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Disability Survey Summary by Anna
 (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Image source: People vector created by stories - www.freepik.com

Back in September, we shared a survey asking the community about how they would like disabilities and neurodiversity to be represented in the game. As always, we got thousands of pretty detailed answers, so thank you to everyone who filled or shared it!

Generally speaking, these answers helped a lot to strengthen our vision, which is to provide the player with tools for representation and storytelling, without bringing the real life painful elements and society limitations. A second point of vision that was in agreement with most answers was the spectrum element: there isn’t one single way of using a wheelchair for example, so there shouldn’t be a single “wheelchair user” checkbox in the customization options. It’s pretty much the same for every kind of condition ; having a diagnosis is not a label that should describe one’s whole behaviour or personality even if it’s an important part of identity, this is also why we needed input from a wide range of people!

One last general consensus was that players do want the representation options but also want to escape from their reality whenever they want to. A life simulation game should be a sandbox where you can choose what you want after all ; accommodation for different playstyles is also one of our priorities. With that said, here are some of the ideas we got from the survey answers that we’ll be looking into!

First of all, a lot of “standalone” items, animations and interaction options were suggested, ranging from weighted blankets, foam rollers, different ways of stimming to customizable service dog vests. In agreement with our vision, the use of most of these items shouldn’t be assigned to a particular type of Para automatically, but rather should be left to the discretion of the player. . Respondents openly shared their own stressors and ways to regain energy when they feel low, which are very personal things that would be nice to choose one by one instead of compiling them in a single premade trait or behaviour. This level of customization options is one of our main challenges, as it could quickly become overwhelming.

Wheelchairs and other mobility aids were a popular request in the survey and I would like to thank everyone who was patient enough to describe what items are usually used for transfers and general accessibility with a wheelchair. It was really educational on a human level but also for their possible inclusion in the game, as it is another big programming and design challenge!

Communication is something that is at the heart of everyone’s culture, relationships and day to day life. We’ll be thinking about adding different communication options, while keeping in mind that Parafolks should always find a way of communicating with each other ; a Para using Sign Language wouldn’t realistically be able to use it with a non-initiated Para and being directly understood, but they could still write things to each other or use speech recognition devices, for example. No useful communication interaction or item should be limited to one communication option only.

Health gameplay was brought up a lot, as it’s a big part of everyday life for a lot of people who answered the survey. Although we don’t want to portray any specific diagnosis, having a light medical gameplay related to seasonal light diseases and possibility of doing a checkup at any time could help storytelling and modding possibilities for those who’d like to add their specific illness into the game. Diversity in the medical jobs specialty was also a popular request.

We don’t want to gamify any serious mental illness (like depression) either, but we do want to add some light ways of coping, such as going to therapy, journaling or support groups. As suggested in the survey answers, these examples would not be a last resort way to magically fix every negative moods your Para may have, but would make them able to come to terms with some of their emotions. We’re no psychiatrists and won’t attend to implement explicit therapies, but taking care of one’s mental health should be something to normalize, along with schools or job accommodations, such as taking mental days off and asking for a flexible schedule.

Last but not least, a good suggestion that emerged from a lot of different people was about having a good or a bad day, that in real life improves or worsens their syndromes considerably, whether they’re physical or mental, for no particular reasons. I feel like it is something that applies to everyone at different levels and could be nice to have in game as a randomized event.

Our first batch of diversity surveys series has now come to an end, but it doesn’t mean that we’re never looking back on these topics! Feel free to share in here, on our Discord or our other official platforms your ideas on the matter. We feel like it was important to compile these long PowerPoints of ideas and references for ourselves even if we’re still early in development. During our next brainstorming sessions, we will now easily be able to have these in mind and this should facilitate the development of such features further down the line. This survey was mostly about gameplay ideas, but of course, we're also aware that some gamers require various accessibility settings to play the game comfortably. We'll make sure to keep that in mind as the development progresses. When we’ll enter production phases, we’ll make sure to further research and ask for precise feedback.

