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Chica's joints whirred audibly under the strain of her movements, much more weight than they were ever rated to handle bearing down on them.  A body that should have been plastic but seemed more like animated rubber wobbled and bounced, her hardened soles clacking forcefully against the tile as she moved.

She wasn't sure when the food she ate in the late hours of the night started actually affecting her ---  she was an animatronic after all, how the hell does that work!?  But now, as her stomach audibly sloshed and gurgled, and as she sank a hand into the generous flab of one of her tits, she had to accept that (HOWEVER the hell it happened), she was actually fat now.

Now, that didn't mean she had to admit it to the other animatronics, especially seeing  as she was the only one afflicted with such a plight.  It was an issue with their optical sensors, or their data processing units!  Whatever she had to say in order to get the heat off of her.

All of that scheming and deception worked up a mean appetite though, and her animatronic cohorts would be met with the sight of her flabby, wobbling rear end jiggling to and fro as she sneaked her way to the kitchen for another night of snacking.


Every so often I get hit with the urge to draw Toy Chica, and once again I've succumbed to that same urge.  Maybe I'll draw more of her in the near future, though only time will tell!



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