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By CandleSticksDilemma with a morph by Phishnets

“I think I’m finally ok with this.” Brittney stirred the liquid in the tub with her hands, her big, tanned breasts jostling for room with the movement as she tucked her long, straight, brunette hair behind one ear, her brown eyes seemingly hypnotized by the churning surface.

“Are you serious?” Bethany stepped around the corner, her own, matching, large, naked breasts giving a bounce as she stepped up to her brunette twin. “We spent a thousand credits on a goo to get us ready for the shoot, and you’re ready for it NOW as we’re about to climb into the jacuzzi together?”

Brittney blushed as she continued to lean against the side of the tub, her large breasts dangling over the side and her plump butt pointed towards her sister. “Look, it’s just... we’ve done a lot together for custom videos and stuff, but this is pretty wild.”

Bethany stepped up to her sister, spooning her from behind as her hands glided over hips every inch the match to her own. “Oh, come on... like you haven’t wanted to mix it up with me before.”

Brittney turned as she straightened up, her own firm tits bouncing against her twins, large puffy brown nipples dancing together as their lips came together in a kiss.

“Ok, ok.” Beth giggled, pushing her sister back against the jacuzzi. “Save some of that for the video.”

Together, the two finished the camera’s setup and double checked the script, they were ready. With a final flourish, Beth clicked the camera over to record and signaled out of shot to Brittney.


Together, the two identical brunettes came into frame. They gave some small talk about their day, and how excited they were to try their new jacuzzi before they slid into the billowing bubbling tank.

They both gave the camera a pair of identical, naughty smiles, knowing the recording had begun. At first the pair just made small talk, talking about this and that, pure nonsense stuff like who was dating who when neither of them was in a relationship, but part of the bit was that neither of them were aware of what was happening.

And they could both feel it happening. Soon, both women began moaning.

Beth felt it first and leaned against the wall of the large tub, relaxation permeating her trim body. She felt the bubbles tease her with tempted thrills that tickled her insides. They seemed to dance along her body, causing an excitement she had not previously felt before. The bubbles felt like they were moving within her bathing suit. Touching her, feeling her, caressing her.

Beth had never felt this good after getting into a Jacuzzi before, let alone in her whole life. Something was going on that she didn't quite comprehend, having never tried a transformation like this, but if they felt like this, she could be talked into trying a few more in future vids.

“Ah,” Beth moaned. “Brittney, it feels so good.”

“Ohhhh yeah,” Brittney responded. She absently slid a hand over her large, round breasts, making a big show of sliding her hand down her stomach muscles and into the water.

It was when her fingers hit the water that something seemed different. Lifting her hand out of the water, she showed that the water had taken on a gooey, slime-like consistency.

“Beth, what is this?” Brittney asked.

“Ohh, I don’t know but it feels so nice.”

“Beth?” Brittney pointed towards her sister, the slime seeming to creep up Beth’s body. “What is this thing?”

“What are you talking about?” Beth questioned. She looked in the tub and she saw something all around her. Beth panicked, and tried to get out of the large tub, but she felt a tugging on her body preventing her escape. “Brittney! Something is in here with us! We need to get out of here!”

“Give me your hand,” Brittney shouted.

Beth reached for her sister, her hand and Brittney’s grasping one another. As soon as she pulled Beth, the clear ooze slid down Beth’s arm and over Brittney’s, leaving the twins a moment of looking at it, then each other, before with identical screams, were sucked beneath the water. The sisters thrashed in the bubbling brew together, trying in vain to escape the clear stranger.

Brittney pulled Beth against her as the two breached the surface for a moment, the goo all around them, surrounding them as Beth’s back crushed against her large breasts. Her body controlled by the water beast, she felt excitement seep into her.

“Beth, what's happening to us?” Brittney grasped desperately at her twin. Beth started to pull away from her sister’s lap causing her twin to cry out. “No, stop that, ahh, please stop! Ahh...Beth!”

Brittney's expression was as swirling as the water of the jacuzzi. Giving the busty brunette a rush of sexual energy. Her nipples were erect in the brief moments they were visible behind her twin’s back, swollen from the strong motion that had gripped her. Her pussy had started to feel like it was in two places at once, and Beth’s attempt to pull away seemed to tug this way and that at both pussies. Brittney started to moan aloud, and looked at her sister who, as well, had her own troubles.

Beth had her eyes closed as the ooze encased her body, pulsating along her soft skin. The intense pleasure that soaked through her every pore and had the young women drifting away into a deep passionate trance. Held hostage by their own erotic desires, they twisted at the hips, until Brittney was beside her sister, on Beth’s left, each with an arm around the other’s shoulder, as their free hands roamed across all four of their curvaceous bodies.

“Please,” Brittney begged, “I do not want this to -ahhh... it is... it is, ahhh SO GOOD... ahhh... please whatever... Ohhh... is doing this, please don’t stop... ahhhhhh! I do not... mmm... want this to end! It feels so...ahhh...mmm...gooooood!”

The two sisters were moaning uncontrollably, grinding back and forth to the sensual massage that jets of goo were bestowing upon them in the jacuzzi, their legs wrapped so tight around each other it felt like they shared a set.

