, and for townies to only spawn with enabled items.


It would be really cool to see punk/grunge/goth/scene clothes cuz that's a big part of my style and many others


For just starting out, I think it would be good to have a lot of versatile basics. Stuff that can be easily mixed and matched to make new outfits. (Bonus points if jackets are a separate clothing item that can be put over any shirt) That being said, a few statement pieces would also be fun. For example, a super 80s windbreaker, or a futuristic party dress. In terms of color changing, I'd love to be able to apply patterns to clothes, either as repeating, or a single time to create a decal.


I've always struggled with clothing my male characters, there's not enough variety in *other games*. I'd also love it if there was an option to customize clothing, like change colors and fabrics of the items. I think it would be nice if Paras reacted to others' clothing, like if you're wearing a swimsuit in a library you'd get asked to leave. Or you could get fired from a job if you don't adhere to the dress code. I'd love the Paras to take their shoes off once they get home! Maybe put nice slippers on to feel comfy. Also: layers! It would be great if they could put on and take off like a jacket without changing the whole outfit.


I think casual clothes should be the first priority and then once those are fleshed out, work on the different styles. While I understand this is a fantasy game, I think most people play conservatively and would want the same for their Paras especially when they're "home".

Kaitlyn Metro

Since the plan is to implement such extensive modding tools, I would prefer that the devs focus on implementing a wide variety of basics and let the modders handle historical clothing, super trendy stuff, or things that are really unique or different.

Kanchaross J.

I can feel that the town will be so alive from all the activities! For clothing, please implement some vintage-inspired fashion. Vintage fashion needs to get some LOVE. I rarely see that in any other games. Around the 1920s-1990s would be great. I think anything for the Victorian or Edwardian will be too historical for the base game. The silhouette and fit from the past were remarkable. If you need a hand, let me know and I’ll be there! And for the swatch/pattern, I would love to see both the basic colour palette and some unique patterns. Explore with the fabric texture like wool, tweed, or something around that. If you guys are ever going down the historical route, I would suggest you create the undergarments. They’re crucial for the historical costumes. I want to add something a bit more. For the modern aesthetics, I love Korean fashion the most. They're at the top of their game fashion wise. Both men and women's fashion! Thank you so much for this brainstorm topic. I’ve been waiting for this for so long. I need to get this off my chest as a vintage lover. I can’t express how much I appreciate this. If this is not going to happen, I’ll make sure I’m ready to create some cc into the game myself 😂

Lisa, Professional dumb ass

I would like some vintage clothes. Mostly 70s and 20s, but other time periods would also be fun


Because I use fashion as a form of creative self-expression in real life, being able to add some personality to my paras via their clothes is very important to me. I want to be able to create paras with unique senses of style so they look different from each other as they move through the world. I enjoy a mix of influences: retro (especially the 60s through 80s), punk, skater, boho, goth, and quirky stuff with bright colors and bold patterns. 🌈 I want my paras to have a range of body types, so size inclusivity is of great importance (various clothing items that look good on people of diverse body types in this case). For modern inspiration, Big Bud Press and Lucy & Yak both make great size-inclusive stuff that’s vibrant and fun. And finally, accessories! From funky socks, to hip eyeglasses to piercings and ring sets, accessories are where I typically like to add a bit of extra flair to a look. Being able to layer different necklaces and have more than one piercing per ear would be awesome. Clothes are one of my favorite parts of any form of character customization, so I’m excited to see how things turn out! ❤️


I would love to see some sort of in-game feature that allows one to easily disable and enable certain garments at will; so that way if I want to have an '80s themed town' I can just enable and disable clothing that fit with that theme, for both my paras and the townie paras. And going along with that, maybe even enabling some sort of custom tagging feature for individual garments? There could be the in-game tags such as "casual" and "formal" and "vintage," of course, but allowing for the individual player to create their own unique tags to sort the clothing by for their personal preference would be really neat and useful, I think! And to just tag onto a lot of other comments i'm seeing here, layering! Especially separating jackets from shirts.


I would really love to be able to customize different clothing items, just like you can customize furniture! Like, change a pair of jeans from skinny to bootcut, to capris or daisy dukes. Likewise you could change the neckline and sleeve length of different tops, go from a long sleeve v neck to a turtleneck vest. This would create endless options and versatility with just a few items.


I really like the idea of a combination of the above. I love the variety of types of clothing. What would be cool to see is the opportunity to layer or repurpose clothing. It would be amazing if paras could create their clothes etc.


I want to second this, it's a great idea to make the clothing adaptable in that way. If you're then able to adjust color and pattern, a single item could become suited to just about anything. I wouldn't mind building on that and having things like buttons or pyramid studs or appliques you could add onto items to make them even more adaptable.


I would love the option to be able to tuck my paras shirts into their bottoms and tuck their bottoms into their shoes, and if they are wearing a long sleeve shirt, to have the option to roll the sleeves up! I'd also like to see more western styles of clothing like boots, cowboy hats, button up shirts and belts! Keep up the awesome work!

Reyn Ruch

I'd like to see all of the different options, eventually. But most importantly, I'd love to see everything easier to make match with other pieces, so we have a lot of mix and match options. I really miss CAS from Sims 3 because you could do that.


I’m hoping there will be an equal amount of effort put into clothing items, and hair for masculine and feminine paras (and an equal amount of items)


It would be nice to have clothing we can customize the patterns and colors. Give us bases to work with and allow us to customize. For example, a miniskirt. Allow me to make it plaid. Allow me to make it floral. Allow me to chose my colors. This way, clothes could be any theme. They could be up to date fashion. They can be casual. They can be fantasy. Also, we could mod the game to add even more bases to work with


I'd love to have culturally diverse clothes, vintage/timeless over trendy, and the ability to mix and match out textiles/swatches.

Latricia Goodman

How about costumes or any cosplay related.


I think we need a wide-variety of fashion options. In other sim-genres it feels like the clothing options are geared towards a specific group of people. I also feel like maybe the option to adjust the length of clothing (i.e. shorts, skirts) would be awesome. That way people who like short shorts, people who prefer mid-thigh, and someone who’d rather put a knee-length pair on their Para have the option without having to compromise a style they might like.

S&M Gonzalez

Yes I was thinking the same thing I would love this, if we have worlds played in a different era, we could have a toggle that would automatically apply/reapply that style of clothing to everyone in the world based on the selection.


It would be good to have a variety of clothes that could be worn by different kinds of people e.g: I’ll fitting or dirty clothes for someone who is very poor, dated or conservative styles for the elderly etc

S&M Gonzalez

I think I’d like clothing I’d wear in réalité as well as clothing that can help me tell stories from different eras/decades. But also I think it’d be cool if we could have a section in paramaker for costumes to be in their own categories as well that can be for holidays or themed parties.

Anna Wendel

I would love it there were clothes from different times! Like different decades as 50’s, 70’s, 80’s-00’s and stuff, as well as modern clothes. It would also be cool to have clothes from like the 1800’s and even earlier 😁

S&M Gonzalez

Another idea I had is I think having a texture slider for clothing would be nice it could allow diversity in clothing options. So a shiny texture, leather texture,matte,etc. To be applied to any clothing garment to give it a different look.


Please include pressure stockings! Waist-high ones as well not just the knee high type.

Judi Dielman

I would love simple classic clothes to mix and match. Especially if you could color them and texture them in game, I would love it if this feature would be detail inclusive, like if you wanted to have a pink shirt with a white collar and pink trim on my blue jeans.

