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Amethyst groaned, her hips swaying in an uncontrollable swing with each step;  her tits wobbled and bounced, stretching and straining the confines of her tank top with each step.

This was so dumb ---  she should've known helping Peridot with any sort of experiment was bound to go poorly.  The green gem was working on a method to more permanently alter one's form, after the near-miss that had been Amethyst's Jasper disguise against the rubies.  The problem?  Some wires had gotten crossed, and instead of Amethyst becoming taller she was compressed to an even shorter stature!

Now far and above the shortest in the shorty squad, Amethyst will just have to live with her even more compact stature until Peridot can reverse it...  if she can, that is.


We explored the idea of Pearl becoming a shortstack, but...  what if you take the canon shortstack and double the effect?



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