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Pearl couldn't believe the utter embarrassment, the pure humiliation!  She'd been so diligent, waiting for the others to hide away in their rooms for the night ---  Amethyst and Greg sleeping, Garnet meditating in her temple room.  It was meant to be the perfect plan!

With her ever-growing size, more and more pressure had been put on the ex-food-hater to diet and shed some weight.  What would she do if they had to fight again, and she was too big to move?  Pearl had reluctantly relented to the arguments put forth, and somewhat hesitantly agreed to cut back on her caloric intake.

And of course, the very first night she cracks and tries to cheat on her diet, Garnet's there!  Pearl supposes she shouldn't be surprised ---  future vision is a powerful tool.  But somehow she'd hoped that just maybe she'd fly under its radar..!




Kind of hard to be stealthy when you're the size of a baby whale, Pearl.