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I forgot this one! Hope you enjoy this very late christmas present.

By CandlesticksDilemma

Contains: Well meaning wishes, well meaning wish givers, jars filled with magical goo.


Hexadecimal, yes that was his name, felt the tug on his arm and let himself be pulled in yet another direction, flowing through the ether, gaining form and…

And popping into existence in a glowing green ring of light as two skinny goths looked up at him. With a deep breath in, he did his best impression of Idris Elba’s voice and bellowed out his usual opening lines.

“GREETINGS, MORTALS!” And coughed. No matter how much he practiced, his high squeaky voice just didn’t really want to make dulcet tones like that. Instead, Hexadecimal switched to his more standard, if spoken a little quickly, customer service voice. Sure it was dead pan, monotone, and showed just how few fucks he had left to give, but it got the point across. “And happy holidays. I will be your wish granting Demon for this holiday season and am here to administer to the…”

Hexadecimal stopped and looked the two up and down, then glanced around the room to make sure there weren’t any more people, or cats, in the room. “The two of you three wishes. As per our current terms and conditions, that means one wish made from each of you, for the other one only, and a third jointly shared wish that you two must agree upon that will be meant for both of you.”

Finishing his speech he looked to the two again, who were staring up at him from the other side of the glowing green circle.

“What? Did I forget to manifest pants again?” Hexadecimal checked. Nope, ripped jeans with huge bells at the bottom. Sure it made him look like he was from the 90s, along with the black tank top fishnets, but he had worked on those abs for a while and wanted to show them off, and the big jeans were comfy.

“We, ah… I guess… Didn’t expect you to come.” The guy, a cute and effeminate punky looking boy with a black mohawk, partly flopped to one side as was the style these days with a few red streaks painted in it slowly rose to his feet.

Hexadecimal pulled a little pad out of his pocket. While ostensibly it looked like a paper notebook, he knew first hand how much knowledge it held. Flipping to today's date and… glancing at a nearby clock hanging on a wall… time, Hexadecimal confirmed the guy's name.

“Yeah, sorry Peyton, you really summoned me.” Hexadecimal couldn’t keep the sigh from his voice. “I know it’s not super common knowledge, but the walls between realms have been pretty easy to pass through if correctly summoned since about 2006.”

“What happened in 2006?”

Hexadecimal had to keep a thrill from running down his spine when the girl spoke up. Now THAT was a deep throaty voice. Glancing to his notes he confirmed her name was Amber, and giving her a quick look over he was very pleased by what he saw. While she had a nice pair of boobs, that was overshadowed by just how buff the woman was. She looked like She Hulk with pale skin and too much goth makeup.

Which put her right in Hex’s strike zone when it came to corporeal human females. Not just looks, but her attitude. This was a woman who would punch a customer in the face rather than take a ration of shit from them, something that Hex himself aspired to. Peeking into the pair's relationship, he loved how she had picked up Peyton, essentially throwing the skinny little goth boy over her shoulder and claiming him like some sort of Gothic Viking Orc.

“2006? Oh, you mortals demoted Pluto as a planet to a dwarf planet. Pissed off the God Hades,” Hex waited half a sec to see if they knew that Pluto was just the roman name for Hades. When they both nodded he continued. “He was in charge of keeping the barriers apart and just sorta… let them drop a bit more than usual. Not enough that worlds started merging or people could hop across willy nilly, but enough that demons could be summoned, genie bottles would pop up, that sort of thing.”

They blinked at the demon, then looked at each other.

“So…” Hex prompted. “Your wishes?”

“Um… so… look.” Peyton started, then looked to his much more assertive female life partner.

“We didn’t know the summoning would work. We just sorta…” Amber waved a toned, muscled hand in the air. “Came across a spell online that said it could grant a few Christmas wishes.”

“Christmas?” Hex tilted his head to the side. The name sounded familiar.

“Yeah, you know, Merry Christmas?” Peyton offered.

“Marry Chris? I hardly know her!” Hex waited for someone to laugh.

No one did.

He let his shoulders drop. “Right, so, yeah. Any terms and conditions I can explain?”

“What do you… get out of it?” Amber’s eyes had drifted to the two pale horns that wobbled a bit like jelly on top of Hex’s otherwise human looking head.

“Depends on the demon. Some get off on the havoc that comes from giving people exactly what they want. Others will ask for something in return. Me, I’m actually a sex demon.”

“An Incubus?” Peyton and Amber said together, leaning forward a bit.

“Ah, well, technically incubus and succubus are more a term for ‘top or bottom’, not a gender thing, and I’m more about equality in the bedroom so… no?” Hex shrugged. “But I get that language changes so sure, if you need to define me.”

