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Cheelai let out a labored grunt as she threw one leg out, her awkward waddle carrying her another step forward as she shuffled through the Capsule Corp. compound.  Bulma had been kind enough to let her, Lemo, and Broly stay there after the confrontation with Frieza, and what's more is that she'd offered them tons of delicious food!

The billowing green girl wasn't sure when the last time was that she'd ever had such delicious meals so frequently (or if she ever had), and for better or for worse it'd caused her to become rather ravenous...  Now, with an ass like a shelf, and a gut and bust so large that she couldn't even hope to see past them to the floor below, the world's fattest green bean can do little but shuffle along from meal to meal anymore.

If that's not bad enough, Lemo's teasing has only grown more and more mean-spirited as she makes such a fat fool of herself ---  honestly, sitting on him to shut him up grows more appealing by the day.



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