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Malfunction after malfunction batters Pearl's form, making her not only shorter but wider, too!  Here's hoping she can either learn to accept her assets, or at the very least stop them from getting any bigger!


Pearl scoffed, gazing down at herself in annoyance.  Of all the things that could happen, of course it would be this.  Garnet and Amethyst came out of the Roaming Eye incident with no trouble, but after poofing in the middle of the distortion of her form, Pearl found her default height permanently altered.  Any long-term shapeshifting efforts were thwarted swiftly, and no amount of poofing would return her form to its proper height ---  and she TRIED.

To make matters worse, Amethyst had finally managed to change her mind when it came to food!  With the woes of her decreased stature weighing her down, it become shockingly easy to seek solace in the comfort of food.  As her waistline swelled outward and her form became ill-covered, she only further loathed the state of herself.

That is, until she took notice of just how taken Amethyst seemed to be...  with her shorter, wider frame,  Amethyst had grown far friendlier and more affectionate.  Maybe, just maybe, she could learn to love her newfound mass...



Eve Cable

wish that happened to meee