S&M Gonzalez

(Sorry this is multiple messages it keeps submitting after hitting return for a new line). But as for clothing having an effect on gameplay I think there should be trends in game that aren’t relevant to real life, so paras who are teens or kids who have friends could be wearing these new trends and be expected to wear them or feel they need them, and if they don’t wear them they can be judged by their friends as lame because they’re not staying up to date. Same can go for adults or any other age, if you wear something really dated people can begin to talk about you, or wearing a costume in public paras could gossip or point and stare like “what’s happening?”. But I think clothing based on its price/quality would add to gameplay having paras wear high end designer clothing vs thrift. Could cause paras to admire them or envy them for wearing them. Being able to borrow clothing from friends or relatives would be nice and it be greyed out until it’s returned,


I would love to be able to play around with different styles of many different time periods in history. It would be great not to be limited to modern styles.


I would love if everything had length options. A shorts could be made into a pant, but you can also chose how it sits on the waist. You could chose if a shirt is cropped or tucked in

Jessica V

I would love it if there were some historical clothes in it. But I also understand that might not be possible


I personally love the idea of having clothes from various decades in various centuries (from the late 1700s all the way to 1950s, to the 2000s etc, for example) but I understand why those wouldn't be in the game upon launch.

Gage Eakins

I very much agree that clothing should not be locked by gender. Gender fluidity would definitely give this game uniqueness over the Sims, its main competitor. It would allow players to express themselves better than other games offer. I am cis myself but I know a lot of trans and non-binary people would appreciate it.

Gage Eakins

That might be something they would want to add via mods or expansion packs. It seems like it wouldn't be a great use of resources considering the niche appeal. But it is certainly an interesting idea.

Gage Eakins

I like this idea a lot. It is a unique take vs traditional gameplay effects such as weather.

Gage Eakins

I agree it would be nice if their was an item by the door that held jackets and if you designate it, the para would pick it up before leaving. It would add some real life-like feel instead of them going to a wardrobe to put on all clothes, like in the Sims. The same could go for shoes if you paras don't wear shoes in the house.

Gage Eakins

I agree completely. 0ne thing that was always weird was the age up of Sims would result in really strange clothing choices that did not match their personality at all.


I would love to be able to customize layers, like being able to put a jacket over any shirt or a scarf or coat or whatever over any oufit. Or at least have a variety of they can be placed over


All options are good for me. I do like the option for layering but that's less of a concern for me right now. If there is weather, would like it that you could layer and that would increase warmth or comfort. As for customization options, maybe a basic color wheel and/or material changer.

Gage Eakins

To add to this, there is no real reason to restrict most clothing by age or gender. So long as the meshes are flexible, any should work. It was always annoying when something couldn't be worn in the sims because of age gating. It reflected an old way of thinking about clothing that just doesn't really pan out in the real world.

Gage Eakins

Text on clothing would be interesting but would likely require a lot of work. The text texture would need to warp as the player model moves. I am not sure how robust the engine is that they are making this in. Come to think of it, have they mentioned what engine the game is in? Many do this automatically so it wouldn't be a problem, but some do not.


I'm not sure I like needing to refuel the car. It sounds like one of those realism for the sake of realism features that's not necessarily good for gameplay. I feel like refilling the tank would just get in the way of other gameplay without adding much, but maybe cars that break down sometimes could add some fun story-telling and gameplay

Alice Green

Sorry if this is not exactly about clothes but when I read this post I just thought that it would be really fun if you could go to the salon to get your hair done, but also try at home and having to gain skills for it. So cutting your hair in the mirror is a risk but your para could watch “yt videos” to learn and gain the skill etc

Alice Green

I think clothes really should depend on the paras wealth. If the para is very poor it shouldn’t be able to have clothes that look really expensive. Maybe the clothes could be able to break after a long time and the para could learn to sew it together? Like if children are playing their jeans could rip and get grass stains?

Vicarious Human

1. What specific pieces of clothing and style would you like to see in the game? - I would love to see a "worn style" section of clothing. For para less well off/homeless, unable to keep up caring for themselves, or just aren't concerned with appearances. Like the "hand me down" pair of jeans that keep getting patched up, muddy sneakers, t-shirts/camisoles with pit stains, t-shit with mustard/ketchup stains, overalls covered in dirt/paint, tights/leggings with tears in them, "after hours" loosened tie on suit with upturned collar, button up shirt or blouse with wrong buttons fastened, shirt half tucked in, sweater with holes, scuffed pants and shirt, baby and toddler splattered food bib, dirty socks with toes sticking out, AND flannel shirts. Off topic, but messy hairstyles to go with the outfits ("drunk", "wrong side of the bed", "pigsty", wearing work tie as headband). 2. What kind of customization would you like to have for clothing? - Accessories that can be added over pre-existing outfits like scarves, vests, coresets, sweaters that tie around the neck or waist for style, jackets, and belts. 3. How should clothing affect gameplay? - A warming and cooling effect should coincide with the clothing meant for a specific season. Adult paras can react to an outfit they find stylish, strange, stunning, ridicoulous, traditional, other... For holiday costumes, a spooky, funny, enchanting, or heartwarming effect. For middle and highschoolers, wearing popular styles of clothing get a boost in popularity and attention. Middle/highschoolers who wear clothes that are "so last year" get unwanted attention without the popularity. Wear your shirt accidentally inside out in middle/highschool and live in ridicule!!!


It would be very lovely to see following: 1) As already mentioned, as flexible customisation for the clothes as the customisation is in build and buy mode - like adjusting the length of sleeves, skirts and trouser legs. If it's too complicate to code, it would be very nice to have different lengths as presets for the specific piece of clothes; it would make Paramaker more compact and thus, reduce the loading time. The same kind of tool for paintings but for shirts ("the stencil tool?") would also be very very awesome. And of course, the colour wheel for matching the clothes easier together. 2) Already mentioned also but clothes from different decades, cultures and subcultures alongside "basic options". Maybe there would be different style catecories which would make easier to prevent the game to randomize absurd clothing combinations? Besides, it might enable player to choose what kind clothing the game generates to new paras if the game ever has a story progression. + I have nothing against the latest fashion trends. However, if vast of clothing options belong to that category, the Paramaker may look outdated pretty soon. That's why, the more different kind of styles, the better. 3) Having fully layered clothing system might be too complicate to code but I wish we could "layer" a little piece of clothes like gloves, underwear, socks and stockings to the other clothed. Layerable open coats would be beyond epic but on the other hand, they might cause too much clipping issues. 4) When it comes to coats and outerwear, I hope to see same a kind of clothing system as TS4 Seasons has. Never played it by myself but it sounds nifty to have the clothing categories for different weather conditions. 3) Please, no age and gender discrimination. Male paras and youngsters need and deserve as much love as young adult females! (I'm still so glad about the fact you decided to make Charlie unisex. It will certainly reduce the time needed for creating new clothes.) 4) This is not about clothes per se but I'd like to see the tools to recategorise, tag and blacklist/hide stuff in Paramaker. Filters and searchbars would be pretty neat, too.


+ I forgot to mention "tucking system" already mentioned in the previous posts.

Gage Eakins

One thing I haven't seen mentioned here yet is clothing materials. People have mentioned that there should be different patterns but one annoying thing about the sims was the flatness of many of the clothing. Clothing made with different materials absorbs and reflects light differently. If you guys pay particular attention to that, it would go a long way to adding more variety.


Yes! That would allow people to play the game in decades/eras of their choosing and having the clothing math is essentially 50% of the struggle.


I know you are planning on making it moddable, so I'm not too concerned about specific clothing items being in the base game, since fans can always create more. I'd say focusing on basic clothing would be good. More "unique" niche styles may be better left to cc creators to save time unless that's something you guys really want to do.

Stacey Dunnachie

I'm a fan of linen dresses and knitted cardigans, a lot of handmade sort of clothing is good!

