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By Candlestick’s Dilemma

Proofing by Roxi

“So you’re sure on this first wish?”

April groaned and gave the quiet, shy genie another death glare, not even the first glare of the day. “Seriously, Genie?”

“But.. Your wish… it’s just…. So open ended.”

Maybe she had a point, making a wish like ‘more tits than I can handle’ kinda stunk of ‘nothing good can come from this’ but… she’d just been so flat for so long and today was just the WORST day for April because-.

“I mean, it’s April Fools Day!”

And there it was. April’s eyes flashed and she slammed a fist down. “Look, I said I wish for more tits than I can handle and that’s exactly what I want! Give me more tits than I can handle!”

“A-alright.” The blond genie snapped her fingers and April gasped as she felt her breasts start tingling. “I’d say ‘careful what you wish for’ but that ship has sailed NOW.”

April barely paid attention, her hands going to her hair, diving in and hanging on for dear life as the sensations overwhelmed her. She threw her head back and gasped, her soon-to-be-tits going from not even palm fulls to heaping handfuls. Nerve endings snapped into existence and thrilled April as she grew bustier by the second, tits pushing her cheap clothing out of the way, tearing through buttons and popping threads as she surpassed the size of any woman she’d ever seen.

Tits larger than her head, then larger than any sports equipment she could name, which wasn’t a lot, dominated her chest, her hands roaming them, squeezing tits bigger than any type of ball found at the beach driving her brain and pussy insane as she grew beyond anything she could have imagined.

Certainly more than she could handle…

And then, just as she was coming down from what had felt like a dozen orgasms hitting her brain like buckshot, her hands fell to what should have been her lap, stopping when she felt not her thighs, but another set of tits, a solid foot above that. With a squeal, her head snapped forward, chin into her cleavage as she peered down.

“H-holy fuck… I have four tits!”

“Y-yes you do.” Genie answered, bashfully rubbing the back of her neck. “I tried to say, that while I’m not THAT kind of genie, we do kind of twist wishes a bit by nature, and with it being-.”

“Don’t say it!” April interrupted, thrusting a hand out to stop the genie, her four large tits wobbling. “I get it. I get it. Let me guess, no undoing or redoing a wish, or using another to wish to undo it?”

Genie shook her head no.

“Right, well, I’ve definitely got what I wished for, more tits than I could handle.”

“Both in size, shape, and count.” Genie agreed.

“Damn, well, I wish I had someone to help me with them.”

Genie face-palmed and April blinked, about to ask ‘what’ before there was another snap.

In a flash, a cute babe with blue hair appeared. April would have liked to have more description but it was basically just the head.

Right next to hers.

On her… THEIR shoulders.

“Oh… hi.” The blue haired babe blinked before shooting April a smile. “I’m May.”

“I’m, uh, April.” April replied. “I’d… shake your hand but…”

May took stock of her new form, both hands lifting as if they’d always been hers, before squeezing first the bottom two, then top two large tits, both women groaning at the sensation.

“Mmm… nice hands.” April purred.

“That’s what she said.” May teased back, getting a giggle from April before the two shared a quick kiss.

“So, uh, not disturbed about the whole… conjoined to another woman in a body with four tits the size of beer kegs?” April asked, their left hand gesturing to their arrangement. Neither woman could really see the hand past the tits, but could feel the motion.

“Not really.” May shrugged their shoulders. “Umm… let me guess, the wish was about someone who’d enjoy your tits with you?”

“Something like that, yeah.”

“Well it found someone who would.” May grinned from ear to ear and for the first time April felt herself perk up a bit about her situation, not just today, but in life in general. “So, any wishes left?”

“Wanting out so quickly?” April teased, already knowing the answer, but not quite sure how she’d already gotten a bead on someone’s personality this fast. ‘Like we were always meant to be friends, or something.’

May snorted. “Yeah right. If anything I’d want to bump us up to six or something.”

“Pass.” April groaned with an eye roll, but found her smile staying in place for her new body partner. “Besides, we’re out of room, top to bottom. The only way to fit two more this size is if we widen our shoulders.”

“I’m not letting you get any further away.” May shot April the dazzling grin that felt like a spring day, and April realized she was going to get to see that smile every day, and promptly made a decision to make each day a personal goal in seeing how often she could make her body-mate smile. “But yeah, I was thinking I might have a suggestion for a third wish.”

“Please tell me you’re size queen who wants a pussy that can fit anything we want?” April found herself asking, before smacking a hand to her forehead.

May answered April’s query with a kiss that made them curl their toes.

“Mmm, taking that as a yes.” April grinned, licking some strawberry chap-stick off lips.