Again, thank you for the educational resources and helpful point of views you brought to us!  <3


We signed 500 postcards and are about to send them to Patrons on the Hero and Legend tiers! Can't wait for you to see the illustration that Léa made for the postcard! You should get it in 1-8 weeks depending on how everything goes with the mailing service from Canada to you :)

Money Cheat Final Vote  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Thanks so much to everyone here on Patreon and on our other platforms who suggested names for the cheat command that gives money in Paralives! We made a selection among those who were suggested quite often so here they are. Please pick your favorite money cheat name and the winner will be announced next Friday.

Also, there were two money cheat ideas that did not fit this poll but we liked them so much that we decided to include them in the game! PayDay will give you the exact amount of money that the selected Para gains in a single work day. It's great for when you are willing to cheat but just a bit! Then, the Lottery cheat command will grant you a random amount of money. It could be a nice challenge to start a game with what the Lottery cheat gives you and do your best with that amount! Thanks to the few people who suggested these two cheats!

Have a good weekend,




I like MakeitRain for small amounts and JackPot for large amounts. Edit: I know it’s not getting much love but ToInfinity would be cool as a end all infinite cash cheat


MakeItRain for a hundred or a thousand and PrintMoney for any entered amount


Yeah Print Money should be for any. And the others can be a set one. Makes it easier to spam the cheat


Could you also consider unlimited money cheat? I feel like it could give us freedom to those, who want it.


Oh wow the lottery and payday cheats are amazing ideas!! That will be really fun to use in game


I also want to appreciate the team for all the surveys and feedback their open to receiving on diversity. I like the light approach to mental illness/disability wouldn’t want to gamify things like you said.


now ParaTeam, I know I saw sugardaddy suggested on twitter. didnt make it onto the poll? 🤭

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I still thought Counterfeit would have been funny but I'll go with PrintMoney or MakeItRain


Was going to say I think "MakeItRain" is perfect, but hopefully when you type it in the individual words don't have to be capitalized; makes entering it into the cheat console easier and faster.


Make it rain was my favorite but i still believe "J G Wentworth" should have won since you need cash now

Camille B.

I'd go for Jackpot, because it's probably the most international of all, and the easiest to type. I like MakeItRain, but I the caps is actually important then I think it's a pain, and same for most of them. Also, again, I think Jackpot works for a lot of languages, at least it works for those I know, and I think that it's something that should more considered

Aaron J Levesque

I wish CashCow had been in this! I think it was one of the best responses from the original survey!


I'm so thrilled my MakeItRain suggestion made it to the poll! &lt;3


Can we please have both PrintMoney and MakeItRain (for instant 50 000 or 100 000)? :D

Emma-Lisa Roux

Hahahaha makeitrain is hilarious. Thank you for taking the time to do these surveys &lt;3

Anna Wendel

PrintMoney should be used as a cheat for an exact amount of money, like ”printmoney 50000” ”printmoney 600” ”printmoney 3462” etc. I think that’d be nice ☺️ and also having another cheat ofc


I think having PrintMoney as a cheat to give your para an amount of money determined by the player, jackpot/MakeItRain for a predetermined amount of money (50, 000 for instance) and ToInfinity to cheat for infinite money would be awesome!

Charlotte Stevens

Love the idea of different types of jobs paying either - 'cash in hand' on the day for example, dog walking or babysitting.. - weekly for example, shift work or part time work - monthly payment for salaried positions. I'd also love a tax &amp; loan system as well but maybe that might be a bit heavy haha.


Can I veto "make it rain"? It's strongly connected to prostitution and sexual abuse of women so that is definitely NOT something that should be in the game.


I think I saw someone else suggest this in the original post, but I wanted to agree with them. Personally, I think PrintMoney would be good for when you have a very specific number in mind, like "PrintMoney 2,342" or "PrintMoney 149", while MakeItRain would be good for when you just want a large amount of money, so when using the command "MakeItRain" it would give you, like, $100,000 or something like that


I love the surveys and think they all really important, but I do fear in slight ways that trying to represent everyone (wheelchairs, crutches, canes, motorized wheelchair, sign language, etc etc) will be overwhelming on a small indie game and eventually take away from other aspects gameplay. I love diversity and want all of this but sometimes you just can’t represent everyone. That’s why fantasy and storytelling is so important. Smaller things like a walking animation that involves limping could hint at a movement impairment, different quirks like “struggles to focus” &amp; “mood swings” could be chosen by players to somewhat construct things like autism, adhd, etc - without needing the label. Sign language animations when talking sounds cool but I think all paras should undestand them, or I see how it would be frustrating in gameplay.