Emily Price

I've ticked 'Other' because I feel like trying to get a solid "mix" of different styles is important - having some "basics" like jeans and t-shirts (maybe looking at "wardrobe basics" guides that are designed for people in real life to get a wardrobe that has lots of potential style combos with few items), and a little bit of trendy stuff to add flavour, maybe some retro/out-of-date stuff for older Paras or Paras who like more retro trends. Also some cultural dress like hijabs and turbans as well to make it easier to represent more diverse groups in-game. I think it's important for the team to examine how they can cover the most variety within the limited scope of what will be included in release, so that there's a solid foundation to add to in future updates.


It would be nice if your starting clothes cost currency and come out of your starting funds which could play into the idea that the more money you have, the more you can spend on clothing. (Rich/poor) I would love the basics to be the focus in the beginning, like have all different types of styles and cuts to choose from rather then different types of tank tops. (for example) like instead of having several types of jeans, just one basic type plus jean shorts, skirts, jackets, etc. It would be ideal if clothing could have a color wheel similar to sims 3 CAS where you could select the different parts and change the pattern/color accordingly. I think that feminine and masculine distinctions make sense and are convenient but it would be lovely if there was a way to not have a preference for either or at least have enough options for both gendered clothing types that it wouldn't matter. I think that if someone wheres glasses they should always wear glasses and maybe there can be a distinction for those with less than ideal insight? Hope this helps thank u again!


I would love to see more Jean outfits with stylish sneakers and boots. And of course sweat suit outfits. Accessories I would love first and foremost is pocketbooks, jewelry, different piercings (nose, eyebrows, lips).


Story telling for me.. and for me that’s fantasy medieval.. besides that.. I’d probably look into mods to add animal or elven ears on my para’s, animal tails on my para’s too. Besides those.. I’d probably look for clothes I’d love to wear irl but don’t.. like gothic clothing, princess clothing.. etc etc. My partner suggests sport clothes, and gaming tops.


This might be a big ask in terms of technological limits of the game, but I would love to see some clothing items capable of being layered on top of one another (i.e jean jacket can be layered over thinner shirts or camisoles). These items could have a little icon in the clothing selection menu to indicate that they are layer-able!


The paras could get dressed in a new outfit every time they get dressed like real life. You could have 5 everyday outfits that they could randomly put on when they get dressed (unless other wise specified) and you could buy more outfits to add to the rotation at the store.


Of couse i would love every day wear, but workclothes are also importent


That’s so perfect! So 5 slots and each slot cost paramoney + have a type of cost scale for basic or fancy. Maybe the scale can have a player set option? Or tie into a fashion career.


I would like a feature to save outfits as templates that we can reuse for different paras, or as an ensemble to be sold in stores, instead of always having to pick individual items every time we make a para.


Storytelling for me but it depends one moment I’m trying to do a business setting so a lot of suits or pant suits. Or a girl who is a country bumpkin so I would like to see something like that

Fran Smith

I like these ideas! I'd like them to be integrated with personality though: while some people would definitely judge and keep up with the trends, others don't really give a damn and enjoy wearing trackie-dacks everywhere (what do you call them in the US...jumpsuits?). Also there are some personalities that refuse to wear anything twice, while others wear favourite clothes to death. There are favourite colours of course, and it's possible that clothing could have some kind of 'comfort factor' that also relates to personality - trackie-dack would have a comfort factor of say 10, while a formal dress might have a comfort factor of say 3 and needle high heals a comfort factor of 1. Some personalities would hate wearing comfort clothes (not cool, lol), while others hate wearing high heels.

Fran Smith

Although part of breaking down could also include running out of fuel, and the inconvenience of having to refuel when you're running late/leaving home earlier to refuel. Perhaps that could add to gameplay?


What if there were small updates twice a year for fashion that coincide with the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter Fashion seasons? Just a few clothing items that go with that season's trends. Maybe you can only buy them in the retail shops for that season, to encourage community activity too? Then they're available in PAM after the season is over. I would be really excited for this.

Fran Smith

I'm not really concerned about how many styles ship with the game because that'll be remedied by all the fabulous mod/CC makers anyway. I'd like to see Paralives focus mostly on customisation features. Lots of people mentioned sleeves/pants/socks/gloves: long/short/none/cuffs/puffed/flared/elastic or buttoned etc, tucked or not tucked/buttoned or zippered or open etc, clothing layering, accessories: scarfs/belts etc, and of course as already being implemented - colour wheels and patterns swatches. I'm not sure how possible all this is, but I think the more customisable everything is, the more variety and the more happy everyone will be. Is it possible that clothing shops (and perhaps other types of shops also, eg furniture) could directly open to the Steam workshop? If there's a 'shop keeper profession' in the future, could that profession open to the workshop in order to choose clothing that is for sale that week/month/season? So that that Para 'designs' what they are going to sell in the shop, and thus the player is kind of indirectly setting the current trends? That would work well for rotational play that many people enjoy, too. That would make a lot of people's requests here possible. It would enable trends: the type of things the shops are selling at any given time, eg flared pants, that month would automatically be the trend for the season. Shops would be able to choose styles and colours which would result in setting trends. Paras could come and buy them to keep up with trends (or not), which could also, if connected to the personality of that Para (whether they care about trends or not) add a LOT of gameplay, both in the designing of clothing for the store keeper, and in game play for the other Paras. Closets could be finite - only hold so many outfits, which would help keep the game database manageable and add to gameplay where a Para would have to 'throw out/sell/give away' outfits if they fill it up - garage sales, perhaps? Also, clothes could either wear out eventually (sad for Paras who love particular clothing items), or fashion freak Paras could refuse to wear something after a certain number of wears (depending upon exactly how fashion freaky they are. All this would add to gameplay. With this type of gameplay I'd be able to have, in my rotational play, fussy Paras, slob Paras, and everything in between. I'd be able to play a fashion setting Para who runs a shop, chooses and designs fashions, and sets whatever trends I wish to have in game. My fashion loving Paras could love going shopping, but also have to deal with finite wardrobes, and perhaps remember what they wore last week to avoid negative buffs from wearing the same thing two weeks in a row, lol. They could also decide they hate a particular fashion and be miserable for a week. My fashion Paras could have garage sales or sell their second hand clothing online. Or families could pass down clothing to siblings (can you imagine a fashion loving younger sister having to wear second hand?). Laundry could also play a part. If it's in the wash, you can't wear it again, so that's a problem for slob Paras who hate doing laundry when they open their wardrobe to discover it empty (well, they'd be in the PJs until the washing is done), and Paras who have particular favourite clothes (if it's still in the wash from last Friday, they can't wear it again on Monday). All these personalities could come into play, with often hilarious results...

S&M Gonzalez

Another thought I had on clothing impacting gameplay was what if certain clothing became dated in its own time period after so many in game years or based on the number of months we as players play for (which could be equivalent to years). like how in real life as time grew on from 1920s-current that’s how clothes would behave in paras live. Im not sure how to explain it well. But it’d give fashion a way to evolve in game like how it has in real life, if not this idea I’d still love to see fashion evolve for paras over time in some way, so after each generation it’d be associated with the elder paras and so on. Being able to assign different patterns to clothing garments without it affecting all garments as a whole. Another idea is wearing the wrong clothes in different social events, idk if this is possible, but say you’re at a wedding and a guest decides to wear ripped jeans and a tank top. It would cause lots of dissapproval and possible even being asked to leave. Same for working paras if they wear something other than what they’re supposed to (if this is an thing) uniform or business casual. With that being said I think it’d be nice if clothes had tags assigned to them in its coding to be identified as either accepted or rejected by paras depending on the party/event/job or place. An opacity slider for making more clothes more/less see through

Madi Crouch

Could we have like an oversized t-shirt with in-game band/video game/tv show related prints? Or the possibility to upload our own prints?


I also wouldn't mind seeing lolita clothing be added into the game for formal wear and party wear. And mood clothing options, pick a colour for your outfit based on what mood you are feeling.


