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Author's notes: A commission by squashflat. Contains BBW, mixing and melting, fusion of plump ladies and one 'hefty heifer' (according to Roxi).


Jenn swept her red hair back over her shoulder and bit her lip. This was a 5x shirt and it just barely fit her rubenesque figure. With both hands, her pale boobs were squeezed up to her chin. The large marshmallows were a bit bigger than her head at 48 GGs, but at 300 pounds few women competed with her.

“Stahp, you’re sexy and this is meant to be a spa day.” Rebecca, Jen’s lover and girlfriend, hugged her own soft 200 lbs form against Jenn from behind, squeezing her own 44 F cups against Jenn’s back, her Latina warmer skin tones contrasting against Jen’s paler ones. A Pocky stick popped from between Rebecca’s pinched fingers, slipping between Jenn’s plump lips with an eager crunch from the red head.

“But now that I’ve broken 300 pounds I feel soooo big.” Jenn moaned, delighting in the taste of the sweet treat.

“And just imagine how big I’m going to make you soon.” Rebecca purred, popping a few gummy bears into the delighted plump redhead's mouth.

“Maybe I should just cut to the chase and eat you.” Jenn teased, Rebecca shivering against Jen, Rebecca’s black hair contrasting as it fell over Jenn’s pale skin.

“Hold that thought. Come on, I’ve heard great things about this spa, and it’s my treat for you, my wonderful feedee.”

“Any day spent with you is a treat, my feeder.” Jenn licked the sugar off Rebecca’s fingers. “OK OK, let’s get ready then.”


Stepping into the spa was something else. Walking by them was a pair of what Jenn could only call ‘smart Latina bimbos’. They were incredibly skinny, but with plump lips that just looked like they were constantly parted, ready for something to be slipped between them. On Jenn, she supposed that would be a bit of scrumptious food, in the hand of Rebecca. On the twins, the only thing meant to slip between those lips began with C, ended with K, and reminded one of a rooster. However, there was a shine in their eyes, and a pair of glasses hanging from one of their cleavages that just led one to know that these were a pair that spent a lot of time with their noses in books.

But then there were the tits. Each was at least as big as their heads, if not a bit larger, and were nearly perfectly round. The twins were a walking advertisement in that everything about their bodies, from their ridiculously small waist, to their big round fake looking boobs was a choice.

Oh, and there was the fact the twins were conjoined. Their bodies melded together into a body with a wide set of shoulders and three large round boobies, all tapering into a tiny waist with hips that would give them an hourglass look normally, but combined with two heads atop, the twins were just too top-heavy for words.

And they were… kissing. They’d take for a bit as they finished up with the front desk girl, but other than that, seemed more into exploring their body with each other. Was it… new? Being conjoined?

Maybe even being identical?

Jenn wasn’t sure. But the idea of being that close with someone, with… Rebecca? It tickled some part of her she’d never thought about before.

She watched the pair of conjoined twin bimbos as they finished up and walked out, talking about how to schedule their college classes now before vanishing out the door.

“Next.” The front desk girl called out, causing Jenn to give a little jump and look at Rebecca, the black haired woman confidently standing and walking over, her plump 200 pound frame working wonderfully with her F cups giving a light bounce with each step.

“We had the special ‘together sauna melt’ scheduled?” Rebecca passed over a small card with a gold print on it to the receptionist, who gave it a quick look before passing it back to Rebecca with a nod.

“Down the hall on the right. Please note any warnings that will be posted on the door.”

Rebecca nodded in return and carefully took Jenn by the elbow. “Come on, sweets. You and I are going to get nice and relaxed.”

“Huh? Sure.” Jenn blinked and let herself be led down the hallway. Along the way she passed a few more couples, including a pair conjoined like the twins from earlier. Despite the much more modest chest, the twins were walking around in only a tight pair of pantyhose and flexing both their arms, chattering together about how ‘ripped’ they were.  If you were into tight bodied with incredible legs, the duo was just that. What really struck Jenn was they seemed to be the same woman split into two separate, if identical minds. Could she be like that, or would she drive herself nuts? What about Rebecca, would she like two of her lover wandering around?