I think printmoney as 200 makeitrain as 20,000 and jackpot as 200,000


I chose printmoney as it looked easy to type, but please can cheats not need the capital letters?


Lottery could give you a randomized multimillion dollar amount!


I like the concept of silverspoon as a single use, beginning game amount, to imply someone has been born into money! This wouldn’t necessarily need to be a cheat, but a “starting a new game” mechanic. Maybe a trait that can be applied to a newly created para?


I think makeitrain is kinda cliche ... it reminds me too much of trendy pop culture in the real world which I like to escape... haha


It would be cute if each of the chests had cute lil animations. Like money falling on the screen when you use the make it rain cheat or a lil spoon popping up for a sec if you use silver spoon one.


How about if you put a number after it you get that amount, otherwise it's just a default amount?


I seem to remember there was a wheechair mod for - was it TS1? They "wore" the wheelchair as clothes in the day then removed it for bed. I can't see that being acceptable these days!


i love the "good day, bad day" idea! that feels so lifelike 😍


The "make it rain" option is a little to much because if you make a weather command it would be confusing.

Ewaka Flaka

Parabillions didn’t make it and I’m sad


I like Lianna's suggestion of having different tiered commands. "Lianna L I think printmoney as 200 makeitrain as 20,000 and jackpot as 200,000" I kept my choice as printmoney though because it's funny 😊


I'd love to see it implemented in some way that any Para could potentially access + "have a taste of" that life.


It's not winning, but I want to mention that one upside to PrintMoney is that you could have variations that give more, e.g. PrintMoreMoney, PrintHellaMoney, etc.


MakeItRain was one of my suggestions, so i stand by it 😁

Mari R.

I looooved the lottery ideia, it is such a simple way to diversify the gameplay related to money!


Thank you so much! The disabilities research was thorough, for sure! I would like to add a suggestion in that field: two types of energy systems, as it is different to be sleepy and to be physically tired. Someone may be able to do exercise but want to go to bed. I lost blood during a medical procedure the other day and I felt really tired for over a week. I was not sleepy (although sleeping helped a little), just without energy. Couldn't get out some days, even showering took a lot of effort. I feel a lot of disabilities are like that. But it can also be applied to exercise: after doing it for a long time, you cannot continue, but it doesn't mean you want to go to bed.


Make it rain!! That’s the best one


Really love the Lottery cheat idea!


Good and bad days is excellent! I appreciate everything the para team is doing to make the game truly inclusive, thank you!


Not gonna lie, I did a little happy dance when I read that you guys chose my lottery idea... I also think it's funny that you guys polled for a new cheat name idea, and yet PrintMoney turned out to be one of the biggest hits anyways. Happy holidays to all of you!!


PAYDAY - Earn that paras wages LOTTERY - Earn a random amount PRINTMONEY - 1K JACKPOT - 50K MAKEITRAIN - Random pools of cash appear around the lot PIGGYBANK - Pay the kid's pocket money HELPIMPOOR - Remove all outstanding debts BAILIFF - A random item is removed and you earn 3x its value

Jordan Harrison

I'm so glad to see MakeItRain lol love these surveys you guys do


What is MakeItRain referring to? Is this the best reference in this kind of game? https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=make%20it%20rain

Bethy Grace

I like both PrintMoney and MakeItRain... PrintMoney could add a specific amount that you choose, for example "PrintMoney 3000" or whatever you need. MakeItRain could add 50k.

Bethy Grace

Another really handy cheat in The Sims is the "familyFunds" cheat, which you can use on any family at any point (like from neighbourhood view) to set a family's wealth. So it would be cool if whatever cheat is decided, you could add a para's name or a family's name, to assign that money to a certain family... If no name is added, it could just default to whoever you have selected.


