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Caulifla's stomach gurgled loudly, making the Saiyan woman sneer in annoyance.  It hadn't even been that long since she'd had lunch, so what gives!?  She heaved herself up from the makeshift throne that she found herself spending most of her time in, and blinked as a ripple of jiggling seemed to course through her.

Casting her gaze downward, Caulifla was reminded of the increasingly-plump state of her body.  What had once been a thin layer of flab that padded her frame had quickly turned into a distinctly chubby build.  She groped at her flesh in slight curiosity, fingers curling and sinking into her belly with a shiver of sensation.

"Huh...  I guess I have gotten a lil' soft in the middle since that tournament thing."  The Saiyan mumbled to herself, continuing to idly palm and press into the soft flesh.  Once upon a time she might've been troubled by this development...  but it hadn't impacted her strength so far, had it?  No, her strength was still growing steadily in spite of her waistline following suit.

"Oh well."  She concluded.  "I'm sure I can work it off eventually."  For now, though, she had her eyes set on a second lunch...  and maybe some dessert just to make sure she was really full this time.


Honestly, I don't draw Caulifla anywhere near enough, and this was a nice way to practice smaller/more chubby sizes.



Eve Cable