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Hey guys! Sorry that it's been a while. 

I've gotten all the pages of chapter 4 teeeechnically set up but there's a lot of gaps and undrawn panels, so I can really only show the first 3 pages before there's missing information. I also put in my sketch page of the chapter's characters and their outfits. I felt like it would make more sense for Camille to have a wig to be in proper costume so that's a big visual change between versions. She doesn't actually wear normal clothes in this chapter but I wanted to define her style more for the future. Scarlet in her pajamas/underwear is just for the last 1 or 2 pages, just a fun sexy thing to sneak in at the end for me.

There's also a new character in this redrawn chapter! There was a throwaway joke in the bonus 4komas of Edgar being a retired pro gamer and he's facing off against another kid named Bananaslamma12. I have some chapters in the future where I wanted Edgar to reach out to a friend to ask for advice on what to do about his relationship with Scarlet and I didn't want to use any of the characters from the first version of chapter 4 because their likenesses were all based on real people. I thought it would be a good opportunity to add Slamma to squeeze in a lot of the concepts that I was toying with, I think he's a fun and it's always nice to add another male character, haha.

Other than that, I put in the original pages of chapter 4 up to the same point as the new draft. The intro is very different now! Scarlet acts more in line with the personality I defined for her and she's an embarrassing nerd. I keep the scene of Edgar teasing her but I add a little bit more of them goofing around. They need to have fun together! 

That's all I have to show for now, I'll do my best to keep the ball rolling and have another update soon. Thanks for reading!




Love your character redesigns! They're so cute!