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Author's Notes: Not sure what universe to stick this in. Maybe Fusion Fighters? Maybe it's own? Don't know. Anyway, it contains chicks with dicks, polyamory, lesbians who enjoy a good fem cock, conjoinment, overlapping, and total misuse of a gym, and proper use of a protein drink.

Oh, and some art by the amazing https://www.deviantart.com/gsendr1

Now with updated art! Check out all the versions here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/78962250


Gym: Noun, a place people promise themselves they’ll go to, and only a select few ever do.

Jumping Beans: Noun, a plant seed that jumps as a result of the movement of a moth larva which is developing inside it.

Gym Beans: Noun, plural, a group of people who did go to the gym, and are often seen exercising and jumping around with more energy than expected.

In a world much like ours, but where potions that can change the body have started popping up, two Gym Beans, see above, are working out late one night.

“Nine!” Miranda groaned, pushing the bar of solid steel up, over 200 pounds of mass moving with it and her muscles pushing themselves to their limit to get it there. Her eyes flicked to her spotter, and partner both in and out of the Gym, Amber.

“Nine!” Amber grinned, nodding in agreement, marveling down at her girlfriend and the weight she was pushing. When the pair had first met one early January morning, they’d been awkward members of the LGBTQ+ group who weren’t sure if the other one was or wasn’t, and had done a horrible job of hiding their immediate infatuation with each other, not that the other had noticed.

Now, on their fifth year anniversary, the pair had developed both an amazing workout routine, amazing muscles, and an amazing relationship they were both proud of. Though Amber still wondered how the cute, short, busty blonde Miranda, and herself, the tall raven haired goth queen had ever made it as a couple… then a glance past the bar to the tightly packed sports bra and the J-cups the blonde had securely locked in place there and their 9 inches of inviting cleavage begging her to dive right in came into view, and Amber didn’t question much more.

Miranda was having a similar problem, looking up at the inviting pussy just inches from her head as Amber spotted her, and wanting desperately to dive between the amazing legs her lover had worked so hard on, devour the delicious pussy she knew was behind those tight, black workout pants with the purple tiger stripes, and squeeze the amazing ass she loved spooning every night.

Once more the bar went down, and with no small amount of effort, the last Miranda had to push with, she yelled out Ten and forced it heavenward once more, Amber doing her part as spotter to grab it and hook it into place, freeing Miranda from her self imposed workout prison, the blonde quickly setting up, throwing both arms into the air with a loud WHOOP!

Normally she wouldn’t have done it. One, her arms were really hating her, but she’d be babying them tomorrow anyway. And two, the gym hated noisy guests, but it was 2 in the morning, and all but empty save the pair of lovers, just how they liked it.

Miranda turned sideways and flexed for her girlfriend, showing off her biceps. “Hey Amber, what do you think?”

“Mmm… I think we need to know HER name.” Amber nodded towards the entrance.

Miranda felt a bit annoyed. Both of them were poly, but how could her lover look away from her amazing gains? Turning her head around, and twisting a bit at the waist, she found herself suddenly agreeing with her girlfriend, Miranda wanted to know this woman’s name.

And hope she was down for a threesome.

The pink haired woman was the epitome of the bimbo aesthetic. Her tits were huge, round tightly packed silicon filled spheres that showed every inch of them was a choice on the young woman’s part. From her bubblegum pink lips to her matching hair, to her matching yoga pants and sports bra top, she cut a heck of a stripe across the gym as she walked in, and showed her commitment to her look, and that this was all by design, her design.

With head held high, nose ring gleaming, pink hair pulled into a tight ponytail, the woman walked through the racks of weights and workout equipment trying to choose the right thing. Her incredible 5’11” was even taller than Amber’s height, leaving the pair quickly smitten with her whole look.

“Uh, hi.” Amber coughed, surprised how deep her voice had come out, catching the pink haired bimbo babe’s attention. “I’m Amber.”

