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Story Contains:

Cock fusion. Mouse ears and tails on diminutive humans for added cuteness. Popping into said mouse human creatures. Cum-flation. Horny girlfriends. Poly-esque relationships. Enjoying your partner after they’ve turned into dozens of tiny versions of themselves. Cocksleeve. Creating an odd fusion of male and female reproductive anatomy. And flagrant misuse of Spice Drops, a Meece’s favorite food.


Kevin bit his bottom lip and once again looked at the sweet lube, made from spice drops and then at his hard cock again.

It had been a year to the day that his long time girlfriend, the busty, effervescent, occasionally foul mouthed Rebecka, or Becky as she preferred, had been playing with her big cock meece, feeding her little meece toy a few too many spice drops… The girl always did love being really stretched. It was her dream to be a cock sleeve for a big dick, so she always played it a bit too close to the edge. That fateful day a year ago, she’d given her meece boy a bit too much and had become overly stretched with cock, then over stretched with Meece cum.

It normally wouldn’t have been a problem, but she’d also sealed her pussy shut with a meece cock as thick as her wrist that reached all the way to her ribs inside her. The result had been quick, orgasmic, and loud.

The moment played through his mind. Becky moaning, squeezing her breasts with both hands. The little Meece Boy was moaning, his balls as big as basketballs, his cock gigantic. A moment ago she’d been pumping him into her tight, slick pussy but the beginning of her’s had set him off and she’d let go at the sudden spice-drop filling, her womb expanding, even her breasts filling as more and more of her was converted from soft, pliant flesh into just a cum stretched balloon over so much gooey goodness.

The Meece boy seemed to shrink. Not just his balls, but the Meece itself, pouring everything he had into this one last orgasm, his Meecey-ness permeating every inch of Kevin’s girlfriend, Becca going from a huge belly with even huger tits, to a bigger, curvier balloon with just hands and feet, two huge domes denoting her breasts, her orgsasm enduced smile spread across her face as her body creaked and the meece Vanished, his cock and Becky and all that cum all becoming one and….


Suddenly instead of woman and spice-drop cum, there were dozens about dozens of Meece, all with Becca’s face, looks and personality. Little more than six inches or so tall, curvy as all get out, with cute little mouse-like ears and a matching tail, but otherwise as human as ever.

And they were all so very horny.

The first few nights had been a whirlwind, and Kevin had spent it thoroughly cumming his brain out, as the dozens of Becky-Meece had done their best to give him all the satisfaction they could, and get the satisfaction themselves.

So with Becky now a bunch of rambunctious, cock hungry, spice drop hungry, sex hungry Meece, and Kevin had known that if he let things be, she would quickly either sexually devour him, or he’d soon join her in Meece-dom just to keep up with the 40+ Becky-Meece satisfied, and himself if he was honest.

Instead Becky-Meece had been given out to friends and family, whoever Becky herself thought would give her a good home and enough sex to keep her satisfied. While not necessarily a hive-mind, they did tend to know and even feel what each of the Becky-Meece were up to, sharing and even boosting each of their orgasms together. A few had gotten sold, it was Becky-Meece’s idea and she had a thrill of being just a toy for some stranger.

Kevin himself had to give up his own Meece collection in similar ways. None had been friends previously, or past girlfriends, so there’d been no hard feelings all around. It had taken a while, but now, a year later, he was down to just three Becky-Meece and had been debating going down to just two. He wasn’t sure he wanted to give up so much of his girlfriend, past girlfriend, he reminded himself, but three of her had just been so much to keep happy and sexually satisfied.

He’d even come home to find two of her locked in a 69 while her third remaining Meece was watching the pair and masturbating. What was next? Finding them in a triangle? A dangerous thing. Meece on Meece sex always had a chance of them ‘condescencing’ or combining which would leave even less Becky-Meece running around. He was more than sure a few of her had been dissolved or overfilled with cum and spice drops and popped again by now and wanted to protect as many of her as he could handle, he was just questioning if three was that number.

