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Recently, Léa has been working on different sliders that players will be able to use in Paralives to change the shape and size of different body parts. Normally, the game only allows you to edit the size within a specific range. But what if a modder changes these limits? Let's see what kind of superheroes or Super Para Léa was able to create by modding the game! This post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it!

Para 1: Good Ears

Para 2: Epic Arms

Para 3: Tall Neck

Para 4: Strong Shoulders

Para 5: Big Brain

Para 6: Great Feet

Warning to future modders: some animations could break or there could be clipping if the limits of the body part sliders are changed too much so it will be good to test the results in-game.


If you'd like, please vote in the poll below to tell us which one of the showcased Para you would like to be in real life. You can also tell us why in the comments!





you guys are awesome


Now when the game comes out Ill have to figure out how to make BobbleHead mode mod.


I’d want big feet so I can run from all my responsibilities faster🤣


this excites me because it means I can play around with some fantasy race proportions like the gangly elves of FFXIV or DOS2


These all look so funny :) I can just see a "breed put the ugly" challenge becoming a thing in paralives! I like big brain because it looks like a bobble head.


I love big arms. My inner orangutan can be satisfied

Lisa Sarver

Alien Eyes & Elf Ears were always fun too


Big brain bc I already have a big ass forehead 😂


I like the tall neck b/c it adds an additional way to make your para taller


Will you add ability to make different ear shapes? I would love to have ability to make pointy elf like ears! 😁


Big brain. Not for the brain, but just to look like a bobble head hehe


Epic arms reminds me of DK mode from GoldenEye


Big brain reminds me of ratchet and clank secrets 😂


Strong shoulders. I want MASSIVE shoulders 😳


Whew, this is nightmare fuel. Haha


I don't like none of them

Heaven Moore

The good ears remind me of like fairyish creatures 😂


I'd like realistic propositions pls 😂


Big brain to think BIGGER hahahh

Nicole Penny

Epic arms for sure, think of the reach you'd have!


If you are gonna go super it's through mind , abilities and knowledge


Pretty sure Para 3: Tall Neck is just a haunted version of Efteling's Langnek


This is dumb, I love it


Maybe one of these could be a secret NPC - acting as an imaginary friend for a child para or appearing if one of your paras has a mental breakdown. That way it doesn’t MATTER if they don’t look realistic…they’re not real and just in the paras’ heads :)

Andrew Montgomery

I already am the great feet one - my giant size 14 UK feet are practically clown feet.

Maiden Minnesota

I would never do any of these, but I'd never deny another player the opportunity to do whatever they want. I don't play with vampires or mermaids in The Sims, but that doesn't mean other people shouldn't be able to. (BTW: These were hilarious!)

Mirka Lintula

I'd like super arms so I could grab all my kids (4!) in to one giant gorilla hug together!


Epic Arms allows for Sasquatch like hugs!


I want long arms to use them as 2 extra legs haha

Celena Colegrove

Epic arms because I'm short, so I could at least reach things a lot easier haha


Big brainnnnnn

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Can't wait to see more character customization! And arms totally. I could reach tall things and wear the weird avant garde jackets with sleeves that are too long


Quality content


If you can make the ears pointy as well I would definitely love them. They would look more like fairy ears or elve ears and I would absolutely love to make fairies and elves, even though super natural is not planned for the release of the game, but with such ears you can at least imagine that the Para might have had fairy blood in them. But I think pre-defined or random NPCs should have "normal" proportions.


Big brain would be amusing bit I wouldn't necessarily opt for this personally. For those who would like this, it's a great idea


Who doesn't wanna be Candace Flynn?

Makayla Boyko

I think having the ear and neck mod would be fun for some people. I was specifically thinking of those that wanted to make animal/human hybrids or even try and make a fursona.


Damn why so many voting none? Have a little fun with this!~ I like big ears, makes 'em looks like a mouse :3c

BonaparteBardithion .

Pretty sure epic feet qualifies me to wield a keyblade.


No, dont you guys get it?! If great feet is in the game, then it could be Big Foot! (Or Big Feet in this case) 🤭


I’m surprised people said “none” that’s a huge wet blanket answer lmao I LOVE the strong shoulders that’s too funny


