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By Candlestick’s Dilemma

Author’s Notes:

This is set in a universe where ‘magic’, or rather, cultivation, is real.

Further, one in four births in this universe is twins, either identical or not, and one in ten births involves conjoinment of at least twins, and sometimes more, and thus conjoinment even between fraternal twins isn’t unusual.

It will follow a young man, Tommy, who gets his license for Flesh Cultivation and the misadventures he, his girlfriend, and their friends get into when you can have anybody you want, you just have to ask.


MF Conjoinment. Dual Gender. Silly amounts of Dick and Boobs as far as size, not number.


“W-well?” I asked, feeling way too much excitement well up inside me as my boyfriend walked out of  the licensing center and sat down on the bench next to me.

Rather than answer, I moaned as I felt my already sizable tits swelling and my hip press even tighter against his, and not just because he had thrown an arm around my waist as he sat down.

In a matter of moments his body and mine had united, and I’d gone from tits naturally the size of my head, each, to breasts that utterly filled my lap and projected in front of me several feet. Perfect spherical things that I’d been hoping for way before they’d come into fashion, though being fashionably busty and spherical was a good bonus. They were massive, and at least a third of my body weight was now nothing but tit.

Like a lot of gals, there was no way my back would have supported such massive boobs and that’s why I beamed my 1000 watt smile down my shoulders to where he had added himself next to me. With both our spines doing the lifting of a boob each, and what I could feel was more than a bit of muscle enhancement across our shared shoulders, core muscles and back, we’d be able to walk around with them with no issue. It was a solution a lot of girls who wanted the look had gone for, either utilizing their partners or as I had been begging my mother, family members to join them.

Glancing at my mother who’d come along for emotional support had Tommy failed, I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, and she couldn’t keep the chuckle off of her lips.

“You might want to take care of that, dear, if you were thinking of a way to thank your boyfriend.” She gestured into my cleavage. Glancing down, I saw a cock head poking up through my cleavage and that it was sporting more than a bit of precum, pearled into a delicious looking dollop at the top.

I once again turned my huge smile on my boyfriend who blushed. One of the biggest reasons we got along was the compatibility of our fetishes, or so I told myself. My mother had sat me down a few years ago when Tommy and I had made it official and tried to explain that guys wanting to have huge dicks, and gals wanting their man to have huge dicks wasn’t that rare, any more so than both wanting her to have huge tits, though she conceded that at the size he and I liked all the fun bits was probably on the upper end of the spectrum.

As for conjoinment, that wasn’t anything new in our culture, and my mom, like most parents, saw it as a convenient way to keep from becoming surprise grandparents at far too young an age, so she was pro that idea.

My boyfriend, Tommy, cleared his throat as he looked up to my mom. “Ms. Tidwell, is there anything you’d like?” It was surreal feeling my right-hand lift and giving a general motion I recognized as Tommy’s encouraging ‘go on then’ hand wave, but feeling it like it was me doing it. Feeling someone else control my body, share it with me, sent a tingle straight into my pussy and... shockingly, straight up my cock.

“Dear, I saw a flesh cultivator just last week.” We’d gone together, all three of us, and I knew this was just a gentle reminder. She went and saw one about every two years, and hadn’t had any major changes done since she was in her twenties, mostly undoing all the stupid stuff she’d had done when was my age, which was 19, nearly 20 years old, thank you very much. Since then, it was just the ‘two-year-shave-off' as she called it, keeping her perpetually at 29-ish.

“The only thing I’d ask for is to be younger, and-” she quickly cut him off as she saw and I felt him start to lift both my hands. “And, if I were any younger people would start thinking the worst of you for conjoining to one twin and not the other.”

She wasn’t kidding. The closer she and I had gotten in age, the clearer it was that the apple hadn’t fallen far from the tree. We were both blonde with long, almost unnaturally straight hair. As a kid it had stuck out at weird angles on me when it was shorter, so I’d let it grow out over the years until it fell down my back to nearly my ass, just like mom, and I got why whenever I looked at pics of me from kindergarten.

We had the same smile, all top teeth, no gums. The same ski slope nose. The same round face. And the same... lips. As a kid I felt they always looked too big and poofy, like clown lips. But entering adulthood I’d seen them the way a lot of people saw my mom’s, perfect ‘bee-stung’ lips that supermodels paid thousands of Qi gems to good flesh cultivators for my mom had given me naturally.

Until a few moments ago, we even had the same, perky, bigger than her head, tits, as I already mentioned. Her’s were a bit bigger than mine, and I had no doubt that was natural too, I just had some growing to do yet. Well, I ‘had’ some growing to do. Heh.

We had the same trim waist, though mine now included my boyfriend’s 6-pack, cranked to 11 to handle the huge tits I’d been begging mom and him for the moment I knew what I wanted when I turned 19. The same ‘spankable’ but not much more ass, though mom’s was a bit bigger, with hips a bit wider, but then she had gone through childbirth for me. When I was younger I’d wanted more booty, really go for that hourglass look, but as I’d gotten older, the idea of just being silly amounts of top heavy had hit me more and more.