One of his coworkers, a self proclaimed Meece connoisseur, had suggested… a way of getting closer to Becky again. Kevin had to admit, he’d been considering becoming a Meece himself, ravaging the remaining Becky Meece, and selling off the excess Kevy-Meece while six or so of him and the three remaining of her ran off to a Meece colony and fucked until… well either they popped into a collection of Kevy-Becky-Meece, as close as Meece came to repoducing normally and it was really just mixing of two existing meece into two or more smaller Meece, or until they condescenced themsleves into each other, not a great fate for a Meece, but a horny and sexual one that would mean the two mentally fucking for a long time.

But Kevin’s coworker had a different idea.

Kevin looked at the spice-drop lube and bit his lip again. Carefully he popped the cap and began to coat his sizable cock in the sweet, spicy smelling goo.

The Becky-Meece each stopped, their cute little noses twitching, their mouse-like ears swiveling towards Kevin as their cute mouse-like tails swished in the air. With one hand he reached out and scooped up the Becky-Meece who’d only been watching the other two. She giggled and grinned up at him. He missed talking with Rebecca like he used to, but the Meece she’d left behind still enjoyed cuddling and watching movies with him all the same, listening to his day, and doing their best to fuck his brains out.

He dropped off the Becky-Meece next to his cock, and the cute little blonde Meece went from hugging his thumb and kissing it to wrapping herself around a dick bigger than her diminutive body. She started by making out with the head and grinding what had been some truly wonderfully big boobs when she’d been human, and proportionately were just as big, but seeing them next to his balls was a bit of a shock. Had she always been so busty? Or was he just misremembering how massive his girlfriend’s tits really had been at full size?

Any remaining thoughts of her were swept away as her small Meece self began to really go to town on his spice-drop-lubed cock. Her mouth began stretching impossibly big, and Kevin felt himself shudder as she swallowed up his cock. As a Meece, she could still deepthroat even a full sized cock, and still adored stretching herself to the limit around one.

More and more of him found its way inside of Becky-Meece until with a gasp from Kevin, her lips reached the base of his cock.

What had once been a cute, small Becky-Meece had now stretched herself out, her torso stretching to take the shape of his dick in a way a human with bones never could but he knew had always been Becky’s dream. She was little more than a Meece-condom now, and he reached down with both hands to lovingly caress her stretched tight body, feeling her shudder in delight at his touch. Unable to hold himself back, he began stroking her up and down his cock. He could feel her heavy tits bouncing against his balls, or was that his balls bouncing against her tits as he began to thrust up even as he pulled Becky-Meece down, until he could handle it no more and blew a truly massive load into his blonde, stretched Meece lover.

Had his head been clear, he would have been worried. Was he about to over do it, and pop his Becky-Meece while two more Becky-Meece watched while hugged together? Or would what his coworker promised happen?

Kevin was not disappointed. Her breasts grew bigger and bigger, filling with his spice drop laced cum since the rest of her was utterly stretched and filled with his cock. And it was the rest of her body that he was suddenly really interested in, as he felt her body stretch further and further, devoting more and more surface area to her tits and becoming as thin and see through as a condom would actually be, before the mix of cum and spice drop lube inside of her went work.

Becky-Meece gave him a bawdy wink as her lovely, sensitive skin began merging with that of his cock, her features and body melting away and fusing with his dick, his cock growing even bigger and thicker as her limbs vanished into him, pushing him to a size even most human women wouldn’t handle. Even her massive tits, they met and merged with his balls themselves, bloating them to twice their size, and it was not only permanent, but made even his cum now spice-drop flavored.

Her nicely tan skin tone was now the tone of his cock, and most of shocking of all, her pussy that had once been between her legs had met and merged with the slit at the end of his cock, giving him what for all the world looked like a pussy at the end of his cock, all the pleasure of both genders genitalia in one body. Even his balls now looked smoother, tight, like the breasts he was so fond of on Becky, and now roughly the size of oranges and begging to be fondled.

And finally, most of all, he could feel another mind inside his own. Small, cute, and most of all… horny, constantly whispering to him, telling him naughty things, sharing her thoughts with him, and most of all, begging him to put his puss-cock to work on the remaining two Becky-Meece, and maybe even getting a few more.

Kevin sighed but grinned as the other two Meece, perhaps sensing what their sister wanted, had started the long climb across the mountain range of his legs towards his cock. He finally felt that connection he’d been missing with Becky, all it had taken was… well… gaining his own Puss-Cock! What a trip, and what a way to start the new year.




Is there a place that explains what is going on with this whole Meece thing and what is happening here?