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Hey everyone! time sort of flew by on me and I went all last week without a post when I intended to share the last pages of WWY that I had drawn for $5 patrons. I have a few things to share for all patrons as well and it would be weird to group them all at the end of the month so I'm moving my collection of nsfw drawings up first!

You may have seen the first drawing of Yolli on twitter already but I've been trying to practice painting lately and Yolli is always on my mind as I try to figure out what to do with her. Her aesthetics are design are pretty honed in so I can at least do some fun pics of her looking pretty.

as I had talked about in my last post here, I've been trying to push my characterization in my doodles and that also includes having more playful nsfw stuff too. Scarlet and Edgar's relationship is always something I'm trying to make really fun and cute and feel genuine and I've got a few scribbles of some sexy moments just to try to feel out their dynamic. Also while looking through my sketchbook and old red muscle pages I felt like I could try to update the way I draw Ricki and Camille which has been fun.

That's all I have for you in the nsfw department for now, I'll ACTUALLY post the next WWY pages very soon. I've also still been working on the June summer themed pictures and I'll save those for the end of the month! see you next update!




The shading in that first one is superb wowee


Love the personalities on display!