Thank you so much for the disability update. The survey was fantastic and your response is more than I could have hoped for. I’m so excited for this game!


maybe in the paralives universe everyone is taught sign language in school as kids !! so everyone understands it


It's basically you have so much money you throw it up and it looks like it's raining. It's a popular saying that usually doesn't reference what you linked.

Sabine B

I couldn't work out why I didn't like MakeItRain until I read the comments. I don't want a phrase so closely tied to the sexualisaton and abuse of women in this lighthearted game. It is winning the vote but I hope you guys are taking this into account ☺ I love the idea of good and bad days. I struggle with them a lot myself. I like that the objects won't be locked to specific traits or diagnoses. Little fidget toys that were designed for anxious/autistic/adhd/etc people are super popular now with everyone, at least in my town. Everyone feels anxious sometimes! I'm not expecting fidget toys in game, they're very small and come in many different variations, they were just the best example I had 😊


what????? its a GAME. people say make it rain for fun has NOTHING to do with sexualization. if this is what you think, i dont believe you should be playing this game. terrible mindset.


Seconding this. I see that it's winning the poll at the moment, and I'm crossing my fingers that that'll change, but even if it doesn't, maybe the name of this cheat is a call that you, the developers, should make rather than the community (who are well meaning 100% but apparently aren't giving the connotations of the phrase a lot of thought). MakeItRain makes my skin crawl a bit. On the other hand, PrintMoney is excellent--it's to the point, describing what the cheat does, and it also has a somewhat illicit vibe (as in counterfeiting) which is perfect for a money cheat without bringing an entirely unnecessary sexual angle into the picture.


I've made my feelings about MakeItRain known in a reply to someone else's comment (to reiterate: not a fan; hugely not a fan). But on a much more positive note--I'm extremely impressed by the team's summary and analysis of the disability survey results! I took part in the survey myself and I'm happy to see that several of the points I attempted to make in my responses are represented here. I love the idea of actions not being tied/limited to a specific trait or defined illness, but are more open to allow people to tell their paras' stories their way, and to allow for normalizing of self care and taking care of mental health. It really sounds like you have a solid foundation to work with when it comes to developing that aspect of the gameplay, and a realistic understanding of what's realistic to implement and what isn't (as great as I'm sure all the ideas were, I can also completely understand that to implement all of them would be a mammoth undertaking). Way to go, Paralives team!! (And PS, just one more time, pleeease reconsider MakeItRain.)


I wish people would vote Jackpot, because having to retype lengthy cheats with lower and upper case letters is a pain in the a**


PiggyBank is SUPER cute!! Not a fan of anything else besides Jackpot since everything else is too long or references something else. PrintMoney would be good for giving specific amounts, like "PrintMoney 5000."


Fingers crossed you end up keeping PrintMoney. It just works.


Thank you for being awesome!!

S&M Gonzalez

I liked both make it rain and piggy bank! Hoping we get piggybacks in the game too it’d be cute

S&M Gonzalez

Or for make it rain money can float from the sky! :) idk if that’d be too much though


I really like PrintMoney and MakeItRain. Maybe they could be specific amounts? Like MakeItRain could be 10,000 and PrintMoney could be 5,000?


This is going to be ground-breaking in terms of representation of disability in video games. As a disabled person, I feel really listened to. Thank you for taking it seriously! I am proud to be a Patron!


I'm hoping you guys took what I said about caution extremely to heart. Otherwise, this game is likely to get trashed beyond your worst nightmares by reviews when they see the various disability options.

Fran Smith

Do you know the original meaning of sugardaddy? It's kind of unsavory. That might be why they didn't select that particular one.

Fran Smith

Alex mentioned in a comment just above yours that the cheat won't be case sensitive. :-)

Fran Smith

Me too. I particularly would like a loan system. Who just starts life with money from thin air? I want my Paras to save and loan for a house and car, etc.

