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They legit almost killed Eneru there. By the way, 4 EPISODES TODAY. ENJOY!


One Piece FULL-LENGTH - Episodes 178 - 181

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.


Bob Kip

hey jent, just got back from vacation and catching up on some reactions, currently watching "Episodes 172 - 174" and youtube is really really struggling hard, it just wont load your video past 40 minutes (tried other browsers & devices, eventually it buffers 5 seconds and just freezes again for hours) any chance you can upload it to another media? btw any other yt video loads perfectly fine, so really think its a weird specific yt issue with this specific video

Bob Kip

as an update, after many hours buffering, it normalizes after 50 min, somehow.... very strange xD