“And I’m Mira.” Miranda chirped, sliding into place next to her girlfriend. Despite the solid foot of difference between the tall goth and the short blonde, the two couldn’t have looked like more of a couple unless they’d started making out, but they’d agreed a while ago that they were a package deal in any romp. “Can we help you with any of this?”

“Oh, uh, hi.” The pink haired bimbo had the lightest, airiest… air-headed-est voice either of them had heard out of a cartoon. “I’m like, Danni, and I just had a fillup, and they warned me I needed to workout my back more since I got them so big.”

“Fill up?” Amber asked, glancing out the door at the pink Cadillac parked out front, the same color as Danni’s…. Everything.

“Yeah, my titties.” Danni leaned forward and squeezed the big spheres together with her elbows, showing off how little they moved, squished, or did anything other than look beautiful. “I’m at 4k each now!”

“That’s… pretty fucking big!” Miranda grinned big to Danni.

“Fuck yeah! Busty girls unite!” Danni held up a hand that Miranda deftly smacked with own palm in a quick high five. “But yeah, they’re heavy and I was hoping to maybe learn about getting a workout.”

“Well, if this is your first time, I’d suggest-.” And thus began a night of the trio working on workout plans, showing and learning how different pieces of equipment worked, spotting each other as they tried them out and demonstrating them for one another, and generally got to know each other better. And build up a decent shine of sweat that all three of them  delightful.

Almost two hours later, Danni released the chest press that didn’t even make it halfway before hitting her huge balloons, giggling and getting her arms free. “I think this would probably work best, the muscles they told me to work on definitely feel it, but I think my girls are a bit big for the machine itself.”

“Mmmm… need help lifting them in the meantime?” Amber offered, leaning forward. While not in the same category as her girlfriend, Miranda, or the sexy, inflated Danni, her own ample chest in any other company was hard to miss.

There’d been some timid flirting earlier, the young couple of Gym Beans wondering if the newbie was just naturally flirty as the bimbo she so clearly enjoyed being, or if she was in a compatible spot in the spectrum to them. An offer to ‘eat them both out for a post workout treat’ a half hour in had helped clear that up.

Since then, the trio had been laying it thicker and thicker, if not outright saying ‘hey can we sneak to the locker room and work out some of this’ though they could all feel themselves getting closer and closer to that point.

“I’m so big though.” Danni mimed thinking realllly hard about how to handle the problem before coming to answer. “I know! You can hold my left one and Miranda can carry my right!”

The trio all burst out into laughter before Miranda noted the time. “Ok girls, we’ve checked out all the machines, it’s time for a post workout shake and to make room for the morning crowd.”

“Awwww.” Danni pouted, then had a thought. “Oh, wait, what do you mean shake? Like a milkshake? Because I know these things look full, but trust me, it ain’t dairy.”

Miranda had leaned against a machine as she burst out into laughter, Amber just shaking her head, putting a hand out to help support Danni who’d been having trouble seeing her feet as they made their way through the maze of equipment. “No no, protein shakes. Helps give your body what it needs to build up some muscles and repair the damage that was done without giving you any of the unhealthy stuff. Mira and I just started a new type guaranteed to get you the fem-muscle everybody wants.”

“Love it!” Danni beamed, not thinking too hard on what Amber had just said.

She watched as the pair briefly disappeared into the locker room, amusing herself with rolling her shoulders and giggling at how her own, big inflated tits moved around. Coming back out a moment later, Miranda was already shaking a large tumblr, the contents looking a bit like mud water. Amber on the other hand was measuring a scoop out into clear water, with a small metal coil at the bottom Danni could see through.

“Ok, here, this should be good for a beginner.” Amber offered her tumblr to Danni. “Just remember to shake it good first.”

“Yeah, you don’t want this chunky style.” Miranda kept shaking her’s.

“What if I like it thick and-.” The duo started laughing and Danni joined them, already shaking the tumblr.

All three enjoyed the show of her shaking the tumblr, Miranda started on her own drink, sharing it with her girlfriend.