Fran Smith

This is a good idea for the game in general, actually. I'd also like to see a sleep need separate to an energy need! Not just for disabilities or various health problems, but for all Paras. Need for sleep and energy are not the same thing. I teach, and energy varies day to day for me, and doesn't relate to sleepiness. Also it would add a whole host of other Parafolk variation ideas. Some people thrive on exercise, and are energised by it, so they gain energy from a run or bike ride, some people are worn out by exercise, so their energy is depleted, but that doesn't mean they are sleepy. People get energy from all sorts of areas. It could be tied into personality too. Some people get energy from socialising, some from being alone, some from being creative, some from zoning out of TV and games, some from family, some from being in nice surroundings, some from shopping, lol! This is a great idea!


I think a lot of people only voted for PrintMoney to beat MakeItRain. ^^ Honestly I think Jackpot/Lottery is still the best: easy to type, short, and poignant.


The team are working really hard and seem to be making some amazing progress! Well done everyone!


Ehhh, I'm not super thrilled with mental illness being portrayed in what is a lighthearted game. There's a high chance in casually showing triggering topics, or in brushing off heavy topics. Either way is bad news. And it's not a tightrope I want to see anyone cross If there's an option not to participate. I'll just do that. I am interested in the representation of physical disabilities though! And making things a spectrum. Like a wheelchair user only having to use it sometimes. I just wonder how it can be implemented.


I would love to see paras having a bad day or a good day not randomly but calculating if they gained more or less “aspiration points” than yesterday


I feel like printmoney is easier to write than makeitrain, so i'm voting for that one


MAKE IT RAIN :D Make it rain!!!!


I like the idea of good and bad days as something that all paras have, and the everyday incorporation of mental health with journaling and therapy etc. Hoping that therapist will become a career! Could make for some fun gameplay^^ But I still don’t want it to feel dark and gloomy, I hope they take a sort of gallows humour-y approach to the whole thing, something like the sims 2.


I couldn't choose between Jackpot and Printmoney. Both are simple and universal. Most of the rest seem so western but I guess it is a western game lol

Annie Wampyra

I want a simple name, call it MONEY? Its enough things and words to remember constantly and anyway, I actually love that its just to type money and sum in ts4. Sometimes less is more 💖


PrintMoney is easy, simple and quite well imaging the situation... I like it the most. Make it rain would rather image a cheat to change the weather.


Could you also consider adding taking everyday medicine? Many people have to take those both for physical and mental health!


I like make it rain because it's not obvious... I suppose people will just look up the cheat on google anyway, but in the ol' days, we used to have to guess this stuff and figure it out for ourselves. having just 'money' or 'jackpot' seems too cliche. I do love the lottery idea they have come up with though, and 'payday' for that extra kick when things are tough.


yes I suggested this in the survey, like pain killers for headaches and whatnot. I also suggested having a 'first aid kit' available in the house where a para can go and get meds or patch up themselves.


no mental illness but physical disability is ok? I'm sorry but it just doesn't seem fair to leave out us mentals! - even the sims has a 'insane' trait... and 'kleptomania'. I don't see the problem.


why? have you made a life sim before? what makes you an expert exackly?


When I was in high school my principal wouldn't count taking a sign language class as a credit because it wasn't a "real language"???? He wasn't a great person... that being said, I think learning sign language is SO important and it would be cool if they tried to use this opportunity to normalize it!

Tom Lu

I like Jackpot and Piggybank best, but because I can only choose one I voted for PrintMoney as a tactical way to try to stop MakeItRain. I am against MakeItRain because it requires three capital letters. People might get the capitals in the wrong place or not know that capitals are needed at all and end up typing it incorrectly. Jackpot is the most accessible option for this reason. I love the PayDay and Lottery cheats, but might I suggest changing it to simply Payday? This is actually one word in English, not two, so the capital D is unnecessary.


Honestly I’m cool with whatever 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s not that deep to me lol (Talking about money cheat)


Hi Alex, the disability discussion sounds great, I like the communication features too. Could customisable wheelchairs be an option? Where the frames have a selection of colours? I love how you're so open to disabilities and it's honestly a breath of fresh air because I'm so fed up with not being able to create myself in games like the Sims because I use a wheelchair so a walking character can't represent me!