“So… what would you get from us?” Amber asked. “I mean, you’re cute, and all. I don’t think Peyton would complain if we wanted to try a three wa-.”

“Nope!” Hexadecimal held both hands up. “No, that's fine, I’m not super into the whole ‘trade sex for favors’ kinda thing. Feels a bit icky. I just want the excess energy you two are going to throw off after you have sex for the first time after the wishes.” Not like mortals use it anyway, he added silently to himself.

“Oh, right, the wishes.” Peyton said. “Umm… Amber, mind if I go first?”

“I… I guess. I mean if we’re not giving up our souls or anything.”

“Just the sexual energy you’ve both got pent is fine by me.” Hex replied.

“Ok so…” Peyton blushed when he looked at the powerful girlfriend next to him. “Could you make Amber more… voluptuous.”

“What?” Amber blinked. “You don’t like how I look?”

“I love how you look!” Peyton instantly looked a bit like a kicked puppy, and Hex had to fight the urge to pull him into a hug and pat the shorter man’s black and red hair. “But, I know sometimes you feel like working out took away some of your femininity. So I wish that you had huge boobs and a big fat ass to go with all those muscles.”

“Granted.” Hexadecimal surprised both of them when Peyton said the magic words, and waved a hand on that buff goth babe.

Amber’s hands instantly went to her tits, braless and lightly contained in a black tank top. While they’d always been bouncy and fun wobbly wonders before, she gasped as her fingers began to spread and her tits began to inflate. Moaning as the sensitivity went through the roof (it wasn’t expressly asked for, but Hexadecimal was looking for a good rating on today's service), Amber clung to her inflating tits with both hands as they passed out of any normal bra sizes, huge and round and as firm as the rest of her.

Behind Amber, her ass wasn’t going to be outdone by her tits and was swelling as well. Two big cheeks you could balance teacups on, and a wide set of hips made the skirt she’d been wearing snap up to her trim waist and sexy abs that put even Hex’s own abs to shame.

Within the span a few breaths, Amber had gone from looking like a raven haired valkyrie in gothic makeup, to a well muscled, built for war bimbo with arms and a back that looked JUUUUST strong enough to wrangle her two massive boobs and huge wobbly ass.

Hex checked his notes to make sure he had gotten the measurements right. “There you go. Congratulations Amber, you are now a triple Zed cup.” He paused. Was he in America? Would they know that a Z was pronounced Zed everywhere else? Well, maybe if they were Power Ranger fans. “With an ass to match, just at the upper end of the curves limit of what a human can handle, and a perfect match for your muscle tone and carrying capacity.”

“What the fuck!” Amber blinked her brown eyes, her black eyeliner shining in the green glow of the circle Hex was still standing in. “I didn’t ask for this!!”

“Uh, no, Peyton did.” Hex gestured to the skinny goth boy who looked torn between pouncing his girlfriend for all the snuggles, and hiding behind the couch.

“Peyyyton!” Amber growled and Hex got another flash of why ‘she-hulk’ had been an apt descriptor of her before the wish. “F-fine! You want me all curvy like this-.”

“I thought you’d want to be all curvy like that.” Peyton feebly tried. Hex looked at him, and Hex’s sight went deep. He knew that Peyton really meant it, the skinny boy really had loved her the way she was normally, but had been hoping his wish would make her happy.

Hex gave Amber the same deep, searching look, time slowing down every time he used his powers like this, and found something that made him bite his lip. Peyton had been right, but Amber was torn between societal pressures about being girly, but wanting to be strong and how society saw that as the opposite of girly, and that struggle to be both part of her culture, and the counterculture she counted herself part of, and the tangled mess it made of her psyche.

“Oi that’s a mess…” Hex said, letting time speed back up.

“All curvy like this, then I wish your cock was so big, so thick and long, the only girl who could handle it was me!” Amber finished her wish.

Hex wanted to say something about a wish like that. He hadn’t seen any signs in Peyton of him having a straying eye. In fact if anything Peyton was a bit too wrapped up in his relationship. But in Amber, Hex had seen a fear that at any moment Peyton might see some big titty goth babe and decide he wanted something more feminine in a partner, despite looking effeminate enough for two goth girls all by himself, and dump her, and the wish he’d made had only reinforced that fear.

Instead of commenting, it wasn’t Hex’s place he decided, he simply said, “Wish granted.”

