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NOTE: There's a noise gate on this video, so when it's quiet, it will sound deathly quiet. It might sound like the video is cutting in and out of audio. I had to do this because I guess my headphones were too loud, and the episode was being picked up by the mic, which made me unable to upload it because of ContentID. So for this video, it will sound a bit weird. Sorry about that.

We're in the clouds, baby.


One Piece FULL-LENGTH - Episodes 152 - 153

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



(Skypiea rhymes with 'I see ya'). There's a small section of people who dislike or outright never watched this arc. They initially view it as "side-quest" because the location and plot are literally a tangent, as if an isekai was forced in, and some find it boring or slow at times, but the latter are subjective. It also suffers from being sandwiched between the heavy Alabasta saga and one of the top 3 sagas. In my opinion, the foreshadowing, symbolism and lore (some of which will be exclusive to the manga's cover stories later) make this arc just as important and it's tons of fun anyway.