All of them! I can see different Paras in the different styles listed. I think to start with clothes that we all wear is good, and as you develop more character ideas the rest of the clothes can come into play down the line. I'm not big with spending a lot of time dressing characters honestly, I like using sets.

Sabine B

I think a good in-between would be having some basics like jeans, t-shirts and simple dresses always available in the Paramaker, but Paras would have to buy more styled/fancy/specific clothes and accessories. I didn't play Sims 2 very much but I remember being annoyed that my sims only had one outfit to start.

Sabine B

I tell people if I like their clothes or hair etc as often as possible! It makes me feel good and I hope it makes them feel good, too. I especially love to compliment little kids that have clearly picked their own clothing, like tutus or rainbow-glitter shoes or dinosaur t-shirts! Help them build confidence and discover what they like wearing!

Megan Santucci

I would absolutely pay money to be able to send a Para to a black tie event in yoga pants and see DRAMA.

Sabine B

I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but I would desperately like the option to choose which clothing items are available for random townies to wear. I have way too many mods and cc items in the sims to give me some control, but an option like a checkbox or something in the paramaker would be amazing. We'd be able to disable clothing items we don't like or make sure that no paras are wearing avant-garde modern clothing in an historical town. Maybe there could also be preset options, like simple, modern, historical, or just everything?

Megan Santucci

Adding my vote for worn/stained clothes. It's hard to do a rags to riches challenge when there aren't any rags!

Roe B.

All I ask is that male and female Paras have an equal (close enough as you can get) amount of clothing for both.

Michelle Lovette

Fran smith I very much agree with you, having that tasks and then having it potentially make you late for work or to pick the kids up from school would really add to gameplay


I personally would like to see a variety of styles from different decades and eras. It depends on my story but typically I don’t follow trends and what’s in now. For example, skinny jeans were fine, and so are joggers but they’re not the main or even only type of pants I want my sims to wear. I also don’t want mainly low rise pants or mainly crop tops. I say a least styles from the 1920’s to now but also some people may want to play in a Victorian era or like it’s the wild west, or even just have paras living off the land or like they were raised in a jungle and that would be cool too. As long as there’s a variety, if not in the base game just added over time. I’ll likely to dress my paras like it’s somewhere between the 1975 and 2013 personally lol. There is one thing I loved from a wrestling video game I used to play and would love to see in Paralives. With shirts there was the ability to change the fit of some if not all shirts and to decide whether a shirt was tucked or untucked and the opacity. For the fit they had three option, loose, normal, and tight. So the same shirt could be on three different characters but not really look the same. I don’t know if something like that could be applied to pants or other clothing items like socks but it’d be something cool to have. The ability to layer clothes would also be nice, along with changing the texture or material of the clothes. With clothing I imagine gameplay to be like a para putting on a jacket or coat when it’s cold out or when they get cold. Depending on their personality and the setting they may remove clothes when they get hot or overheated. There could be an option to have to buy clothes for those who want to purchase what their paras wear but an option to simply have access to all the clothes for players just want to dress their paras up. You guys are probably already doing it but it doesn’t hurt to say, don’t be afraid to look into different eras, cultures, and styles of clothes. I kinda wish we could post photos here of different styles we’re into but my personal preferred style is 90’s era fashion, particularly the hip-hop R&B fashion during that time. But again, as long as there’s a variety of times and styles I’m okay.


Very good point! Eaxis TS3 clothes tend to look too shiny because of that.

Gage Eakins

Definitely this. For the simple reason that you may just want to edit one aspect of an outfit.

Gage Eakins

Others have said this and I agree that not only should there be a good amount of clothing for both genders but also ages. Also clothing should not be locked to a gender either. You can filter gendered clothing but it should not prevent you from using one or the other. It goes to inclusiveness.


I would like the ability to layer clothing. I never go anywhere without my vest that has a ton of pockets, and my vest will go over literally everything I wear, shirts, blouses, and dresses. I’d love to be able to do that in the game. I’m addition, it could have the added benefit of certain clothing adding a number of slots to inventory space, and can include backpacks, purses, bags, vests and jackets. I’d also really like to see long flowy bohemian and new hippy type clothing, with patterned puffy pants, long colorful skirts, scarves to go over skirts, flowy blouses and tunics. Something that just looking at it makes u think about incense lol.

Ben Gazing

Clothes that have literal layers.


So first off: I would really like to see the neighbours change their clothes over time. But if they do they shouldn't mix like flip flops and minni skirt with a skiing jacket or something. Second, I like to play several generations and with that they shouldn't all wear the same "fashion" A "story mode" could have a decades setting where some styled of clothing, but also certain technologies get "unlocked" (someone mentioned wanting to play in the 1920's and there wouldn't be a microwave of TV sets availlable) and in that way somethings could go "out of fashion" (bulky TVs, land line telefones). Those items would still be neat to have in buy mode, but maybe the get a "retro"-decoration moodlet.


I also think in the beginning of the game one should be able to select some items for the wardrobe and when you want more you need to buy them from the boutique or from the internet (or from a Telefone catalog, the old fashioned way xD)


Paras (especially younger ones) could discover their style whilst they grow older. They could feel “uncomfortable in their clothes” or wish to experiment with a new style. Their reactions whilst getting dressed could actually link to how they feel about that outfit. Also, it could link to their traits if possible. For example, if they have a gloomy trait then they might prefer to wear all black or bland clothes


I would like all of them above since it would give a variety of different paras which could show their personality as well.

Samara Stanleigh

Anything and everything is what I’m inclined towards. I would be nice to see a wide variety of styles to fit the personality of the paras. It would also be a lot of fun to see their style change as they grow up - as it does with most people irl - and also reflect the “era” they were born in


It would be nice to have different styles like - Goth, Emo, Classic, Hipster. etc.


I’d love to see more layering options with clothes if possible. The ability to select boots to be over or under certain pants, maybe some shirts with the choice to be tucked or untucked.


I'd like to be able to choose the color of each clothing piece, aside from head accessories like heads, earphones etc I'd like to be able to wear scraf or shawl in an neck clothing category in addition to neck accessories. An extra for me would be to be able to put a jacked over a shirt or wear it without but I'm not sure if that would be too much work to do this with every jacket for every shirt, sweater...


Also to choose between high waist or low cut jeans and skirts would be nice. I'd like to be able to select a belt and change its color to my liking or leave the trousers without a belt if I want. Please don't tie them to a specific piece of clothing. A nice variety of shoes is essential! not only many boots but sandals, flat and high heels, dress shoes


We need simple clothes with solid colors :)

Mirka Lintula

Awesome stuff so far, guys! Love it! Here are my thoughts on clothes: I'd like some clothes to be restricted on special occasions. Some clothes could only appear as working clothes in some professions, some clothes could only be worn in a wedding/funeral (It'd be nice to get funerals in the game, btw!), and some could be worn in costume parties etc. I know some people like to have access to all the clothes in the game all the time, but I think restricting some clothes to specific occasions make those occasions more special and unique. Clothing styles I would like to see: I'd like to see gothic, punk and rock inspired clothes! Also, cute goth loli clothes would be cool.


Not sure if it's mentioned but I'd like to see clothes that have a function! Such as a coat/jacket that can be put on over other clothes when it's cold, raincoat for rain, lighter clothing for hot weather. Of course this really only applies if there's a weather/season type system in place lol!

Giammarco Victor Venturi

You could set different tags for different clothing styles so we can choose in the options which kind of styles the townies in our town could wear.


The topic of layering came up in chat. If it can be implemented, maybe the game can use how many layers the Para has on to work out if it's warm enough for the weather, rather than a tag on an outfit?


More thoughts about layerability: completely agree with the previous comments. If ever possible, please consider the layerable system for Paramaker. If you find a solution to the clipping issues, the system will be the designers' and character creators' dream. Somebody mentioned layerable piercings, to which I'd like to suggest layerable jewellery, alongside other accessory types already mentioned, as well. You already have a great potential with the asymmetrical accessories system; it has many possibilities and benefits. Anyways, as long as any piece of jewellery and accessory come not with the clothes like necklaces tend to be in the other life simulation games, it should be fine.