Before she could really focus on the question, they were in the sweat room.

It looked like a traditional sauna, a poured concrete floor with wooden benches, polished and covered in something that kept the wood from rotting without taking away the wonderful wood grain feel of it. Sitting down on it, Jen was shocked at how warm the room felt, like the whole thing was alive. She found a pillar in the center of the room, supported above a drain beneath with it four metal poles. The center top was a dish with heated rocks and a ladle and slowly dripping pot next to it to add to the steam of the room.

She couldn’t quite remember stripping out of her clothes, but was surprised to find herself ‘in the mood, and into the nude’ with her lover purring and petting her curves. She glanced at the soft Latina and found Rebecca already dripping with the heat in the room. “Sh-shouldn’t we read the signs on the door?”

“Already did.” Rebecca purred. “And these are side effects I can’t wait to try with you.”

“Side effects?” Jenn started to ask before moaning at Rebecca’s touch, the raven haired woman pulling her over to one of the benches. Rebecca spread her legs, and Jenn grinned as she kneeled down, finding the concrete floor surprisingly soft and accommodating for her knees, as if it were made simply of concrete textured foam rather than the hard concrete she expected.

Putting it out of her mind she grinned up at Rebecca, enjoying the panting raven haired Latina’s expression of desire on her sweaty face.

“Hey, if you are what you eat, I bet I could be you before we run out of time at the spa.” Jenn teased before going down on her girlfriend, loving the taste of Rebecca’s sweat and arousal mixing, along with another taste Jenn couldn’t quite place.

“N-never say I don’t feed my girl right.” Rebecca panted as Jenn went to town on her, her fingers in Jenn’s red hair. Jenn grasped one of Rebecca’s butt cheeks in each hand, pulling the Latina closer and encouraging her plump legs to go up on Jenn’s shoulders, squeezing her own plump cheeks between Rebecca’s thighs as she kept eating her lover out.

She could feel Rebecca’s legs laying down her back, surprised how far Rebecca’s legs could reach. Of the two of them, Jenn was the taller but she could swear she could feel Rebecca’s legs all the way down to her own generous swell of hip. Pushing the idea out of her mind, the BBW white woman kept going, squeezing Rebecca’s hips and letting her eyes roll close as she devoured her lover, loving the feel of sweat rolling down her body, imagining that it was her own plump self melting like the icing she loved to lick off her lover, like thick ice cream dripping down Rebecca’s body to be licked up by herself.

Jenn paused long enough to take a breath and gasped not just for air between Rebecca’s thighs, but also the site greeting her.

One of Rebecca’s tanned arms was still playing with Jenn’s hair, but the other hand was squeezing one of her plump F cups. Her fingers were squeezing her tit so tightly that her fingers had sunk into boob. The raven haired woman's dark brown nipple was sliding down her forearm, as if it was nothing more than a pepperoni on an especially melty bit of pizza. Her other boob was also slowly sliding down her torso and soon would touch Jenn’s head.

Jenn started to say something but realized that her lips and Rebecca’s lower lips had melded slightly, giving Jenn a taste in her mouth not unlike the pussy of her lover, and also making licking her lips an incredible sensory sensation. She made a move to stand, to ask Rebecca, but instead found her fat ass had already swallowed up her legs, leaving her as just a BBW torso sitting on her own legless ass on the floor, her arms and Rebecca’s thighs mixed together like vanilla and cinnamon ice creams melted and swirling together on a summer day.

Jenn dived back into her lover’s pussy and between her own eager attention on Rebecca’s nethers, and Rebecca’s constant working on Jenn’s head with her own tanned thighs and free hand, soon the plumper woman and Rebecca had blended that middle area pretty thoroughly, not that sensations stopped. Rebecca found she could sense what Jenn did, and knew her red headed lover felt the same, the pair of lovely BBW’s undulating and mixing more as they continued to melt, tanned and pale rivers running into each other, and towards the center of the room before pouring down the funnel and into a series of tubes underneath.

