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Its that time of the month! That time were we survey the land and count our spoils and cackle madly at the thought of having laid waste to our enemies! Something like that. ;)

This past month looked more animation heavy, that's for sure. A little less PG and Co. and more Black Cat, Ms Bellum and Inque! Though of course, that's not to say we didn't have ourselves some more Intergalactic Trouble! While all this wasn't necessarily by design, and while animation took hold more often, I hope folks had some fun and enjoyed some of the ideas that came forth.

Speaking of animation I've still more to do with our Inque! More animations to play around with in game mock-up form! So far I'm thinking "well what if we allowed our protag to have some.. options?" ;) I think you'll see what I mean and I'm looking forward to what you think of the idea when its done! I also have some longer planned animation in mind and I may just poll some of it. So expect more polls to come!

Now I did say that not everything this month was "by design," which is to say initially I planned to have more PG and other awesome sketches and strips this month but though that wasn't the case I don't think it a loss as I'm making up for things with some larger posts to come in the month ahead. And that's not even the half of it. :D

As well, I want to get back to having a schedule here for everyone to know when to expect to see certain art and projects. Something simple and not too crazy but doable and perhaps something to springboard from. I'll have more on that in the next couple days so stay tuned.

Last but not least! I'd really love to hear from you all. If you have any thoughts on not just the art but anything you really would like to see more of? Something that could be made better, even on the patreon? Don't be afraid to say so. I want to hear from you, especially if you think there's something that could perhaps be improved? I'm all ears and my doors open. Love to read the comments and talk with you all on the discord, too.

Thanks as always for reading, for being here and being supportive, for the comments, for the love and care, for being great. I hope I'm doing you all proud.

Keep swimming,


TL;DR: Twas not planned, but Nov twas animation top heavy!; sketches and strips and comics will return in full force, oh my!; more animation in works and more is planned but expect to be polled, hard!; and if you have some thoughts on art and/or patreon improvement? Leave 'em if you got 'em!



Thank you for all your awesome work Glass!


Keep on going! We are always here for you no matter the content. =P


Mrs Bellend? I think you meant Mrs Bellum. Made me giggle. Keep being awesome. :)

Daddy Warbucks

With the conclusion of Urban Demons, are you working on any other games, or have any other collaborations lined up?