Once they all agreed it was done, Danni took her first drink of ‘protein shake’ and had to smack her lips after the first hearty swallow. “Wow, that’s actually really go-.”

She stopped suddenly and stared down in shock at her own cleavage.

“What?” Amber asked, reaching a hand out to the pink haired babe.

“Something wrong?”

“No.” At first they thought Danni was answering them. “No. Oh no. Oh no no no no! Not now!”

“What’s wrong, babe?” Amber’s hand almost made it to Danni’s shoulder before the pink haired lady jerked away, eyes wide with fear.

“It’s… I’m… Oh fuck… Look, I’m… I’m trans. And I didn’t want that to get between us, and I’ve… umm… not gotten to the surgery on the bottom yet.”

“Huh?” Miranda glanced at Danni's shoes, then back up to her eyes, trying to follow along.

“She’s still got a cock.” Amber patiently explained, before turning her attention back to Danni. “And don’t worry about it, babe. Having an extra toy to play with doesn’t make you any less of a woman.”

“Oh yeah, if it did, we’d have to rename ourselves Chad.” Miranda rolled her eyes. “So many toys back at home.”

“At home?” Danni blinked, before doubling over with a groan. “Oh fuck… I’m… I thought it was just making me hard but… something is… growing!”

She straightened up and both Amber and Mira gasped at the huge, thick cock working its way down the tight yoga pants clad leg of the pink haired babe. It was so big, and the clothing so tight, the individual veins were visible.

“Oohhh, maybe we should get you to our place and-.” Amber started before with a shriek from Danni, the leggings burst off the bubblegum bimbo, her huge cock swinging into view, so long it had almost reached down to her knee before being freed.

Now, without any pressure on it, it began growing in earnest as Miranda and Amber looked on in awe.

“I see why you kept that baby till last.” Amber licked her lips.

“No no, I just… Have kind of a love hate relationship with it but… it’s never gotten this big before.”

“Oh crap.” Miranda grabbed the container of powder, looking at the warnings. “Uh… you’re on HRT, right?”


“Well the powder enhances what you’ve got, and with both sets of hormones in you, I think it’s going a bit heywire trying to figure out what to do, what to enhance.”

“What are you saying?” Danni had both her hands pulled into tight fists; she was semi-hiding her face behind.

“She’s saying you’ve got the biggest, girliest cock ever, babe.” Amber grinned. “And I think we can help you out with it.”

“But… but there’s no way this will fit in another pair of workout pants.” Danni shook her head. “It’s too big, I’m too hard!”

“True.” Miranda grinned and reached out, her hand stroking down the huge cock’s length, much to both her and Danni’s mutual delight. “Then we’ll just have to work real hard at getting you soft again.”

“Then you can borrow one of mine.” Amber offered, as she also dropped to her knees, taking the cock in both hands.

Danni moaned at the pair of women working her cock, but also marveled at it. She’d always been somewhat at war with what she’d always thought of as that ‘awful male bit’ tacked onto her body, but with it so big now that she could see it past even her boobs, she had to admit, it’s soft pink color, and the two hard ladies working it, it did have a distinctive, feminine charm to it now.

And the sensitivity…. As she passed the two and half foot mark of pure lady love meat, she felt her jaw swing open and her head thrown back as a pair of lips, Miranda she thought, closed around the end. The other woman kept licking, kissing and sucking her way up and down the length of thick, veiny cock while the woman on the end begged with every loud slurp and suck for Danni to please, just cum!

Something Danni was delighted to do. With a girly squeal, she felt the white, hot cum spray down her length, taking much longer than she remembered to reach the end of her now three foot long cock and fill the blonde’s mouth, the gorgeous babe with blue eyes smiling as she gulped, and gulped again, swallowing every bit of Danni’s batter without missing a bit.

“H-hope you like my own protein shake.” Danni panted, as she felt herself coming down off that high and Miranda popped free from the end.

“I for one am just hoping you have more in you.”  Amber quickly took her lover’s place at the end of the girly cock, Miranda leaning against a wall and cradling her stomach, looking a bit dazed but extremely pleased with herself. “I want my ‘protein shake’ next!”

