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Terry “the Terrible” Grinnishbald stomped through the convention hall, her heels, barely a half inch. With the brunette woman’s tall 6’2” stature, even that much seemed a step too far for her.

All around her, various mad scientists were showing off their inventions, creations, and various crimes against the natural world. A rather tame one on her left revealed to Terry an old joke, about meeting the perfect woman so the mad scientist cloned her once or twice, a mad scientist revealing a booth that every few minutes would spit out a blonde with basketball sized tits and an equally air filled head who always looked shocked at the bevy of her clones standing just outside the booth welcome her. Curiously, the five already out of the booth each sported a different color outfit, though all the same cut. She wanted to stop and ask but Terry was on a mission.

A few more booths down was another mad scientist with a ‘body scribe’ that let you rewrite the body of the subject by simply typing in plain english into a word document. Judging from the assistant, she’d (if she’d even started as a she) had already gone through a number of adjustments, sporting four legs, six boobs, and a large number of arms.

“You’re going to need another head just to keep up with all that.” Terry muttered as she paced by. Apparently the next guest had overheard her, as the assistant quickly upgraded to a two headed look, now sporting cow horns and leaking milk from her multiple breasts. Much to the newly conjoined twins’ shared delight.

The next few booths were unremarkable. An ‘alien’ that was clearly just a mutated alligator, a ‘quick transmission device’ that actually just safely cut off your head via a guillotine and launched it somewhat randomly via a catapult, labeled as a ‘decaptapult’ the heads landing somewhere in the huge event hall apparently no worse for ware. It looked fun but Terry pushed on, passing by a small booth manned by what looked like a high schooler who had an apparently tiny curvaceous woman in a tupperware container, next to what looked like a desklamp. Written in sharpie on the stalkboard around it was “how to shrink your hot science project partner” along with some rather complex looking math that almost grabbed Terry’s attention before her eyes glided back up to the barbie sized blonde beating on the tupperware container yelling ‘quietly’ to be let out. Quiet being a relative term, Terry was sure that to her own ears, the blonde was probably screaming her head off.

Terry gave the young mad scientist a thumbs up, earning a grin back before pushing on. She passed several similarly themed inventions, involving turning people, mostly women, edible and the effects of eating ‘female donuts’ or mixed drinks or cakes had on the various con goers who’d give them a try. Terry was about to try one when she saw a shorter woman suddenly shoot up in height after eating an eclair made from a woman that had rivaled Terry in height. Terry shook her head and pushed on, “Like I need to be any taller.”

There were the regulars of course, bigger bust inventions, one having gone a bit off the rails as everyone in the booth had apparently been turned into busty babes, including presumably the mad scientist. “Gotta make sure your own inventions don’t get you, Mad Scientist 101.” Terry said as she kept moving by, in case the field was still active. She was only a C, tiny compared to the boobs in the booth, and while she wouldn’t say no to a little more size, inventions that busted tended to be a bit unpredictable.

Finally she came to it, a somewhat shoddily put together booth featuring little more than a card table with a black table cloth, actually a bed sheet, with white index cards sporting QR codes printed on them. The idea was for people to scan the QR codes with their phones, download an app that promised…something, she’d left it a bit random for variety sake, that upon clicking it would summon the closest ‘X’ item to you. Each phone was locked to that randomly chosen thing so you couldn’t just reroll and get something else, or else she’d be encouraging the wrath of the thieves guild when ‘a million dollars’ or ‘small gold statue’ popped up as a choice.

Terry glared at the lackluster display before turning her eyes on her assistant, or rather, unpaid intern. “Are you serious?”

The goth femboy blushed cutely, his cute black lipstick sparkled lips pulling into a perfect pout. “I’m sorry Ms. Terry, but I’ve never been to this kind of a con before. I had no idea what would look right.”