Having to only choose one, I chose the ability to change neck proportions. People IRL may have long slender necks, short squatty necks, no necks, etc., which adds to their overall unique appearance. I would also like the thickness of necks to be adjustable, too. In addition, I'm hoping we will be able to adjust our Para's whole body proportions and features at will from the creation of their bodies, facial features (especially aging levels) etc., throughout their Para in-game lives and without having to resort to cheats. IRL, people's body proportions change from time to time for many reasons, i.e., weight gain or loss, phases of high active to being sedentary. Even women in pregnancy have different shaped bellies, while some hardly show others 'boom' right out front from the start, and some carry high, others low, (etc.). It would be nice to have more control over the 'uniqueness' of Para bodies overall, head to toe, from the start to end of their Para lives. Also, I'm hoping active Para Seniors do not keel over and die just because they go for a run or use exercise equipment. IRL, there are some very active Seniors who are healthier and stronger than people half their age, and they do not suddenly hunch over and grab their backs because they are still strong and healthy and stand straight. There are also Seniors who may be 70 or older but look years younger, so it would be nice to have control over the 'wrinkle' factor. As people we do not come from the same 'mold' and I'm hoping our Paras will not be 'lock set' to any one stereotype look or range of body motion. Food for thought! I may be dreaming out loud, but I believe the Paralives team is creating a game in which we will have much more freedom in creating unique Paras and I'm excited by that prospect, the team, and us!!


I've already got radar dishes for ears IRL. :-P

Jennifer Huber

One thing that I hate about the sims that I would like to see with our Parafolk is neck length. Sometimes the Sims random character generator makes the necks abnormally long, at least in my opinion. So it would be good to be able to make the neck shorter or longer, not just wider or thinner. That would be my preference

Maxayn Henderson

Big brain and big ears....I can be brain from pinky and the brain....taking over the 🌎!!!!


If I had great feet, I'd match my clownish personality 💀


I voted for the feet so I can stomp around town but now I’m thinking about the hassle of finding shoes 🤔


Good Ears: Disney infiltration, part 1. Epic Arms: Reverse evolution. Reject humanity, return to monke. Tall Neck: If Paras could just randomly extend their necks to exert dominance, that would be the best thing ever. *My vote goes here* Strong Shoulders: She could put lumberjacks out of business by just punching trees out of their roots. Big Brain: Congrats, she's the newest Bratz member. Great Feet: Usain Bolt is like a tortoise compared to her.


Hahaha I am not surprised with the result. Sided with the majority here!!

Kieran Wade

Lmao this was great 😂👍

Rose Klein

I strive to assert dominance with my strong shoulders!

John Bergstrom

Who wouldn’t want Epic Arms??


What I really want to see is a pair of elfish ears!


What I see with this - and I LOVE it: You can change certain bones, which would make it possible to even further costumize paras. Some people have long arms. Some people have an avarage torso but short legs. Some have a bigger head compared to the rest of their body. I JUST LOVE IT.


I would use those feet to be an irl Bratz Doll 😍


Great feet so I can make hobbits!!


Arm Day! I know it's tough to deform meshes enough where animations will work without a mega sophisticated IK system, but do your best! If the system is robust enough - all that remains is at least clear work but for someone else. That's enough!


Dang i want it all lolol


Because they're irregular 😌


I like the feet cause it reminds me of Peggy Hill from King of the Hill.


I like the neck length lol


Epic arms simply because I am short and would like to reach things lol


I think it'd be really cool if we mod paras beyond the normal bounds (huge ears, blue skin, etc) that other paras could notice and pay extra attention or have unusual reactions to them. Maybe there could an option during para creation to tick a box marking the type of look, say if we try to create a monster para we can mark "scary" or if we make our ideal beauty we can mark "beautiful" and other paras in the world will respond that way toward them based on their own personalities.


Idk. Maybe elfish ears? I feel like if they’re super paras, they should have different features like maybe they’re a vampire or something, they have red eyes, fangs, their face gets pale or they say to get tired from going outside and losing energy? Especially if they’re teens going to school, they would have to adjust or do online school/homeschool. I love the epic arms part tho. Maybe even if they’re born with speed? or super strength, they keep breaking stuff, or if their voice can break windows and other stuff. A fairy, with wings, able to change in sizes as well? 😂 I’m just brainstorming


That’s what I’m thinking as well, like for example, if they have a super power like voice, maybe let them break a window with their voice or something and people would be curious to what’s going on? Or if they’re a fairy, they have wings, they can change in sizes and etc. Vampire? fangs, red eyes? Different eye colors on different clans? Para gets tired when going outside? Young vampires para do home school or online school or options to stay in school if they can handle going to school with the sun out?

Anna-Maria Kuru

Super ears please, if it came with superb listening skills, please. For everything social in life very useful.

Elizabeth Gonzales

Big brain, because I want to be able to think of everything. 😁


great feet to match my clown personality 🤡

Joey Frank

if i were tall neck i would be superior to everyone


Definitely not the ears because I already hear too much 😂


Para 5 because if I can make the eyes bigger then I can make a chibi Para


I would like pointy elf ears, however.


Epic arms to finally be able reach the top cupboard! And the TV remote will never be too far anymore.


How about a complete basic game first - just saying like

Akasha O'Connell

They're creating mod support in tandem with all the systems they are developing. I, for one, truly appreciate the effort.