Rebecca panted wanted to keep watching, but Jenn’s sexual assault didn’t stop just because mouth and pussy had merged so well, the undulation of melted flesh on flesh assaulting Rebecca’s mind with pleasure from her red headed lover. She moaned, groaned and panted for both of them as she slid off the bench and onto the hot floor, turning further into a mixed puddle on the floor and feeling more of them running down the drain until only her face was floating atop the puddle, most of her and nearly all of Jenn already down the drain.

She gave one last smile of pleasure before her features melted away, her eyes giving one last glance at the warning sign about the next part, blending and melding might result in…

And she went down the drain with the rest of Jenn.


The two toned liquid went through the serious of clear tubes, letting the two lovers look down on themselves if they chose too, but Jenn and Rebecca, like most women who had previously gone through the tubes, instead focused on the feeling of every inch of their skin rubbing together and against the inside of the tubes.

Soon the tubes ended a ball joint that was set to open and a large vat, pouring out into it. What little semblance the two had managed to keep from swirling together was forgotten as they splattered into the bottom of the huge stainless steel bowl. Still, warm sun kissed tan splats tended to congeal with other similarly colored bits, and pale white marshmallow melted bits did the same with their own colored bits, but when most of the pair of melted lovers had splattered into the bowl, looking a bit like a yin-yang pot of yum, a pair of mixers the size of a fishing boat’s engine had dropped into them at one end and slowly kicked in, pulling them through the blades and blending them together.

The two women mentally screamed in delight into each other's mind, the only outward sign was several spots that were bubbling up without the churning of the mixers, each popped bubble sounding a bit like a woman’s delighted orgasm. More and more, they blended and churned in their pot, the mixers relentlessly driving the women through orgasm after orgasm, creating an unrelenting chain of bubbling pleasure for the pair, and mixing them so thoroughly Jenn couldn’t tell where she ended and Rebecca began, she even found her passing understanding of Spanish had grown into full conversational in three languages, and couldn’t quite say for sure which of them had studied French.

A life time or two of cooking classes, of tasting delicious, scrumptious, amazing treat after treat fresh from the oven adding inch after inch to her waistline and excessive curves, and just as she was about to sort out a few thoughts, the mixer cut off, and the bowl tipped forward, pouring her out onto the floor, the blob of blended babe rebounding magically into a large, BBW, standing over six foot five inches and she was sure over 500 pounds of pure woman. Her tits were massive, the kind that would put even that famous BBW Norma Stitz to sharing her bras. Taking a step, she was thankful that both Jenn and Rebecca had a decent amount of muscle under their flab that had thankfully merged together like the rest of her.

She ran a hand through her hair, admiring the dark, dark red she now sported before smiling. She found a robe that was somehow large enough for her huge BBW body that she happily wrapped herself in, before stepping out a door and finding herself in the same hallway she’d been in earlier, and in fact, as the door clicked shut behind her, she was pretty sure that was the normal sauna door she’d initially pulled herself through not too long ago.

She made her way down the hallway in a bit of a haze, finding her clothes, and her other clothes, none of which would fit her now anyway, in a bag next to the counter girl. With her new height, she could see the receptionist actually had four arms that were in constant motion.

“Uh, hi, I’m…” She hesitated a second. “Jecca, ready to check out.”

“Of course, we hope you enjoyed your time in the sauna and our deluxe mix package. Just a reminder that moment you leave that any changes are permanent.” She paused to look at Jecca who just blushed but nodded her head in understanding. Rebecca had read and even planned for that part. The receptionist nodded in understanding and continued. “The robe will be added to the bill, and we hope to see you again too.”

“I… we…. Ummm.. I can’t wait to come back again.” She gave a soft giggle, hugging her shoulders. “But first, I can’t wait to go cook up a few good meals and feed myself silly tonight.”

The receptionist nodded and smiled politely to her before calling out, “NEXT!”


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