Beth was lost in the moment, her body experiencing thrills she never knew she had within her. She wanted this as badly as her twin, pulling her sister closer and closer, ignoring how tightly her left breast and her twin’s right were crushed together.

There was a building of ecstasy within her petite, if curvy, frame. She needed to be released from her torment her twin sister and her were trapped in. She bucked her hips to get more, but it would not satisfy her urge. “I need, ahhhh... cock!”

Brittney, on the other hand, tried her best to resist the powerful temptation. In her mind she thought that if she could hold back, she could keep it going, but the wanton sexual lust within her mature loins was too much for her. She told herself not to give in. Not to let herself be pulled into her twin’s ecstasy even as she felt wave upon wave of pleasurable needles tickle her heavy breasts and pussy.

It was all making her feel weak-kneed. She wanted to make it last but was losing her grip as her twin pulled her tighter. Her nipples were painfully stiff, all three of them. Wait, three? Her mind had a moment to think before being swept into the swirling waters of her mind, and her clit felt alive like it was the first time in her young life. Both of her clits.

Her partner seemed to know exactly where to touch her, and as her right hand, or was it her partner’s right? Her sister’s? Something was... happening.

As the thrills grew, the increase towards inner satisfaction felt more and more at hand. Brittney couldn't fight anymore. She only wanted to reach this satisfying conclusion. The teasing had her at its beckon call. Just when she felt her release coming, it stopped abruptly. She snapped her head around to look at Beth, who was staring at her with equal shock, before suddenly, both were pulled once more beneath the churning water.

They stayed down for what seemed like too long before suddenly bursting from the surface like twin mermaids, screaming in a shared orgasm unlike anything either of them had felt before.

They caught themselves at the edge of the jacuzzi, one hand absently hitting the off switch as the two panted and the waters slowed and finally stopped, the goo forgotten. They grasped together for a single, large towel and dried their upper halves, something finally clicking in their minds about what was wrong.

Pulling themselves fully out of the water, the two stared in shock at a mirror that seemed to be behind the camera and out of sight of its lenses, but fully visible in the same way the camera was not for the twins. They took stock of their new body, twisting this way and that. Brittney pursed her lips while Beth could not help but give their reflection a sultry smile.

“Did we...”

“Blend together?”

The twins started and finished, blinking as they sorted out their new body. Both their heads shared a wider set of shoulders, something that didn’t look off with their three large breasts, much bigger than the duo had gone in with. This tapered to a thin waist before flaring to a set of hips so wide, the spot between their thighs could handle two pussies, and did with the two plump wonders of femininity the two had before, now with all the sensations shared between both sisters.

“Oh gosh...” Britney felt her left-hand lift to her own lips, despite knowing it was her sister, Beth, doing the movement. “We really are combined together.”

“No complaints here but...”

Both sisters looked at each other and moaned this last bit. “We really need a cock here.”

They broke the fourth wall then and looked directly at the camera. “Oh please,” Beth moaned. “Please come fuck us.”

“If you think you’ve got enough cock for it.” Brittney smirked to the camera, before biting her bottom lip.

“We’ve got three holes.” Beth panted, their hands caressing more curves than their two arms could reach all. “No lines, no waiting.”

With a final double grin, they reached out and clicked the camera off.


Straightening up, the pair stretched a little, feeling their back pop in a way they weren’t used to, traveling up their Y-shaped spine. They gave each other a surprised blink before laughing together.

“Well, that was new.”

“Yeah, I mean... we’ve done scenes together before but... we’re conjoined now.” Britney cupped their middle tit. “And this thing... Why is it so sensitive?”

“I think it’s both our nerve endings being combined in one breast.” Beth shrugged the shoulder on her side. “It’s new for me too, ya know.”

“Well yeah, but you and Crystal have been conjoined before.”

“That was a reverse-queen Eiffel tower thing.” Beth waggled her hand on Brittney’s side, waving away the comparison of their current situation to when she and their redhead ‘coworker’ had conjoined into just two sets of legs. “And it was pretty quick, just a gag scene more than anything. Do you think we sold the whole ‘goo is sentient and shaping us into horny sex toys’ bit?”

“I mean.... probably?” The two had made their way over to their couch and sat down with a thump. Britney glanced outside, noting they were losing the natural lighting. “I can’t believe how many takes that final scene took.”

“We were hamming it up pretty hard with the ‘oh wow, we’re so hot and conjoined’ bit.” Beth giggled. “I think it’s normal that we got the giggles a bit.”

“True.” Britney picked up their tablet, Beth helping as the two effortlessly started working on editing the cloud saved video to something they could post, picking the best takes here and there. They frequently checked the script to make sure they were editing to match as a few bits had been shot out of order. The brunettes marveled at just how well the two were working together, Britney pipping up when she realized they’d been at it for over three hours and hadn’t even noticed. “I could be talked into keeping this look for a bit with you.”

“Just wait till Kenny comes over this weekend for the follow up scene.” Beth teased, both women feeling the double warm flush in their pussies at the memory of the triple dicked man, and how finally the two could accommodate him. “We’re going to have a blast!”

To be continued...


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