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Welcome to the official Patreon page for Let's Get Haunted!

We're so excited and grateful to have you here that I can't even think of a joke to make - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! We love making free hauntent and have really appreciated all the Venmos and Ko-Fis over the past 4 years from everyone. To think we went from recording episodes in bath tubs and closets covered in ants to having professional microphones and a studio is still so surreal - BUT WE AREN'T DONE GROWING YET. The intention behind this Patreon is to offer something extra to everyone who donates from here on out and use those donations to continue to make the podcast better and better. Thank you for being patient with us as we figure out this platform and we hope we make you proud!! - Aly & Nat
Added: 2023-06