I’d love retro clothes! Specifically 80’s fashion! Bold print with fun patterns!

Alice Green

Maybe the clothes should be sectioned into style groups and paras could have their style as a mini trait. So if a paras style is for example goth and they wear a super colorful girly outfit it gets uncomfortable

Alice Green

If would be fun if teenagers could have fases of style

Annemarie Leunissen

I would like some neutral clothes. Like simple jeans that never go out of style


Open dress shirt with undershirt might be good for casual attire. And probably wide soled shoes or steel toed shoes.


I think a mix of what is in style and "what I would wear in real life" would be a great aim. I would be interested to see "paper bag" shorts and oversized shirts and sweatshirts. I want to be able to think "that looks comfy" whenever in lounge wear around the house or "that way cute/cool" whenever getting ready to go out. Some unique club/festival/etc wear would be nice too!

Hoff Fondue

I mostly prefer the Sims 3 type of customization on clothes, it doesn't matter if there was only 1 jacket, it could have 900 styles, that's great for shoes as well

Vera Ohlsen

I enjoy "rags to riches" gameplay, so I would like some rags to go along with it - even just "dirty" or "worn-out" clothes would be nice, in TS it can be troublesome to find something ratty enough. Also, this might be a bit difficult to program, but it could be cool if we had an option for "put up hoodie" so the same hoodie could be either hood up/hood down. Could be minor easter egg for socially anxious paras - "hiding hood; [name] isn't feeling all this attention right now, thank goodness for hoodies!".

BonaparteBardithion .

Would love to see jackets and vests on a seperate layer from shirts. There might be some clipping issues, but the ability to mix and match would be amazing. On top of scarves and other neck accessories, I think it'd be cool to have customizable waist accessories: belts, shawls, fanny-packs, ect.


I mentioned this in my previous comment, but I'm seeing a lot of requests for "layering." If you create clothing not as whole pieces but as PARTS that can be combined to create whole pieces (necklines, sleeves, torso shape, hem shape), it would be easy to add jackets or layers without clipping by automatically altering the sleeves in jacket mode to a flat sleeve that will hide under the jacket.


It would be nice if we could design our own outfit, makeup or even hairstyle presets. – We could use them instead of starting from scratch. It would be wonderful for players who do not want to bother to much to create a consistent style for their paras. – Presets could also be used to tell the game how NPCs should look like. Presets subcategories matching traits could be created so that Paras would automatically dress according to their personality, as Alice Green said. NPCs would then dress in a more relevant way, giving them depth and allowing players to guess certain aspects of their personality. – Wouldn’t it be great if we could share these presets online, download those we find interesting or even find some randomly selected by the game displayed on mannequins in various shops in town ?


Very clever idea! Sorry for not seeing your comment if you posted it under this thread. I would absolutely like to try this kind of system. In addition, having clothes as as parts would allow to choose, let's say, the length of the sleeves to the same shirt much more easier. Oh noes, I already got too hyped about this. ♡-♡


My first comment may have disappeared (I included a link, like a noob, and don't see it on the comments section of my profile), so let me give a quick overview of the ideas I had. 1. Clothes tagging system. Paras can be restricted to tagged clothes individually, by town, by zone (multiple lots, think neighborhood), and/or by lot. Zones would allow themed areas where spawned Paras match the aesthetic. Example: a town restricted to "fantasy" but with an "elf" zone and a "peasant" zone. This would be fairly easy to do, according to my programmer husband. 2. Color swatches. These can also be tagged. Earth tones might have a "boho" and "peasant" tag, for example. Red/white/black might have "rockstar" and "romance gothic" tags. Black/yellow might have "rockstar" and "bees." Players could make their own custom swatches, and it would effectively eliminate clashing. 3. Savable/sharable outfits. These can be tagged and also have specific or tagged color swatches applied to them. These would automatically spawn on townie Paras who have the same tag, or they can spawn in clothing shops. (Shops dedicated to one vibe of clothing could be restricted by tags.) I'd also love to be able to share just the outfit configurations with other players. I ADORE making lots of outfit options, but I've never had an easy way to save and share them. 4. Colors & patterns. You have a color wheel for hair, so I assume you plan to do that for clothes, also. I'd very much like for players to be able to download a pattern image and apply it to clothing items. This would greatly reduce the need for specific recolors (in S4, if you want the same pattern on a different item of clothing, you have to download a separate recolor, increasing the number of custom downloaded files; also, most recolors I download have multiple recolors but only ONE that I actually wanted, bloating my downloads folder). It would let people indulge in very specific themed clothing without waiting for someone else to create it. (This would allow for patterns or logos and might ultimately be a good way to handle custom tattoos.) 5. Clothing in parts. (Mentioned in my previous comment above: variable necklines, sleeves, pants lengths, waist height, etc.) Pros include: fewer clothing meshes to create long-term, functionality for layers, huge flexibility for players, smaller game download size, and ultimately less work coming up with fresh new clothing ideas on your end. Cons include: it wouldn't be as easy to implement as whole meshes. (Hubby says this idea would be pretty difficult to implement, but I think the effort would ultimately be worth it b/c it would reduce the end file size of the game and give players a desirable amount of flexibility.)


There are some pretty cool suggestions above, like the pattern/color swatching, being able to have a sleeveless, long sleeve, short/long pants option, etc, but one I would really like to put attention on is Plus Sized clothing. I love getting those kind of customization options! With a lot of sim-like games, if you have a bigger-sized sim, the texture layer gets so stretched and out of form that it just looks weird, which can be very frustrating if you have a bigger sim. So whether that is a separate template for bigger clothing items, or just that it is painted better for fatter models would be really nice. I would love to see some more plus-sized friendly fitting and texture mapping, for sure! Also, it would be cool if you could be a stylist for other NPC sims, too. Or hire a stylist who would send you weekly outfits or something to see combinations you wouldn't normally put on your para!


I picked "Other" because I would like the ability to customize clothing in the Para creation mode and have some included clothing that can work as base designs for new custom designs. I would personally love it if I could design my Paras's clothes on a regular basis in addition to building.


I’m sure it’s difficult, but i think that being able to layer different shirts, coats, etc, would allow for even a smaller amount of clothing at launch to go far and leave room for a lot of creativity.


I’m not sure if this would be too difficult, but I would like to suggest to have the option to make any of the clothing cropped, wider, longer, more tight fitting, etc(maybe dragging the clothes up/down for length, left/right for width, sideways for tightness/loose fitting). I also like the suggestions of layering and color swatches.


