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Contains: A fantasy relationship that would never happen in real life, well at least not in a healthy relationship like depicted here. Blowjobs. Lit candles in bedrooms. Completely misleading titles. Breast Expansion. Conjoinment. Sexy birthday girls with big dicks. Sexy step-milfs. And flagrant misuse of a horny genie (not that they mind).


Dixie woke up with a yawn, stretching her back and letting her perky boobs dance for a minute as she sat up and stretched in her cute little top. She gave them a hug, and made her first wish of the day, her birthday. “I love you girls, but I wish you were a bit bigger.”

There was a squeak outside her bedroom door, not unlike someone stepping on a board, before a knock let her know someone was just outside.

“Hey birthday girl.” Dixie’s Step-mom, Mira, poked her head in. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“Huh?” Dixie blinked, still hugging her boobs. Did they feel… fuller? “Sorry, step-mom, still waking up.”

“Oh you can drop the step, honey.” Mira swept into the room, holding a cupcake with a candle atop it. She nearly tripped over a pair of overalls that Dixie had been wearing the day before, before catching herself with one hand on the edge of the bed. Dixie felt her mouth go a bit dry, well, dryer than it would be from just waking up as she watched her step-mom’s heavy breasts jostle for room in that small tank top Dixie had bought her for christmas. It was a size or two too small, but her step-mom was kind of hard to shop for. 4’8” with k-cups? She sounded like an anime character. “Just call me mom!”

Dixie blushed at the comment, and at the deep dark inviting cleavage she’d just gotten an eyeful of. Her morning wood, already nice and hard from a night of wonderful dreams, got even harder at the sight and she tried to readjust the blankets to keep it hidden from the sexy step-milf. “Mira, we went to the same school. At the same time.”

“Yeah, but then sugar-da- uh, your dad divorced your hag of a mother and married me, before meeting his untimely end-.”

“God rest his soul.” The two said, on automatic pilot before giggling. Dixie’s parents were dicks, and neither of them really missed them.

“And now I’m your step-mom, instead of just that hotty you lust over in art class.”

“Mirrrrra.” Dixie groaned.

“Step-Mira to you.” Mira teased, brushing her blonde hair behind her ears. “Now come on, this candle’s burning down, make a wish and put those cute lips together and blow.”

Dixie blushed again and finally let go of her boobs, (seriously, were they bigger this morning?) and took the little plate with the little cupcake and cute pink candle atop it. She set a wish in her mind, blinked her eyes. Partially because she was still waking up, partially because Mira had lined herself up behind the candle so her cleavage and the cake were in a direct path from Dixie’s eyes and blown lips, but Dixie said her wish out loud.

“I wish you would suck my cock so I can wake up properly.” And blew.

“What?!” Mira squawked, her large blue eyes blinking.

“I-oh! I said that out loud! I mean-.”

Before Dixie could say another word, Mira crawled across the bed towards her step daughter, carefully pulling the cover back to reveal the thick cock Dixie had sported all her life. As Dixie tried to stammer an apology, Mira gave her one last look through her glasses before sliding them off her nose, folding them gently and sitting them on Dixie’s nightstand, and promptly swirling the head of Dixie’s cock with one elegant, well trained tongue.

Dixie moaned at the intimate touch of another woman on her girly-cock, before again trying to stammer an apology and tell Mira she didn’t have to do that, it had just been a joke and something her sleep-addled brain had said.

But Mira was not to be deterred. Instead she took Dixie down to the hilt in one smooth swallow, her throat working all over Dixie’s length as the blonde deepthroated her step-daughter, giving the young woman a world class blowjob. The suddenness, the fantasy of it all, and also due in no small part to the cute blonde’s exceptional blowjob skills, Dixie erupted in her step-mom’s mouth in under a minute.

“That… that was….” Dixie panted as Mira waited for her to finish spurting, before slowly sliding back up Dixie’s cock, pushing her tongue against Dixie’s shaft to squeeze the last drop of cum out before popping free at the end, making a big show of licking her lips and giving one last big, visible gulp of Dixie’s cum. “Wow.”

“Well it was your birthday wish, silly girl.” Mira giggled. “Now be careful about making any more or they might come true.”

“Ha, if that was true then I wish we could do that again, right now.”

With a gasp, Dixie felt her cock snap back to full, her butt flexing as she felt her cum refill too. “Wha-.”

But Mira was in motion again, the cute step-milf once more moving to Dixie’s cock. This time she wrapped her hand around Dixie’s shaft, pursing her lips around the head and stroking the brunette babe up and down while making out with the head of Dixie’s Dick.

This time, possibly due to the more recent orgasm, Dixie lasted a little over two minutes before once more erupting in her own step-mom’s mouth, filing the blonde’s throat and then stomach with an even bigger load then last time, it taking two gulps to fully get all of Dixie’s cum into her stomach.

“Wow, that was… I almost wish-.”

Mira’s hand shot out and covered Dixie’s mouth, a wide eyed look on Mira’s face.

For a moment they just held each other’s gaze before Mira slowly lowered her hand, freeing Dixie’s mouth.

“What was that about?”

“The blowjob, the other blowjob, or the face grab?”

“Um… all the above?”

Mira fretted for a second before sighing and sitting back on the bed, crossing her legs and facing her step-daughter. At some point in the vigorous blowjobs one of her tits had popped free of her lacy tank top and she made no move to put the heavy thing away, drawing Dixie’s attention. “Well, um…. How to explain this… I’m a genie, a freed one, but on special occasions like someone’s birthday, well, my need to grant wishes gets a bit out of hand.”

