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While on reddit I found a post where people talk about me trying to milk my patreon with two accounts, ReignMocap and KittyMocap. This is just false. I can milk my patreons with only one account. :) Joke aside KittyMocap is another creator. We are not affiliated in any way. I was actually pissed that they kind of used my name tag. 

There is only one patreon account for ReignMocap.

I am sorry for the lack of content in the past month and I will do my best to keep a steady stream of mocaps.

Thank you for your support guys.



Wtf is going on is someone out to get you or something lol


No disrespect to KittyMocap but the difference in quality is huge how are people thinking this is you lol

William Wilson

yeah Kitty isn't hat great tbh, her or him? kida strange that they emphasize the "ima girl thing" lol


I have no idea. Weird things are happening with my patreon revenue also. My patreons number is going up and my revenue is droping. I have no idea what is going on.


remember when reddit used to be cool... Keep up the hard work of being an artist in this day and age! No need for apologies! Keep kicking ass! Sexy mocap ass!


It's almost as if we can't actually believe the random anonymous internet people anymore... it's all gone downhill ever since I helped that Nigerian prince win his flat-screen tv on that penny auction website...


Who would have guessed two people using MoCap would have 'MoCap' in the name and would be two different people :) Next thing you know people on reddit will be confusing The Chicago Bulls and Angus Bulls and saying steaks are made out of basketball players.


Damn, those people are so dumb that they can't even see the difference in moves between both creators. Reign does much better dance than KM.