This wish was a bit more complicated than he normally granted, and technically speaking it affected both partners, not just Peyton. Hex used a bit of magic to open the front of Peyton’s pants, letting a huge three foot long hoagie of a cock throb bigger and bigger until it met the terms of Amber’s wish, big enough that only tits the size of her’s could ever have titfucked it. He also let his magic go work much more subtly on her, making her mouth, her throat, and especially her pussy and… in case they were into that… ass be stretchy enough to handle being absolutely RAILED by that huge sub-sandwich of man-meat.

Peyton hardly noticed, something that Hex noticed and had to show some respect to. Most guys would be drooling on themselves with a cock like that, especially thick and hard and with a cum production that would choke a horse already churning away at making some baby batter for the lucky lady that lent him a hand… or cleavage.

Instead of being hung up on that, Peyton had dropped to his knees and was clinging to Amber’s hands, begging for forgiveness and trying again to explain he hadn’t meant his wish to make her feel anything less than beautiful.

“Wasn’t I beautiful before?” Amber was trying not to cry, staring up at the ceiling.

“You were!” Peyton whimpered, his own tears freely falling. Hex gave silent kudos and adjusted the taste of his cum to be more pleasurable as an extra thumbs up for being vulnerable. “I wanted you to… to feel as beautiful as I see you always.”

“But… but…”

“Please look at me.” Peyton begged, tears now streaming.

“I want to, but I need to cry and this foundation was $40!”

Hex nodded in respect. Waste not, want not.

Peyton understood too, and plowed on as if she were looking into his eyes. “You were always the most beautiful, most powerful woman I knew.” Peyton kissed the backs of her trembling hands. “But you always questioned yourself, on if you were enough. I wanted to wish that you had everything you wanted to feel whole, feel safe and beautiful in your own right.”

“I… I wish I could be with you forever.” Amber said back, yanking Peyton up and hugging him into her boobs, his face so buried in her cleavage that only a small tuft of black and red hair poked up.

“Wish granted.” Hex said, swishing his hand as the final wish locked into place.

Amber’s head snapped around to look at Hex, her mouth opening to say something. If Peyton heard Hex at all through all that boob, the demon would have been surprised. Instead of anything verbally happening, the gothic couple moaned as they melted into each other, twisting a bit and reconfiguring before with a pop and a bit of magic dust falling around them, dissipating before it hit the floor, their new combined form popped into existence.

Hex quickly summoned a mirror just to the right of his circle and gestured to it before Amber, or Peyton, could ask what happened. Staring back at them was a two headed, rather fem looking gothic babe, with huge beach ball sized boobies, a thick, veiny long cock sliding up between them, a skinny, washboard waist and abs, and an ass that they were going to have trouble finding chairs with arms to sit in, not to mention a pair of thighs that the milfiest of milfs would go green with jealousy of.

“There you go, a body to feel safe, together, and all the fem you want in it.” Hex said.

“But… I-.” Peyton started.

“We’re just-.” Amber interrupted.

“Look.” Hex held up a hand, the scroll they’d summoned him from… or was it just a bit of paper from the laser printer in the corner? Well, whatever it was flew into his hands, and he made a slight change to it. “Try it for tonight, sleep on it, and if you don’t like any of the three wishes, just say the spell again, but with my name on it, added here at the bottom for your convenience, and I’ll pop back here tomorrow to rectify, make minor alterations, or just flat reverse any or all of the three wishes you don’t like. But please, PLEASE, talk to each other tonight first, before anymore hasty decisions, or wishes, are made.”

And with that, he vanished in a puff of theatrical green smoke, the glow around the ring fading just as fast as the smoke did, leaving Peyton and Amber together, blinking before they turned their heads on their shared shoulders to each other, mouths opening to say something.


Hexadecimal floated above a desk like shape in the ethereal world he came from. Next to him was a jar, partly filled with some of the energy from other couples he’d been summoned for ‘christmas wishes’ already today. He frowned at it and sighed, wondering when he’d feel not just that tug again, but hear that distinct echo of his name that would accompany it when Amber and Peyton got done talking.

Instead… a tinkling of bells sounded as the jar started to fill. Expecting it to be the same small amount that several of the others had been this week, he was shocked when it suddenly filled all the way up with Peyton and Amber’s distinctive energy patterns, or rather, pattern as they now shared it. And then another jar… and then another. Hexadecimal felt his eyes, if he had something like that in this form, start to bug out as seven, no EIGHT, jars filled with released sexual energy before finally tapering to a stop a third of the way through a ninth jar, filling his energy coffers for what would be months to come.

“Maybe I should try this conjoining thing more often.”




So refreshing to see wish-granting demons who are thoughtful and considerate instead of pointlessly spiteful! Maybe Hex should consider implementing a Customer Rewards program for especially "grateful" summoners.