Possible Assassin

Alex has said that cheats won't be case sensitive, so no need to worry about that! 😊


As someone with ADHD and Asbergers, I think it would be really cool to introduce a special interest or special interests into the game, where a para is super invested in a certain topic or hobby, and may get extra stats from it, and can talk to others about it. Having a special interest is a very common thing with adhd and the autism spectrum, and it would be cool to see some of the positive aspects of those things represented, the same with the ability to hyperfocus on things that are important to you or you are invested in.


Speaking of finances, one thing I have always wanted to see in the Sims franchise is an expanded financial infrastructure. I've always found it odd that a game that is supposed to be a life simulator largely glosses over one of the most important aspects of life - finances. I certainly hope that your game includes provisions for the most basic functions of savings and investing. Things such as savings accounts, checking accounts, and investment instruments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds; and of course, real estate (that is both permanent and transferable). I could develop an expansion pack around these features alone; and to add the perfect finishing touch, have careers in banking, finance, and/or fund management. It may be a lot on your plate, but I think it would be transformative in a game that frankly, looks like it could potentially run rings around TS4.


Yes! I’ve always wanted to see more of this in a life simulator. You said this perfectly 😄


This! You put it better than I could ever express. Well done! Personally, I have a strong faith in this team which takes seriously into the account the different playing preferences alongside the presentation - both escapist and realistic. As a person with the past as the mental health patient and who prefers the realistic life simulation experience with all shades of the life, I really appreciate their effort, particularly normalising the aspects you mentioned. ♡


"- - - having a light medical gameplay related to seasonal light diseases and possibility of doing a checkup at any time could help storytelling and modding possibilities for those who’d like to add their specific illness into the game" &amp; "- - - taking care of one’s mental health should be something to normalize - - -" I'm speechless due to my joy if you consider including these in the game. Normalising is something we desperately need, and these sound beyond awesome! However, I completely understand the players who prefer the game to be the safe place from the real world. That's why, the more choices for the sandbox and the tools to shape it fit to the preferred playing style, the better for all of us. PS. A brief question to the team to make sure: do you think there could be a way to mod the different kind of custom symptoms (acute, chronic etc.) to the game if you include the seasonal light diseases? How about custom treatments in that case? Alex mentioned about the custom medicine but how about the others?


From Anna: Just to clarify, we haven't confirmed wheelchairs or any of the features yet, we're still on a brainstorming level here! But if there are indeed wheelchairs in the game, I don't see why they couldn't be customized :)


"taking care of one's mental health should be something to normalize" YES. mental health is so important, and while younger generations are more open about mental health and therapy, putting some aspect of it in a life simulator will help with that even more.


Blindness/poor eyesight would be a great option since I am legally blind myself.


that would be extremely difficult and kinda useless to do for a character when its not even first person. Unless it's like a moodlet or something.


Wow. I find it incredible that you want to add all these variants. Not only because of the novelty, but also because of the naturalization of these vicissitudes and also taking into account the hard work that it will entail. Thank you for taking that time. If I can contribute something in this matter, I will be delighted. I have found it fascinating that the characters can go to therapy or write in a diary and the idea of ​​having a good or bad day seems great to me, it definitely affects a lot when you have a disorder, even something small can mean that your glass spills.. My desire to see the final result of the game has increased a lot with this.

Luther Duncan

Yay my first post on here ! Life goals and dreams are important and I believe add a solid objective in the game. However I feel expanding on that would make this task less linear by adding random opportunities around your aspirations with short and long term effects. As it’s an open world it would be a great joy to run around doing daily errands which contribute towards your progression outside of your daily job. Personality - it think someone mentioned this already but having default personalities and being able to add to this with say 5-10 additional traits would be grand and interesting, they could make for a strong personalisation as seen before in other simulation games. I think there should be 3 additional perky type traits which each zodiac sign and in turn alter how each sign interacts with each other. Lifestyle - I would like to see how this integrates with the personality system, for example being a smart bookworm type para who has a huge foodie type life style hosting dinners and local events and is maybe faster at learning and finding new&amp; secret recipes through research possibly not available to other paras and also how effective he/she is at sharing this information ? Writing cook books ? Etc etc