Danni moaned. “Oh my… Mmmm…!” She’d never cum this closely together before, but the lovely fem-cock was ready for the ravenous raven-haired beauty and her insistent lips. She desperately wanted to give her full attention to Amber, but instead her eyes fell on her short blonde friend. Before Danni’s eyes, Miranda had started… growing!

Bigger, bustier, taller even! Miranda’s legs pushed out the bottom of what had been a perfect size for her, the stirrups that had held them in place snapping as her legs surpassed the suggested length for the pants. Her calves pulsed bigger and wider, looking like she hadn’t missed a leg day in years… which she hadn’t, but now her look matched it. Her arms too, so recently worked out, grew larger, the blonde marveling and curling a bicep at the huge gains she suddenly had as her torso lengthened and stomach tightened. Her top, already packed tightly with her large, soft, tits, was suddenly over burdened as her pecs, and tits, firmed up delightfully, in a way even Danni had to admit was impressive, and not just for natural tits. The huge spheres grew to a size that would have her and Danni swapping bras, as the blonde pulled herself to her full, new, six and a half feet tall height.

“A-Amber!” Miranda said, staring down in shock.

“In a minute.” Amber murmured, lost in cock.

Danni watched as Miranda gave one last flex, and her tight outfit utterly detonated off her, revealing a now seven foot tall blonde viking of a woman, with tits just a touch bigger than Danni’s own spheres, and legs sculpted from marble, her pussy wet and glistening in the harsh gym lights.

The sudden reveal, and Amber’s continuous work was enough to push Danni over the edge, the pink haired woman crowing loudly as she blasted another woman’s mouth full of cum for the second time that day, the pretty pink haired babe feeling herself finally, completely drained as Amber gulped down each and every drop.

“Fuuuuck that’s a lot of cum, huh Miranda?” Amber laughed as she came free of the cock, turning to look at her partner, and then looking up… and up… at the blonde. “What the fuck!?”

“I… I think the protein shake I had… and the one Danni gave me, might have mixed together and had some… uh… interesting effects.” Miranda did a quick pose, cocking a hip and lifting a tit with one hand, curling an arm and marveling at her own bicep, up to her ear with not even her hardest flex she knew she was capable of.

“Oh, yeah?” Amber said, nonchalantly, before diving for the discarded and half finished tumbler of Miranda. She quickly gulped the contents down, finishing it off, and giving a light burp. “Let’s see how long- FUCK!”

Already on her feet, the trio watched as Amber grew taller and taller, up to Miranda’s height in seconds, then a touch past it. Her arms too pumped up, along with her own tits taking on the same tight, spherical shape of the other two babes present, though not quite up to their size, it was still too much for her top. As the raven haired babe flexed her pecs, it popped apart one strip of cloth at a time, first off one shoulder, then the other, and finally from around her ribs, revealing them in all their pert, delicious glory.

But her legs were where the magic was really happening for Amber. Her already ample ass was growing a wider set of hips and an even more pronounced bubble than before, a quick flex of her glutes showing off just how much of it was pure muscles as her legs hit a level of chun-li-fetish-fan-art, and then beyond, the goth queen moaning as her leggins were shredded by her shredded legs, unable to resist pointing her toes and reaching up, fingers brushing the high ceiling as she finally tapped out, a huge, tall amazon with insane muscles and definition, and two tits no bra would have dared try to contain.

“You two… look amazing!” Danni panted, looking at the two sexy, tall, gorgeous, muscle bound babes with their incredible curves and massive tits. Just as she was about to wonder if maybe she was long enough now to suck herself off so she could get in on the action, she felt a hand stroking her girly cock. She looked up just in time to see Mirnada reaching out and putting Danni’s, originally Amber’s, tumblr to her lips. She’d only had one drink before that had started all this, but now found herself gulping down huge amounts of the liquid to the blonde’s encouragement.

