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More TLoK!

If you're wondering about TLoK scheduling, let me try to let you in on my thought process. Generally, I follow these ideas:
1) There is at least one episode posted a week.
2) If I post an edited version to YouTube, I will accompany that with a Full-Length episode at the same time.
3) I will sometimes post a bonus episode to Patreon, making the gap between Patreon and YouTube wider.

Sunday is currently the designated TLoK day. So on Sunday, you can pretty much guarantee an episode on both YouTube (edited) and Patreon (Full-Length). However, lately I'm trying to do more days where I post two videos on YouTube. Just to get more content out there. So Thursdays, like today, are often good places to put more episodes. What I'm saying is, TLoK day is currently Sunday, but it might ALSO be Thursdays.

I'm saying all that so you can see the unnecessarily complicated scheduling that I am doing. But you know, just check your feeds whenever and support the videos where you can. :) Love you guys.


The Legend of Korra FULL-LENGTH - Episode 3x10

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



I heard that Avatar Yangchen knew how to remove the air from a room, but as a pacifist nun, only to the point of the target passing out. I think it's considered in-universe on the level of bloodbending, morally.