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Sorry it's late! Here you go, Korra lovers. I love Korra and Korra lovers as much as Korra lovers love Korra.


The Legend of Korra FULL-LENGTH - Episode 2x10

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



On the VA stuff, this episode has, in my opinion, the worst Iroh voice we ever got from Greg Baldwin. And no, I dont hold it against Greg, its been ages, hes aged, its just all different. But it sounds like hes gasping for breath constantly. He kinda did that in ATLA Book 3, but it wasnt as clear. As for Wan Shi Tong, I really dont like his representation here. The voice was good, but I agree, some kind of effect was missing. The original voice had more of a grumble, so im not sure if its a VA or a voice effects issue. Either way, the voice isnt my issue with Wan Shi Tong here. Hes just not, quite, Wan Shi Tong, yknow? Yes the literal translation is "He who knows 10,000 things" but "10,000" is poetically meant to mean everything. I do think he should be all knowing as far as basic information and literature go. Not like a mindreader tho clearly


Btw in Wan Shi Tong's name, "He Who Knows 10,000 Things" Wan is the 10,000, which represents infinity or the first. Wan is the first avatar. These are real terms irl, but I like the way the writers use these words