“And now that you’ve been here?!” Terry gestured to what, despite the inventions, was a pretty normal con. True, the mad scientists inventions instead of comic stands and merch stores was a departure, but the amount of breast flesh on display, people in odd costumes, and furries was no smaller. True, the furry costumes were… more realistic… because they were actually fur and not a costume, but other than that, all about the same.

“I coulda done just about anything?” He hesitated, twisting a hip and looking at Terry as coquettish and cute as possible, hoping to earn a little forgiveness.

And as badly as Terry wanted to duck under the table and suck his huge thick cock (an employee perk for working with Terry), or have him duck under and eat her out, spiked collar be damned, she’d rather salvage this situation as much as possible first.

“Well, did you even check to see if the QR codes worked? That there’s enough reception here to get the app to download? That the app will even work in here?”

Her assistant hesitated, scratching his tufted red hair atop his otherwise shaved head and blushed again, shrugging.

“Ugh, if you want something done right.” Terry whipped out her phone, opening the camera app and clicking the app link that popped up when her phone roamed over the pre-printed index cards. “Do it yourself.”

Watching the app download, Terry frowned that it was taking longer, but in a convention versus a lab setting that was to be expected, and not too unusual for a convention or too long for people to get bored and walk away. Glancing at it as it opened, Terry’s eyes nearly bugged out.


That was… not one of the preprogrammed options she’d put in the list.

“Did you… mess with my list?”

“Hmm?” Her assistant leaned forward and glanced at Terry’s screen, before looking back up at her for all the world with femboy puppy energy who thought Terry might be happy with the mess he’d made. “But Ms. Terry, you said you wanted me to get everything ready for the mad science convention. I thought you’d want spicier things in there, you know, like everyone else here has?”

He gestured around the con and giving it a quick glance, Terry had to admit he seemed correct. Grumbling a bit, and wondering which pretty bimbo it would summon, perhaps one of the clones from the front doors? Terry opened her mouth to comment on his poor choice, and if bimbo Pink was really necessary, as her thumb hit the ‘click now!’ button.

Instead of popping open a map with coordinates around her of various bimbos she could choose from and click to summon, Terry was surprised when her Camera app opened in selfie mode. “That’s not what I programmed you to do!”

In a flash, Terry found her body changing, warping. Her IQ stayed intact, but she felt her higher brain functions being more and more sidelined as her sex drive rapidly heated up. Breasts that had been pleasant handfuls ballooned into beachballs, perfectly round and rather fake looking. Nicely presentable hips that she’d never had a lover complain about made her groan as they grew into a wide pair of ass carrying trollop carriers, wide enough she tried to calculate if she could still fit through doors easily, or if they’d have to widen the doors to the lab. Her clothing, once a tight blouse and pencil skirt gave way to the blue bra and matching panties underneath, even those scraps of cloth morphing into a teeny tiny blue bikini and matching bottom that barely protected what little dignity Terry’s horny brain maintained.

And finally, her brown eyes gave a twinkle before brightening to an empty headed looking blue, her hair lightening and growing out to a mountain of riotous blonde hair.

Comically, her con badge had gone unchanged, still hanging at chest length, though now greatly pushed away from her,

“LIKE! OMG! It was supposed to bring a hot slut here, not make me into one!” Terry screeched, staring at her phone in shock that now happily displayed ‘Hot Slut Found!’ She opened the selfie camera and whimpered, a hot slut found indeed.

“Are you ok, Ms. Terry?”

“Like, totes!” Terry nodded, before shaking her head. “Ugh, I mean… Fuck. I could think of how to… how… to undo this if I wasn’t so fucking horny!”

“Ummm… can I… help?” Again, that cute puppy dog look on such a cute femboy, and the dog collar definitely added to the look.

“Yes please!” Terry heard her newly high pitched bimbo voice chirp, bending over the folding table and giving her huge ass a little wiggle in his direction, her plump butt cheeks wobbling with the movement.