Love this idea!! Like even having a short sleeve shirt and if you want to make it a long sleeve then you can stretch the sleeve down the arm and vice versa or the length of the shirt and dragging it up or down the torso to make it a crop top or almost dress like


Two things are important to me here: 1a) Covering the basics. You can always add more and more fun cool stuff later but it's really annoying to me if the basics aren't there from the start. I'm talking t-shirt and jeans, sure, but I'm also talking about sort of basics that are so simple and yet if they are missing then it becomes really aparent. It's annoying to have to wait around for a singlet for example. I've had plenty of expiriences of "oh finally, a shoe for women that isn't heels" and "oh finally, earrings that aren't enormous" or "oh finally, long hair for men" or whatever it is that's evidently been missing. I'm less worried about "oh cool, this new shirt is so detailed and artistic and cute" because that's niche - I'm more worried (in the beginning anyway) about "why are there four different lacey blouses but no plain t-shirt??" 1b) Popular styles - covering the basics here too. It's hard to make, for example, a goth/emo character when you don't have the basics for it. It doesn't need (yet) to be a vast collection of clothing and accessories for a broad diversity of dark styles such that no two will look the same... it just needs to be something like "oh, I'm making a sorta goth character. T-shirt with a skull, spikey bracelet, etc." I really appreciate having the basics to throw together a (slightly overt and cliche) example of what I'm trying to represent; at least in the beginning. It means going from 'basics' to later on 'more advanced' clothes, rather than going from 'nothing' to 'oh finally a t-shirt with a skull on it'. Some examples of styles I'm looking for: goth, emo, punk, hippy, geek, barbie, various retro decades, cowboy, academic, biker, slob, diva, etc. (Also a side note that dirty, ratty, worn out, damaged, repaired, re-re-re-repaired, stained, poorly made, home made, teen-edited, ugly-but-comfy, pre-loved, etc. clothing [and furniture and build items] are often overlooked when they are so so excellent for so many reasons. Please include.) 2) One of the main attractions of Paralives which maximises creativity and minimises the necessity for 50-billion different assets is the ability to edit items (meaning a basic square window can be as many different sizes of square/rectangle window as we want) and I think it would be a missed opportunity if the same weren't applied to clothing (and hair and makeup and such). Changing colour and texture of clothes, yes. Putting images on t-shirts (like with the picture frames), yes. But being able to change the shape and size of items would really add that extra level. Short sleeve shirt becomes long sleeve shirt - don't need two different shirts now AND we can also create 'medium sleeve shirt' yayy. Ankle socks become knee high socks; round-neck shirt becomes v-neck shirt. Choose between laces, velcro, buckles, buttons or zips on things. Put a jacket ontop of any shirt you want, or leave a bare chest underneath, whatever. I don't know what's possible or even feasable but I strongly feel this is such a good space saver + creativity enabler, already implimented in other parts of the game, it would make sense here too.

Andrea Digney

I want the ability to ban the game from randomly giving certain clothes to townie parafolk so if I make a para based on a specific character from a book and download a special outfit for them it wouldn't then be spawned on randos forever. also agree with the comments before about layering, and the ones about having clothing tags and being able to restrict certain clothes on an individual save file or even an individual area in town so you could have themed games. And colour swatches, there are so many outfits in the Sims games that don't come in the colours I want them in. Also most if not all clothes should be availible for all genders of parafolk.

Fallon Fay

I would love an option to tuck/untuck shirts! There's a good handful of tops in the sims that i would love to be able to tuck in, but YANNO


Striped polos? They're in style, fit the aesthetic well, & the designs are relatively simple to make. Also platform shoes. I'm not sure how clothes could affect gameplay. But maybe people new to heels can stumble. And Heels would be like a mini Skill?


I just want the ability to be emo🤞


Now, clothes are more complicated topic for me. I think that there should be a decent amount of plain and simple clothing in no weird shapes, without unnecessary details and without random holes


It would be really cool to see a few different themes/styles for the clothing. For example: "sporty" "formal" "emo/rock" "playful" "simple" "Lolita" etc. Maybe even in game brands or stores associated with each style? If clothes where tagged in game with these themes you could also have traits that impact a characters clothes preference or vise versa. I admit I dont know coding very well and this may be way to much work. ^////^ I played a lot of Style savvy on DS growing up, and Love Nikki as well, so clothing in games is something I get excited about.


Yes! I 100% agree! Having, say, 15-20 tops to choose from that are customizable from neck shape to sleeve length to fabric would go *so* much further than having 100 tops to choose from and only being able to change their color/pattern. Fewer assets would be less overwhelming to sift through and would be less taxing on CPUs.


I'd love if we were able to chose what type of clothing(etc) the npcs would have in each town/gameplay in global settings or something- for example, if I'm playing a medieval round or 1700s theme, I dont want the random townies walking around with their phones dressed like theyre going to raves. *cough sims 4 cough*


I would love to see some of the body customization transfer over to clothes; can make the skirt of a dress really long or shorter, can adjust sleeve length, etc. Layer would be amazing to have! Adding a light jacket or a fashion scarf to an outfit would be a fun addition :D


I love the idea of limiting certain clothes for specific areas in town, so different neighborhoods (posh, alternative, suburban etc) would spawn appropriately dressed paras!

Bethy Grace

I'd really like layer-able clothing - the ability to add a dressing gown or robe to PJ's or underwear, a jacket to add when it's colder outside. I know in The Sims we've always kind of had the "outerwear" clothing category for weather, but I'd like it if the clothes could just be layered to increase the Para's warmth stat, if that makes sense? On that note - a temperature stat would be cool, and if the clothes all have a temperature stat that works in with the system. Also, I'm sure this has been discussed but it would be great to have a "wardrobe" like we did in TS2 - the clothes the paras own all appear in there and we can dress them from their wardrobe. As to specific styles, I think a good coverage of the basics is best for the base game. DLC's, Modders and CC creators will be able to add to the collection as the game progresses! So I'd say a nice collection of T-Shirts, tank tops, hoodies, jackets, pants, jeans, skirts, dresses. I also love the idea others have had for draggable clothing, or like, if we could select a "shirt" and then make the sleeves long, short or no sleeve... if you select Jeans and then you can select like "full, ankle, 3/4, knee-length, short, short short" or something along those lines... that would be COOL.


I would like to see a nice collection of athleisure wear similar to lululemon. I think it’d be a great nod to the team’s Canadian roots. Also, it’s just what the post-COVID world looks like.

S&M Gonzalez

Not sure if this could be possible but Clothing having nan in,pact on personality, by that I mean paras wanting to dress a certain way. Maybe they want to dress edgy, more chic, preppy, etc. Another idea is clothing giving them the desire to learn more about fashion which could be a skill and it would help them appear or be noticed as more fashionable, if you help dress others it’s increases their style. Paras asking other paras advice on what color they should wear and also paras asking each other if they like their outfits and being able to compliment each other’s outfits

Constance Guin

I honestly don't know which one to choose because I'd like to see a mix of everything 🤔 I'd like to also see a lot of diversity in the clothes/shoes/accessories area, representation of different cultures in the hair, maybe hats and different hair/face accessories (eg: bindies, head scarfs etc.). I'd like to see fashionable pieces but also very casual attires, jeans of different sorts (high cut, low cut, mom jeans, boyfriends, boot cut etc.) Maybe representation of different communities? Like LGBTQA+, vegetarianism/veganism, some eco responsible pieces (for my eco responsible paras *-*)... Representation of different styles too! Goth, punk, Boho, sportswear, kawaii, casual. I love the idea of being able to change the pattern/logo on a plain t-shirt (as an accessory maybe?). It would be a nice and easy way to customize and personalise some clothes. I'd like to see accessories like tees you wrap around your waist, chains etc. I'd like to see so much stuff, I think I'm just gonna stop here haha but yeah, here are some of my ideas :)


I've been thinking about the clothes affecting the gameplay during past days. There have been suggestions about dress codes and preferences affected by para's personality in the previous comments. They're very interesting ideas but when it comes to the game's inclusive vision, these kind of aspects should be made carefully if being featured in the final version. The clohes are symbolic and for that reason, have variable meanings which are tied to the historical and cultural contexts. For example, the idea of revealing/rebellous/suitable/fashionable clothing, depends on the norms shared of the specific culture(s) in the certain historical era(s). Showing bodyparts like ankles, shoulders or bosom are the classical example which pretty well shows the differences. On the other hand, colours have very different symbolic meanings in the cultures. White is the classical example about it. In Christianity and Islam (maybe in Judaism also?), it's traditionally associated with the purity whereas in the India and Japan, it's shares connotations to the deities, purity AND death. Black is another interesting example. In the western countries, it's usually accosiated with death and sorrow but in Islamic countries, it symbols modesty (but it can be used in the funereals, too). In Japan instead, it's the masculine colour which men use in the traditional Shinto wedding ceremony. (And of course, belonging to the culture X doesn't mean the individual Y automatically shares X's norms and ways so think.) Because of these examples, I'd like suggest to think of the clothing system very carefully. Inspired by these thoughts, I'd like suggest following. Since the house rules are already confirmed feature, I'd like to see neighbourhood "rules/norms/you-name-it", too. In this system, the player could adjust the settings for the each neighbourhood. It could ne adjusted what kind of clothing style(s) is normative; like the norms for the specific occassion, the public space, gender, age, class, group (attributes specified by the player) etc. I think the fashion trends may also fall into this category, and of course, they are freely adjusted, too. However, the norms should be completely optional for those who prefer not have them. Besides, there should be option for both multiple choices/norms and "liberal norms". Alongside this, it would be really nice extra to have the freedom to adjust what kind of style(s) is considered rebellous and unconventional. When it comes to invidual paras instead, their personality could affect their interest in obeying or objecting these norms. This is the very huge system which may need complex coding. For that reason, it's completely fine to leave for future updates if anybody sees potential in it. I just shared this because it was to fun to think of the possibilities from the sandbox' and inclusivity's point of view.