The "epic" arms are perhaps a little overly long, but being able to have extra long arms/legs would be helpful for creating people that have marfan syndrome.


A "big brain" is only the brain and not the whole head. That would be good for super smart para people


The shoulders is the only one that I'm struggling to understand how it works anatomically. I think that maybe the torso should be angled out as well? Because the shoulder blades are what humerus bones connect to


This is pretty neat. Through mods even cartoonish characters could be made somewhat proportional to their shows haha. Not something I'd likely be doing but definitely interesting.


OMG the ears are fabulous, I can see creators using this for possible Mice peeps, could get interesting! The others just make them freaky, but then again playing an apocalytic game, some others could be from toxic deformity lol.


Why would anyone vote None? It's not like we'd have to use that feature :D

Kanchaross J.

Big Brain have to be a meme. I love everything though. These all give a chaotic energy!


I think Strong Shoulders just became my sleep paralysis demon


Strong Shoulders is the Para equivalent to the Thicc Kylo Ren Meme, wins by default.


Strong Shoulders such a meme. I need this


I think that the question in the post could have been asked in a different way. It might have caused misunderstanding/division in some readers. It's my wild guess that majority of us voted None, because (at least me) I wouldn't want to see a random big foot jogging behind me in a park. That would give me nightmares and I'm a 27 year old grown ass woman. Would I like to have all these (unlimited) sliders in game allowing for bigger customisation and creativity? YES


For the pure relaxation of my back and shoulders I would like these strong shoulders. xD But yeah modding like this gives great opportunity for cartoon or fantasy paras!


Just thinking of the possibility to create anthropomorphic paras by unlocking the limitations of sliders. "Good ears" already look very promising. If modders can create "realistic-looking" werewolves and even reptilesims simply by playing with the sliders and adding custom skintones in the other life simulation games, why not in Paralives, too? :D


I like the idea of some of these as I do enjoy the "Breed Out The Weird" type challenges from the Sims. It's a fun and quirky way to play!


I am so glad there is an option for "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO",


Usually people mod games to fill in the "gaps" they think the vanilla version has. This is evident in the Sims 4 and why there is a strong "modding" community. Some making tens of thousands each month because they found ways to "enhance" the game (i.e TurboDriver)


My favourite mod is is the Crusader Kings 2 "game of thrones" version of that game.


These made me all ugly laugh so thank you

Luther Duncan

Yeah I dunno about pushing the boundaries to unrealistic levels such as these with sliders .... well that’s my personal opinion and I just wouldn’t use this mod if it was an option

BooDotBoo .

If people want to create para like this, I have no issue, but would I do this? Most likely not. I’ve never been one to use sliders to the extremes.


Even though I chose "None", but I do hear about a village where women wear many rings on their neck to make it longer ( I really mean super long).

Amy Joscelyn

Good Ears makes it seem like mouse-people would be possible! That could make for a fun Redwall-style game, to change things up when I want a break from normal paras.


I would like to have ALL of them actually. In that way, the parafolk will be very unique. However, I don't need the sliders to be this ridiculous though :')


Not a lot of hobbit fan's in this poll eh?


Tall neck makes me think of Candace Flynn xD


I would love to create my own ParaShire for ParaHobbits. For me, sliders like this would be great.


I like having choices. I can see how these sliders would make it so I can make my own ParaShire. If this will not be a part of the game, can this be a separate mod that is optional so that folks who don't want it, don't have to have it?


Ok while I use body sliders I mainly focus on overall height and muscle among a few things but I be honest this type of extreme while a good option even for comedy too in game. I really can't see myself using it I'm sorry.


I'm worryed if npc paras will be autonomsly genereted XD


btw the good news is that we will be able to modify length of the neck, arms, etc.


I'd be good to leave extreme sliders to modders... But i do hope we can modify the heights of paras


I would use my great feet to stomp my enemies


None! It's all awful.


I’d leave the extreme sliders to modders lol but What about height sliders/butt sliders/breast sliders/muscle sliders??


they've already show-cased that they are working on these! They showed them off during the first video of Maggie but they have reworked the body mesh system since then so it will be a bit different. However, they are totally going to be in the game!


I just want a pointy ear slider and make elves


Hello, I'd like to see plus size representation. I'm not a small person and I'd love to create something that sort of looks a little like me.


Tall neck. I am 5'2". Also, love the idea that people with long legs are weird mutants like these. Bless.

Cali Ann Y.

Big feet so you can make Bigfoot in the game


I would not like to be any of the super paras in real life because I already am one of them :/


IDK why but it reminds me of a titan in attack on titan xD

Lisa Universe

It would be great if we can create character with more (4 or more) arms, Eyes and legs. This stuff can help me recreate Gems from Steven Universe.