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I’ll be doing an art stream based on your requests! Starting tomorrow at 5pm!

For the requests I ask that folks keep it simple: up to two characters, in simple situations. All requests that are chosen will be posted on here so keep that in mind (basically, nothing outside patreon guidelines, please). For those who would like to remain anonymous just say so, and I'll make sure it stays so. 

When submitting your request please add your patreon email into the proper field as this is and will be open to active patrons. Only one request per patron please! And here's the form! 

If this goes well, I'd be happy to make it a more regular event. That way more folks can see their ideas come to life. :)

Requests aside, I know there has been a lack of posting here, including following up on my previous post. I'll be addressing it in another post as I think it more appropriate. In the meantime I will say I'm sorry for not writing in here earlier. I've a lot to make up for, to say the least.

(The request stream, to be sure, is not related to my wanting to make up. I had this in mind for a while, having got the idea from seeing other folks do similar and thinking it sounded pretty fun!)

Thanks for reading and as always, thanks for being here.




Awesome idea, I submitted!

Sean Jackson

I sent in my request. I think you'll like it.


I gave out mine, shame I won’t be able to see if you would do it


Nice and sent mine