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I know that there's nothing I can do to get around people who don't read what I write - it happens. But a few times in the past (and just recently once again, hence the screenshot) I have had people sign up to the Patreon, then be very upset that the Full-Length videos do not have the original footage embedding into them.

I have been very clear about this, but I'm writing this as a Public Patreon post so that it's even more clear.

Full-Length versions of my videos require you to have your own footage. I understand it's less convenient, I promise you it would be much easier for me if I could just upload the episodes with the video in place. It's MORE WORK for me to cover it with a timer.

1) I am hosting them on YouTube. They will NOT get past the copyright checks if I did it like that. Other sites would require me to pay for hosting, probably more than I'm getting through Patreon subscribers right now.

2) It is arguably illegal for me to put the full episodes of shows in my videos. Currently, I would say my videos easily constitute fair use. If I put the full episodes in them, I don't think I could argue that as simply, which puts all the videos in danger. I understand that some other channels put the full episodes on their videos. They are running a huge risk, and that is their business.

I'm very sorry if you subscribe to my Patreon and don't get the content that you expect. It really is not my fault if 1) I'm doing what I'm legally allowed to do, and 2) I very clearly state what you're getting in the tier description.

For those that are supporting me, I appreciate it so, so much. You have no idea. You put a smile on my face and help me put all this content out there for you. I generally make 1-2 videos every single day and have nobody else helping at any point in the operation, so I don't take you guys for granted.

I'm sorry for the lengthy post - I'm not even really annoyed at the people who get angry at me for this, I wish they could get what they want to, truly. It's just not how things work.



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