I don't have particularly strong feelings about the type of clothing that should be available. But I'd really love clothes shopping and changing outfits to be part of a para's routine/activities. I'd also really like it if it would be possible to indicate types of clothing that para's should wear on a particular lot. For instance "swimsuit, casual" types on a pool lot or "formal" in a high class restaurant. It wouldn't have to be required but maybe strongly weighted for them to change to that type on that lot. In fact if it were weighting different types/tags rather than forbidding them, there could be a lot of option for customization. I don't know if that would be particularly difficult to implement though.


I really want to see a different multiple clothes layers, This could not only make designing more fun, but could also nicely affect gameplay. For example, casual clothes would adapt depending on the weather - you pick in PAM everything including jacket, but para would only wear this jacket if there's cold outside - or para could possibly strip down to underwear before sleep. Our paras would be able to take off each different layer - also belts should be independent part of PAM, so this would count as layer too.


I would love to see an option for clothing “fit”, such as slim, super skinny, over sized, baggy etc for jeans and tops. I’d die for some cute cropped variants too. I could simply picture how intuitive it would be to use the same t-shirt or jeans in multiple different fits. Hell, think of the gameplay for an angsty teen cutting up their jeans to make them into a different fit, such as ripped / shorts. Or even cutting up an old t-shirt they stole from their ex-boyfriend into a cropped fit. Ahhhh


Punk/Goth (what i wear normally) but i think it would be an awesome idea to add clothing styles from other cultures as well!

Vicarious Human

When playing other life sim games I’ve had a problem with lacking “cooking outfit” category. If I want dad to host a BBQ party I need to manually change his “every day” attire that he will continue to wear indefinitely unless I intervene again. For paras (all para) with high interest around cooking it would be very helpful to have a “cooking outfit” that they automatically change into with a period of two in-game hours (or whatever) of cool down so they still have time to do something in-between like talking to a friend, watch a tv show, spend time with the kids before choosing to do more cooking. Hopefully the outfit swapping won’t be so spastic.


Bonjour, Je pense que pour les vêtements, il faut qu'ils respectent la personnalité du para, on pourrait rajouter un sentiment de préférence ou de goût : je me sens bien dans ce vêtement, ou, au contraire, je ne l'aime pas ! Et aussi en fonction du temps qu'il fait, qu'il puisse enlever sa veste ou son manteau à l'intérieur ou s'il fait trop chaud dehors. Dans le paramaker, mettre une option "ajouter une veste" ou "ajouter un gilet". Pour le travail, peut-être une option "ajouter une cravate" ? Merci beaucoup pour tout ce superbe travail que vous faîtes, toute l'équipe !!!


I like to wear oversized band tees, but other simulation games have mostly fitted tees for feminine frames. Most adult tees don't stop at or right above the belt line. That would be too impractical IRL.


I would love if there were a few clothing items (e.g. a shirt/hoodie) with a “canvas-like” feature that lets us upload photos, like for the pictures and cushions. Basically something like the printable shirts we have irl :) that way players could easily create shirts with their favourite bands/movies/pets etc without having to download custom content


specific styles:I would like to see historical clothing too in the game like edwardian and regency era at least for my storytelling purposes,and also 60,70,80,90 clothing. customization things: it would be nice if we could customize the length of the dresses,and customize the height of the high heels.how they could affect to gameplay: no running in too high high heels,your para would accidentally trip over/fall sometimes if their shoelaces are open or they are wearing a really long/floor length dress or too high heels.this could also happen when they are dancing . :)


I would love the option to tuck or untuck shirts in skirts or trousers! For button-downs, maybe some customisation options for rolled up sleeves, or for wearing the shirt open or closed? As people mentioned already, layering would be awesome! It would be great if the game could include options for attire worn in various cultures and religions. To name one example, multiple styles and colour options for head scarfs and hijabs.


Alternative clothes! Goth, E-girl, Grunge etc.


Vintage options! true Vintage, i.e. 1910s-1960s, Not the 70s-80s only lol


I'd love to see some Lolita fashion or at least flowing type skirts, like circle skirts. It seems like pencil skirts and other tight-fit skirts are the only ones that ever get a decent model. I want something that a petticoat would fit under!


I would love to be able to limit the entire town with this option, like have a little check mark for only 20s clothes, etc, so that I don't have NPCs messing up my period piece. Would understand if that's currently too advanced, though; it'd be a lot of clothes. 😅


I don't know if it's possible, but would it be a good idea to have a small and simple length setting as we chose our clothes ? Like for objects per example : Let's say a sock, we could slightly determine with a slider, if we want a socket (right under the ankle) or a normal length sock, or a soccer sock, or even a knee-high sock ? It would be the same principle with a pair of jeans - it could be very short shorts, of "above-the-knees" shorts, or a 3/4 pants, or ankle size. ETC... Just putting it out here :). Anyhow, I'd rather we have normal "nowadays" clothing in the initial release, and eventually have themed clothing added with expansions or mods. I know it would suck for people who want to do themed worlds, but that way you can actually focus on giving us a good quality initial release, instead of trying to do too much and it ending having flaws. People will 100% be patient enough for the next contents to come, as long as the initial release of the game is worth the price, complete and with good quality content. PS: WE-LOVE-YOU. Y'all take care in mtl with this stupid virus <3


I feel like this is something that's probably going to happen anyway, but I'd love if there was a tag system for clothes. Maybe even a way for us to add custom tags.


I would love to see cardigans and sweaters with interesting textures, also a layers function? And if it’s possible a tuck and untucked option for shirts? I would also not say no to a tailor’s shop or something of the sorts, maybe where players can get creative? I love whats been happening so far!!!


clothes from a range of subcultures would be great and I’d LOVE to see some vintage clothing, centered around specific decades so that it’s cohesive!

Jaxon Mia Escontrias

we love everything from 60’s fashion to today’s fashion, and some of us care for a little victorian era, 70’s, 90’s and some of those are similar, just something fashionable you know?


Trends are hard to keep up with nowadays, I think timeless clothing that always falls in and out of style would be great:)


I don’t care what type of clothes are including, but a layering feature would be amazing!

Christina Renna

I just want some good variety for my preppy, goth, and generic parafolk. Also, the ability to layer on jackets/hoodies/cardigans is something I've been wanting for a LONG time!

