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Getting ready for Anime Impulse in September, I was getting my files ready for new prints and felt like some of my old drawings were decent but needed a little bit of tweaking. I wanted to gather all of these in one spot to showcase the changes since I think they've all improved quite a bit, even if some of the changes are pretty minor or didn't require too much additional drawing.

All new images are the first of each set, followed by their original drawing. I think I'm most proud of the Samus and the Scarlet changes, The Samus drawing was always one that I liked but I was disappointed with how empty it felt, which was an issue I had with an old Mai drawing I had printed a while ago. I've recently gotten into studying art that combines drawing and text in every kind of way I can find and learning to use the elements together was what lead me to adding the kanji of Samus' name down the side. I was taking a lot of inspiration from some magazine covers and illustrations that felt like advertisements, I'll include a few that I was looking at (I don't have a link to the original artists, sorry!)

The Scarlet drawing was something I knew right after I drew it that I could probably do a better version of the water light bending. Sometimes it takes drawing it once to get your eye observe it in real life better which leads to a better attempt the second time without doing much practice. I wanted the water to look a bit less busy and be more readable and also added some more pool noodles and a beach ball to fill the space more. Also I had to make Scarlet's hair longer! It always bothered me that her hair wouldn't go down to her butt like how I usually draw it so I had to do a quick fix on that too.

The Baiken was just adding some shading to give the pic a bit more dimension to it and the Faye needed a face overhaul for sure. The Faye piece in particular is not my favorite and the drawing itself is a little out of character, I think I was channeling a Misato more on accident. I tried to make the best with what I had and I think I at least got the likeness down better.

I still have some ideas I want to play with involving text for some additional prints, but I don't have much else to show yet. Hope these were fun to look at and compare though! I'll see you all next update.