“Out of hand?”

“Like I start granting them unconsciously, on autopilot.”

“Kinda like how I was wishing.”

“Yeah, so watch those wishes today, babe.” Mira shook a finger at her. “Or you might get a bit more than you wanted. How about we get what I’m sure is the first thing that sprang to mind when I told you all this. Just say it and we can get it out of the way now.”

Dixie blinked, wrapping her arms around… wait… she had to be bigger, like a D-cup now! Had she wished they were bigger? Dixie tried to remember, before her attention was drawn once more to her step-mom’s large tits, one of them still free and looking so inviting. Dare she wish for what she really wanted? The woman at the end of the bed was her step-mom after all… a step-mom with a sexy as hell figure who Dixie had been crushing on all through school and had just sucked her girly dick off twice.


“It’s ok, babe.” Mira shrugged, her large tits wobbling, still not noticing that one of them was swinging free. “No judgment from me. I’ve heard a lot of crazy wishes. Just wish what you want, birthday girl.”

“I wish I had your tits.”

The room swirled, papers shuffling, clothes flinging themselves in the air, the cake and plate floating away on magic dust, before it all came down with a crash.

Except the cake and plate. They landed safely on the bed.

Dixie blinked, and looked at the first thing she noticed was different. Not wrong, just different.

Dixie now had a huge pair of tits. A huge pair of familiar tits, Mira’s. And next to her, on the right of her shoulders, was Mira’s head. Dixie’s wish had merged their torsos together, lengthening or shortening them respectively so the two ‘met in the middle’ and let the young woman share in her step-mom’s massive tits which seemed even bigger now, and it took Dixie a moment to realize her own newly bigger breasts had been ADDED to Mira’s, making the pair of tits even bigger, from lap filling to gigantic in size.

Her left hand, the one by her side, lifted up and cupped a boob, but it wasn’t Dixie making the move, at least she didn’t think so, and realized she was sharing all this with Mira. Her step-mom wasn’t just a passenger in Dixie’s body, but was co-pilot in it, and given how they both moaned as Dixie took control for a second to give their tit a squeeze, marveling that their tits now had not just their combined size, but Dixie’s firmness matched with Mira’s fullness. They shared feelings and sensation too.

The last thing she noticed was the second set of hips behind her own. She could feel the warmth of the pussy like it was her own, which, Dixie supposed, it was, just as much as the front set of hips was where her girly cock now was. She guessed wishing to share tits did not extend to their asses, but rather enjoyed the arrangement all the same. Looking at their legs, she got the feeling there’d been some evening out there too, and guessed that walking wasn't going to be an issue for them either.

Mira took control for a moment and gathered their tits up, hugging them against their body, before the conjoined pair of women leaned their heads down and kissed the tops of them, grinning and then giggling at each other, and letting Dixie know her step-mom was true to her word, and wasn’t judging her step-daughter’s wish one bit. “So birthday girl, like your first big wish?”

“Yes!” Dixie gushed, before blushing. A second later she blinked. “Wait, first? As in… there’s more? I don’t just get the three?”

“Nope. You’ve got me stuck with you today, unless you wish us apart which I don’t think either of us is in much of a rush for, so yeah. Watch that W word, or else the whole day is going to be filled with wish granting shenanigans.”

Dixie grinned huge, feeling like she was ready to take on the world. “Sounds like fun.”

“It does, doesn’t it.” Mira shot her step-daughter with an equally big grin, the two hugging their boobs closer and sharing a kiss. “So, any more crazy wishes for your step-mom-genie, you naughty birthday girl?”

“C-can I wish to be fucked by my step mom?”

Before the words had even finished leaving her mouth, Dixie felt her organs, their whole shared body, start to reorganize itself. This wasn’t the flash and swish that the earlier wish had done when it had conjoined them. This was more intentional, more focused. She felt something appear beneath her own girly cock, a bit of flesh puckering and turning into a sweet, wet pussy, the kind she’d always dreamed of having. What was odd was that it felt a lot lower than she expected.

And behind her, instead of a soft, wet, juicy pussy that Dixie was just getting used to feeling, was a hard, thick cock, longer than her own was, but a bit thinner. Just as she was about to ask what was going on, their four legs unfolded and they stood up…

And the cock between her Step-Mom’s legs slid between her front pair, the head grinding right against her pussy.

“Oh fuck…” Dixie panted. “What’s- Ah, what’s happening?”

“I’m gonna fuck you, baby girl.” Mira nuzzled her step-daughter’s cheek with her own, their two hands moving to squeeze their heavy tits. “Feel that? Feel that cock you wished mommy had? I’m gonna fuck you with it in that cute little pussy you have now.”

Dixie took a step forward unconsciously, not even thinking about how she and her step-mom were in a permanent spoon now, and her step-mom’s new cock slid right into Dixie’s new pussy, the cute birthday girl letting out a squeak followed by a long moan.

“Oh Fuck! Step-mommy, you’re fucking me!”

“It’s what you wished for.” Mira purred as they took another step, her cock sliding not quite out before sliding back in again. “Oh fuck, I can feel your pussy and my cock, and your girly cock too! Ah, this is so much to feel at once.”

“Oh fuck, Step-mommy, it’s like every step is me bent over and you fucking me from behind!”

“Just like you wished, isn’t it?” Mira purred and made them take another step. “How about it, birthday girl, want to go for a quick jog like this and fuck each other’s brains out, or did you have another wish in mind?

It was going to be a crazy birthday, and neither of them were going to miss it for all the wishes in the world.

~Happy Birthday, Dixie!