Her cute assistant took no time in freeing what Terry knew was exactly 12.44 inches, or 31.6 CM of thick, veiny cock. She was sure because that’s exactly what she’d designed and created for her young assistant, pushing the goth femboy up far past what he’d first walked into her lab with. The thing was thicker than a soft drink can, and much more rugged, every bulge and pumping vein felt as he crammed inch after cm of it into her hungry pussy, barely taking the time to move her bikini bottom out of the way before sliding into her.

Her stupid bimbo body had been so hungry for him that even with a member this size, she was practically sucking him into her pussy, taking him deeper and faster than she’d ever been able to manage before. She cried out, grasping the tablecloth and scattering the QR codes all over the floor near her booth, biting her lip as he started to really saw back and forth within her.

Not one to make the cock do all the work, she started throwing it back as hard as she could, meeting every thrust with a hip wiggle that hit all sorts of nice points for both of them, far more of her own than she remembers having even having before, and found herself debating whether it was worth it to even turn back.

Wait… her brain try to grasp that thought. Turn… back? That’s right! Even with the best fucking she’d had in… well, ever! She could still grasp that she was supposed to be using this time away from mind destroying sex to use her sex addled brain to think of a way back.

She had nothing. Well, she had a huge fat cock thrusting into her and giving how the balls were slapping her pussy, and the tense abs she felt on her huge, plump ass, he wouldn’t last much longer fucking her with his sexy, feminine face panting in need and imminent orgasm.

Glancing at her phone, she blinked. Had her fingernails always been that long? Probably not, but they were sucha  cute bubblegum pink color!


On the screen, it had reset to ‘FIND HOT SLUTS NOW!’ with a ‘click now’ pretty pink sparkly button. Maybe clicking it again would turn her back?


“Wait, don-.” Whatever her silly big cocked assistant was going to say was lost as the selfie camera once more came on, showing a rather silly picture. From this angle, it looked like her assistant’s head was right next to her’s. It made her giggle, which did fun things with her abs, that did fun things to the cock inside her, which did something really fun with her assistant, pushing the cute femboy over the edge and he blasted a massive load of cum (as designed) inside of her, the last one, it turned out, she’d ever get from that cock, as the camera flashed.

Terry moaned as her body and her assistant’s had melded together, his… no, *her* head coming into place right next to Terry’s own, turning her hair from the half shaved vivid red, to half shaved vivid pink, a lovely contrast to the mountain of wild blonde hair Terry was sporting. Their silly big boobies grew even bigger, twice as big, until Terry was quite sure she couldn’t reach her nipples anymore, and possibly not stand up either, though their fat ass did an admirable job of inflating to offer count balance.

What’s worse, Terry could feel that they’d kept her assistant’s cock! And her pussy! The cock was now stationed above her wet, horny dripping hole, she felt the naughty length of meat throb and beg her mentally to quickly find a third bimbo to use it, or maybe even a few more!

“Oh noesy wosey!” Her assistant moaned next to her, the already effeminate features now even more pronounced with the bimbo goth look she now sported. “I feel like… sooooo horny now!”

Terry had to agree. Both their sex drives cranked up thanks to the bimbo slut setting of the QR code summoned app, now tied together in one body was just too much to think through. If she’d had any hope of getting enough brain power together to figure out how to turn back, it was well and truly gone now that her bimbo goth assistant and silly cock had been added to her body.

“You see assistant.” Terry looked up as she saw another pair, a brunette with her hair in a tight bun and a cute femboy walking next to her, his cock so big, and skirt so small the head was peeking out the bottom. “This is why you have to be careful with our experiments. Too many mad scientists end up trapped in their own inventions like these two.”

“Um… would you two like to try out our new QR code?” Terry’s assistant blushingly asked, Terry wanting to give her a blowjob just for managing to think that well and ask the well rehearsed question. “It’ll like, take you to our app thingy!”

“Or like… would you like to fuck us?” Terry asked. “We’re equipped enough to handle both of you at once.”

Just another day at a mad scientist convention after all.


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