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Hey guys! I bought our table for anime expo this year and I wanted to start off strong with a new print that I always wanted to do. I've been obsessed with Metroid and Samus again (i just recently read the metroid manga too) so I thought it would be a great first print to add to the new lineup.

Really really happy with how this one turned out! I struggled a lot to compose the background and tried a lot of things before stripping it down to the bare minimum but I think the textures and color really make it pop and stand up as a composition. I wanted to do a nice fancy piece with my halftone texture thing I've been messing with and I like the results a lot! I might try to be a little more selective with my usage so my art doesn't become completely dominated by halftones but for this, I like it.

That's all I have for now! I have a list of other series that I'd like to make something for but no solid ideas yet. Hopefully I'll have more art to share soon though, hope you like this pic! If you won't be at anime expo we'll try to get our online store situated again afterwords. See you all next post!




I watched you make this on stream! So pretty! Will this be available online?

Rudy Mora

i'll have it when we get our online store up again! might not be for a while though