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After their most recent stint as each other’s boobs in order to make flying more fun, (and less anxiety inducing for Kendra) the pair were more than interested in keeping that closeness going when they got the Caribbean island chain they’d be spending their winter vacation on.

Oh and Kendra had only bothered to book them one room with one single bed. I mean, why bother when you were only buying one plane seat, right? That and she wasn’t expecting to spend much time actually in the room.

Deciding to go with their regular half and half form, they bumped up to four arms for extra use during their holiday together, and finally… well… in case they couldn’t find any male companionship interested in a literally mixed race girl like them, they didn’t want to be left without a cock at the end of the night. Makes sense? …right?

Art by @dixiedrawsstuff




Long time fan, and honestly, I wouldn't mind them choosing to stay like this for a while yet! Much more fun, that way!