“Take it anyway you want.” May purred, before finally focusing on the only other person in the room, the genie. “So how about it?”

“Or is this going to get another twist, because I really don’t want to be turned into a two headed rubber doll or sex toy with extra stretchy powers or something.” April asked.

“Hey, I don’t think I twisted the last one.” Genie protested, gesturing to May. “She’s fun.”

“Well I was wanting a partner.” April groaned, partly from the misunderstanding, partly from just how April was caressing the edge of one areola. They were so busty reaching the nipples was going to be a bit of a trick.

“And I’m not?” May gave a coquettish grin, before leaning her head forward to start raining kisses on the top of the breast closest to her.

“Hush you.” April teased, wagging the finger on May’s side at the blue haired lover… was she really already thinking of their body that way? As theirs instead of her’s with an extra passenger. And of May as a… lover? “I meant more like someone that’ll never leave me.”

“I can promise I’m not.” May solemnly held up three fingers in a girl scout salute. That it was the hand on April’s side was not lost on either woman, who promptly shared a giggle. “Be honest, if we’d met the way you were thinking, you’d have burned the last wish giving us this body anyway.”

“I would not!” April gasped, feeling a bit scandalized. As wonderful, sexy and close as this felt, like she was constantly both the big and little spoon with someone, and also forever in a wonderful warm hug, she probably wouldn’t have thought of this freakish body as anything other than fantasy before now.

“Well, you would have after I convinced you to let me join you in such a sexy body.” May shrugged.

“So…. Stretchy pussy?” Genie asked, brushing her blond hair back over a shoulder.

“Mouths and ass too please.” May added, surprising April. “I like oral and I don’t want to rule out butt stuff later just because we forgot to loop it in.”

“Gotcha.” Genie nodded, turning fully to April. “So a stretchy pussy, ass, mouths and throats-.”

“Ooh, good thinking.” May whispered, earning a shhh from April.

“Anything else you want to be able to stretch and fuck like a pussy?” Genie asked.

The two women in one body shared a look, having a quick silent conversation, April again marveling at so wonderfully and easily clicking with someone before refocusing on the genie.

“Our nipples too?” April asked. “I’ve always wanted to try that.”


It was a few hours, and many orgasms later that April and May finally relaxed enough to stop orgasming almost constantly and focus on each other, panting in unison as they tried desperately to give their shared body enough oxygen to run on.

“That genie was a sweet girl.” May offered as they finally caught their breath. “Maybe twisting that first wish but I can’t complain about the results of any of your three wishes.”

“Oh?” April panted. “I kinda wished she turned down the waterworks on our pussy a bit. I’m going to need new sheets after every orgasm session with you.”

“But haven’t you heard?” May teased, April’s eyes going wide, mentally begging the woman not to make an April’s fool’s day joke. “April showers spread May’s flower?”

April grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it, groaning loudly into the muffled space before smacking May’s head with the marshmallow soft object. “Is this what life is going to be like with you? Bad jokes and great orgasms?”

“Are you complaining?” May blushed and laid her head back, looking deeply into her lover’s eyes.

“Not a bit.” April smiled warmly back, her eyes catching on the long mirror near her bed. “The mismatched nipples are a surprise though.”

“Good to see mine stuck around.” May blushed, massaging their huge round boobies from the sides. “Now I can teach you just what they like, especially with one on your side too.”

“Can’t wait.” April grinned before the two fell into another kiss, their hands working the lovers’ boobs all over again.

Outside, Genie gave one last nod to the apartment she’d so recently vacated after making sure her magic had worked on the pair of women just right and hadn’t left them trapped in a personal hell.

Reaching up, she tugged on her ears with both hands, the blond hair splitting into two different styles framing identical faces as Jen and Connie found themselves not having to share a brain space for the first time today.

“See, when we put our heads together, we do good work.” Connie gestured above them, before feeling her body twist at the waist and Jen getting them walking down the sidewalk, the two almost unnoticed by everyone too engrossed in their phones to catch what was going on, let alone the two headed genie women so close to them.

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Jen groused. “You were right, I was wrong, but I still think we should keep our heads separate when we’re granting wishes.”

“Well I wish,” A skinny woman who looked a bit like a scientist and a super model had been fused together sighed as she sat down, not really intending to intrude on the twins conversation, just complaining a bit as she popped off her black shoes, revealing the red bottomed stiletto she was wearing, and giving her feet a quick massage, “that my feet felt pleasure instead of pain. I love these shoes but they just hurt too much.”

The twins looked to each other.

“So…” Jen started, tilting her head towards the woman, who finally looked up to notice the two headed women in harem attire. “Thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Huh?” The woman asked.

“April fools!” The twins said together before snapping their fingers.



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