Cookielllama :p

I'd like clothes like boots or pullovers to be too hot in summer and shorts or shirts to be too cold in winter. Jackets and shoes could be items that paras only put on when they're leaving the house. I mean who wears their winter jacket/outfit all day long and then comes home to change into their shorts and shirt just because their inside now. Also Paras that love winter/summer could not feel cold/hot as fast as others if they don't wear warm jackets or shorts


I'd like the fashion to be everyday basic but with lots of accessories. Belts, jewelry, piercings, glasses, hair accessories, purses, stockings. Layering like many already mentioned, being able to wear a skirt+legging for example. Being able to tuck and untuck too would be great. Oh and also, I'd like the option to be able to save accessory styles so I don't have to reselect everything again individually. For example, if the para has 3 piercings in both ears, I don't want to have to reselect each one of them again from scratch from one outfit to another, but still be able to add a watch or change up the necklace


On the same note as some of the comments, I think it would be delightful the be able to have a variety of pieces that ranged from many eras. It would be swell if if you could also have the option to choose by decade. I like to mix, match and layer, a few articles of clothing from different decades and genres of social scenes and cultures. The option to have different styles from past and present, especially an iconic style would be phenomenal!

Alex Agustin

I think I might bring a different perspective from most of the other comments so I hope this is helpful, though I understand it's likey not the majority opinion: I don't really care what they wear, I just want it to matter to gameplay. Like, clothes getting worn out, clothes that don't fit as the Para changes body states, trends/fads that Paras may feel compelled to confirm to (or not!) based on their age and personality. I'd like the appearance of the Para to mean more to the game than just them looking how I'd like them to look. I imagine teens feeling embarrassed or frustrated by their wardrobe and wanting a change, a Para needing to buy new clothes that fit due to a size change, a Para really excited about clothing they like, or embarrassed by clothing they don't. I think clothing/hair styling can have a lot of impact on the story and I'd like it much better that way. As many of us have already said, a distinction between permanent/semi permanent things, like piercings and glasses, would be awesome so that these things can span across outfits. I'd also really like wedding rings to be automatically applied to all outfits when married, or at least be given the option to apply the ring to all the outfits quickly.


It would be great if in the clothing stores, depending on the day, there could be different types of current fashion, such as Korean fashion, Japanese fashion...

NaJa Jackson

I think an important thing to remember is that clothing is interdependent on cultures (and subcultures!) represented in the game. To say that a particular culture is in the game requires not just the item itself to be included but also uses (and contexts of uses) of said item. Clothing is tied to gameplay, both in representation and in implementation. For example: in black culture, the hair scarf is key. There are many variants (silk scarf, hair bonnet, durag, etc.), and it is used to help laid down the hair and keep it neat and fresh. Having this be an option for not just sleepwear (that thereby effects gameplay by hair maintenance and possibly effecting the quality of sleep itself) but also for quick errands; for transportation to school/work; and other situations.


In relation to gameplay, I believe that aspects such as weather should affect clothing, or even particular events that occur. Weather-wise, if it is too cold, then the characters could be inclined to add extra layers (I believe a layering mechanic for clothing would be amazing here), and events-wise, maybe what you wear on a date will affect attraction, or if you're at a party and you wear something inappropriate, it could affect how others perceive you for example.

Amelia Holt

I think there should be a limited wardrobe upon creating a new game, and the ability to buy/unlock new clothes as you progress in the game. Much more realistic, gives clothing boutiques a purpose and adds another goal to work towards.

S&M Gonzalez

Another idea on clothings impact on gameplay: What if we could pick which clothing styles,colors,and patterns are in style/trending for the world currently per its annual calendar year, or this could be done randomly generated by the game. Then clothing from the “decades (or years)” passed would contribute to the game worlds history. There could be a world history panel where we can see how the world changed over time with it’s fashion etc. Another idea I think would be cool is if we could give hand me downs from relatives, like if youre in a different world some clothing will not be available to your specific world, unless you visit there and buy those items or they're given to you as a gift from another para. There wouldn't be a limit to the amount of clothing you can be gifted either. Being able to have separate clothing obstained for each para instead of it being shared. So if one paras has shoes in a household everyone wouldnt have those same shoes. Also if we don't want clothing in our wadrobe anymore I think there should be a way to have the ability to delete or sell clothing items, if its a vintage or luxury item maybe it can cost more vs a modern item. That way we can get rid of items we dont want in our paras personal wadrobe to be seen for them personally.


I think first, we should have to buy clothes, and there would de an option in the morning, to choose ypur clothes, or just an outfiti you already made. It would be really nice it we could stack on clothes like in real life, in order to choose what you're wearing under your open shirt or sweater. I don't know if it would look good, but choosing the colors like in sims 3 would be really great !


Mayor movement in some sort of clothes just for Fashion shows, or concerts *-*


As long as I get some good goth styles, I'm happy

Liesel Strick

At first I want to thank you for the great work you are doing. I really miss clothings for all body sizes which still look good and not just over stretched when a para with wears the shirt which was originally designed for skinny paras. So I think it has more something to do with the design. But in the end I like clothing which fit to the gameplay (summer - shorts otherwise overheat, winter - jacket or you become sick or freeze) and I would wear as well.


Along with basic clothing, I would love to see all different type of styles to emphasize Paras' personalities. I really love to have a lot of options in retro clothing, particularly from the 50's to the 90's era that would include options like rock/indie-style with tee-shirts with music-prints on them, rockabilly clothes, western/americana clothes with shirts, cool jeans, boots and fringes, bohemian/hippie/swingin' sixties, grunge, etc. But also styles like hip-hop, romantic french fashion, goth, metal, futuristic and minimalistic, slack/relaxed... That's a lot, but very often, a pair of black jeans is perfect for many different styles, and the checked shirt is perhaps suitable for both the "cowboy", lumberjack, rockabilly, grunge and more relaxed fashion-style. Sometimes it's all about tweaking the colors and how you mix it with the rest of the outfit.


I think customization is key, as in building and character creation.


In real life, I try to match colors. So, the ability to adjust colors is key to the gaming experience for me. I have a lot of clothes in real life. I find it's important to offer various ways of organization. So, I can more easily find the ones that I'm looking for. For example, by color, by seasons, by types, by style, by occassion etc.


I would love to see Korean fashion and kpop inspired clothing


A mixture of high end fashion and day to day casual wear that would let me dress my para from the field at the farm to the red carpet.

Samari Prime

Like Cosmic Dancer said clothes from different historical eras would be amazing! Especially bohemian/hippie clothes. Even alternative style clothes! Relaxed everyday clothes. There is a lot of styles🤔


I need a range of different styles for different Parafolk. The trendy Para, the rich Para, the Poor Para, the Slobby Para, the artsy Para etc. I have faith in the color wheel making the styles feel more unique as well :)


I think many everyday clothing and maybe a few pieces that are a bit more themed (posh, goth, punk, bohemian, country/cottage, for example). I'd prefer the game to focus on flexibility, mix and matchable items than unique stuff. I'd prefer more casual and timeless pieces and outfits than fashionable stuff, because the latter changes all the time and would make the game feel dated really quickly.


I would like to see cute animal onesies and also Carnaval/Halloween costumes.


As a woman, I head straight for the man section of any store I go to. I just love the fit, everything is so comfy. I usually wear a big ole sweatshirt and some "swishy pants" or sweat pants. I'd love it if there were plenty of comfy clothing options like this for all paras.


Also baggy jeans are lovely.


I think there should be gender neutral clothes if you plan to expand on the gender identification for people with, they/them, she/they, he/they, and many more pronouns that I don't know, something like that might make people with different pronouns to us more validated and accepted, love the work you're doing, have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening/night


Please I hope there will be alternative fashion and not just e-girl/y2k but a lot more variety🙏 (I wear clothes like a combination of scene and punk so more variety would be nice)


I don’t know how easy it would be to implement etc but having a sewing skill to slightly tweak clothings fit? Or like alter the hem or something would allow variation. When I think unique I think couture so like max level design and sewing could mean you can make handmade clothing that’s exclusive/ something to work towards and unlock etc

Linnea Bärzén

A wide varitey of styles. For example: Hippie, punk, sporty, preppy, lolita etc.