Soon, Danni was panting for air, the tumblr closed and forgotten, still only a third of it gone, as her cock once more was pulsing bigger, thicker and harder once more. And again, the two other women were kneeling and cooing in delight. Danni watched, panting in want and need as the two muscle bound titty-monsters worked her cock again. It was amazing to watch until-.

“Hey, my turn.” Miranda said as Amber and her had been kissing their way to the head, only for Amber to take the end of the cock instead of her.

“Nuh-uh, you went first last time.”

“Well you just had a dose!” Miranda tried to shove Amber out of the way with just her tits, the two huge spheres bouncing against Amber’s own, briefly trapping Danni’s long cock between them.

“Oh girls… there’s plenty of me too-.” Danni started.

“Hey, watch the tits! I just got these!” Amber said, accidentally mimicking something Danni had semi-jokingly said earlier. “And I want to pump them up even bigger!”

“You can after I do!”

“I want that cum!”

“So do I!” Still the pair struggled, their four tits rubbing up and down Danni’s ridiculous length, driving the pink haired babe closer and closer to the edge.

“Oh fuck… having you two do that with your tits is- ah!” Danni cried out, finding herself getting closer to the edge. “Catfights are my kink!”

“Huh?” Miranda asked, just enough time to look up.

“What?” Amber didn’t look up, already wrapping an arm around Miranda’s waist in an attempt to fling the cum guzzling blonde back a step so she could finish Danni off.

The eruption of cum was unlike anything any of the three had ever seen before, twice what Danni had come with the first dose of protein shake, even added together, and quickly splattering the two wrestling babes in cum. The two women squealed and slipped and slid on the floor, crashing together to the ground, each still trying to get one over on the other as their limbs went everywhere and their tits bounced together.

It took Danni nearly a full five minutes to get her bearings and look at her lovers again, surprised that they hadn’t gone back for seconds, or was that fourths, already, and felt her jaw swing open when the pair came into sight.

They seemed to still be working out how their new bodies… BODY worked. They now shared a single torso with all four of their tits dominating it. If Amber had been at all jealous of still being the smallest bust in the room, she no longer needed to worry.

All four tits were approximately the same size and shape, but whose nipples were who’s, and whose breasts were on which side, seemed to have been wonderfully mixed up, the top pair not matching the bottom pair, or each other. The only indication Danni had about whose nipples had even originally belonged to whom was Amber’s two pierced ones, rather than Miranda’s all original pair. However, on their top set, their pale left breast  below Miranda’s head had it’s nipple pierced, but it was the deeply tanned one with the wide areola on top that was pierced in the set below that, making Danni wondered just how mixed up the pair had gotten before pulling enough apart to get their current build.

Further, they had four identical arms, covered in muscle and absently flexing, one set below the other as Amber and Miranda looked their body over, along with a three legged body, still showing off both their pussies, and now possessing an ass even Amber would have been shocked to have, even if it did have an odd three-cheeked presentation. Even their hair had gained a streak of each other’s color, along with the pair swapping eyes colors, at least as far as Danni could remember, on the pair of eyes closest to each other.

And their height. Their heads were nearly brushing the rafters of the high gym ceiling, something Amber had done on tip toes with her arms reached all the way up before, and Danni gulped as she did the math at just how tall the pair now were, at least 15 feet tall if not a touch more.

“I think…” Miranda said, surprising herself as her voice was deeper like Amber’s had been when Danni had first met them, but still distinctly Miranda’s. “We should move this to our place.”

“Agreed.” Amber said, her voice a bit lighter than before, similar to Miranda’s. The two looked to Danni and shot her two unique, if shared, grins.

“Unless you don’t want part of this?” Miranda said, gesturing to their whole body.

“Are you kidding?” Danni grinned from ear to ear. “You’d look great with my head between yours, and my huge cock swinging back and forth with our crazy gate!”

Amber and Miranda beamed as Danni scooped up the Shake mix. This was going to be a wild night… morning… Whatever it was, it was one hell of a workout.



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