My mom’s thighs were the things young boys wrote rapturous MILF poems about, or so I assumed. They never shared poems like that to me, and if anyone had tried to give me a poem about banging my mom with her thick thighs I’d probably have decked them.

We both had a great set of calves from our morning jogs, something that had included Tommy since he’d moved in about 9 years ago. Coupled with my mom’s dainty feet I’d happily inherited, that was all we had in common, at least before I’d started sharing a set of shoulders with my boyfriend and become dual-gender, and tits the size of those balls some offices have instead of chairs. And the thighs, I hadn’t gotten those. Oh, and I had green eyes while my mom had blue.

But other than those minor differences, which were easy to miss at first glance, yeah, we were twins.

In fact, when I was seven, I had a distinct memory of mom being accused of just that. That she’d split from her twin, one going way too young and one aging up, so they could ‘play’ mother/daughter. I don’t know why anyone would want that, but to each their own kink.

And speaking of kinks... the talk of de-aging mom down to my 19 and adding her to my body had made a tingle deep in my balls that I recognized as Tommy’s arousal. Oh I was so teasing him later about just that, maybe even pretending to be her as we jerked off over two feet of cock.

Tommy surprised me as, despite blushing, he replied to my mom’s joking reason of why she couldn’t go younger with “We’d make room for you.”

And I could feel our balls tingle that much harder. Ohhh he really wanted that.

And the image of just that popped into my head. Mom-sis and I, trapping him with a head on either side, one of us making out with him while the other sucked our dick. Maybe six arms? Four to play with our tits, two to wrangle our dick, and just not enough hands to handle the two pussies that were left wet and hungry for penetration, whatever would we do? We’d be so freakin’ top heavy we’d probably just spend all day in bed and-

I tried not to make it a visible shake I had to give myself to pull out of that fantasy. Maybe for her birthday we’d try that. Or mine. Mother’s day? Which was closest... I wanted to check.

Instead, I focused on what they were saying.

Mom and Tommy had kept talking while I was lost in the day dream, and I tried to follow the thread. I think she’d politely declined, then had shifted tracks by asking what we had planned next. He’d probably explained that we were going to meet up at Con Queso’s, something mom would have wrinkled her nose at. Con Queso’s had been a favorite of Her's but gone downhill lately. ‘Chef Mic is the only one who cooks there.’ had probably been said, and she was right. Microwave’s did most of the heavy lifting since they’d slashed the cook’s salaries.

When I had come out of my daydream they were politely saying their goodbyes.

Mom leaned over and kissed me on each cheek, as was pretty typical in our culture, me doing the same back. She had turned to do, I assumed, the same thing to Tommy, not unusual for an adult to do with any of the ‘kids’ who lived at her house, though we were all legal adults at this point.

Instead she had full on kissed him on the lips, a deep and passionate kiss that made our cock twitch in our cleavage and really curled our toes.

I gasped and gave a startled “MOM!” which only went up another notch when she’d deftly run a finger over our exposed slit and pulled up a thick wad of precum, both Tommy and I groaning at the first touch of someone else to our dick, and feeling the sticky wad stretch deep down our cum shoot and pull even more cum up our shaft, like it needed any encouragement.

She made a big show of putting the wad of pre-cum in her mouth, and licking her finger clean, enjoying it like it was pure Qi from heaven. “You two taste wonderful together. If you still have any left after visiting with your friends when you come home, I’ll be happy to clean you out of all your cum.”

This gave me another startled squawk of “MOM!” though I felt our cock twitch and I honestly couldn’t have told you at this point if it was me or Tommy. I mean, I literally had just been lost in a daydream of Mom joining us in a wild three-way, so I couldn’t blame her. And besides, to learn how to suck dick at the feet of the master…

Well, she’d be on her knees and we’d be standing but... still... It was super tempting.

Before either of us could respond, her hips were swishing away and we could only watch.

We stood up, and I found that much to my delight I couldn’t tell which of us was doing it. It was EXACTLY the conjoinment Tommy and I had talked about, with the two of us so overlapped that our brains couldn’t sort out who was doing what and interpreted either of us doing anything as something it had wanted to do from the start, and I loved every second of it just as much as he did.

“So,” I turned my head to face my body mate, the only thing I could really do that I knew was me, even though I could feel his turning to meet me. We shared a quick kiss that made our heart’s flutter. “Shall we go see our friends and show off your new licensed status as a Flesh Cultivator?”

“Love to.” He blushed easily at my public affection, so I kissed him again. It was just too cute.

“Good, let’s just make sure we save enough cum for mom when we get home.”

“KELLY!?” He squawked and I laughed as our body turned and started walking to the closest station. Oh, this was going to be fun.



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