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Author's Notes: I keep holding back, keep working on this one more. But it's time I stop and just release it as is.

contains Incest! And conjoinment! Multiboob and mixing! And faces being in odd spots (but not on the main characters) and … I forget what it’s called. But like how cat girls aren’t usually counted as furries, but this gal is a bunny.

Inspired by this: https://twitter.com/PennyM_NSFW/status/1312606173825134593 and  by some very cute art by @bpclewds:


The front desk lady tucked her brunette hair around her ears with two hands while two more typed. Why didn’t anyone ever notice that?

She’d had her hair done just yesterday a nice cotton candy pink and everything.

She looked around the lobby and spotted her next two guest, a cute mother/daughter pair who were looking to get a little closer before the daughter headed back to college for her senior year. The ‘mother’ looked about five years older than her daughter, something she hoped she could pull off when she got to that age.

The two looked rather close already, but the note on the sheet of the pair, Ms. and Ms. Garibaldi, reiterated that point, they were looking to get a little closer before Ms. Garibaldi the younger headed back to Uni.

“Next Please!” She gave a big smile to the pair of women as they stood.


Candi carefully adjusted her top, blushing a bit as her large breasts jostled for position. She’d been to the spa a few times before, always loving the results beautifying and rejuvenating her. She hoped that bringing her daughter here would introduce Karlina to something she enjoyed would get her daughter to open up like they used to.

Standing up, she handed over her pass with her picture smiling on it along with a guest pass she’d gotten for her daughter. The front desk lady gave them a cursory glance before smiling at the pair of women and directing them to room nine.

“I think you’ll really like this.” Candi chirped as she swung her large hips around, her ‘basketballs for ass cheeks’ giving a fun for her wobble as she moved down the hallway. “I scheduled this a month in advance and paid for a deluxe package!”

“Of course you did, mom.” Karlina sighed, rolling her eyes. She sounded and looked so much like her father in that moment that it made Candi’s heart ache, her next words only making it worse. “Keep spending more of Dad’s money, it’s only what we have left of him anyway.”

It stung. Partly because she was right, Candi hadn’t been able to stay in the big house they’d lived in all of Karlina’s life, too many memories, and had sold it pretty quickly after the funeral. And partly because she missed Manuel too, and some of her favorite memories of the doting old man had been him taking her on trips just like this one.

Lost in her thoughts, Candi almost stumbled into the busty young bunny girl waiting for the pair at Room Nine.

Bunny Girl was an apt description. A pair of soft, white bunny ears extended from the top of the curvy young white woman’s head, the tops flopped over a bit. They had just enough movement and quiver for Candi to recognize those really were her ears and not just a really odd choice in headbands.

The woman wore her blonde hair in long tresses that draped around her face and emphasized the bright brown eyes that glittered at Candi and Karlina. She was dressed in a white collar with a black tie that connected to no shirt. Instead her breast and torso were covered by a curve hugging unitard that instead of covering her shoulders, held and cupped her breasts and left her shoulders bare. Her wrists, much like her collar, was just a pair of cuffs and short white gloves, her arms otherwise as bare as her shoulders. Her legs up to and above her hips were covered by a pair of dark pantyhose, and a white garter belt on her left thigh featuring a white ribbon and bow. Finally, her feet ended in cute little black shoes with maybe an inch extra in heels.

Under one arm she had a black disc, not dissimilar from a record.

“Hi!” The bunny girl chirped. “Ready to make some magic?”

Candi heard an eep next to her and glanced to her daughter to see the dark-haired woman blushing with her fists up to her face, hiding her mouth. “She’s so cute!”

The bunny girl blushed but gave the raven haired Karlina a big smile. “Thank you!”

“Were...” Karlina gulped a breath of air, looking back and forth between her mother and the bunny girl. “Was... Is there going to be a magic show?”

Candi wasn’t sure what to say. She’d been pretty specific about her daughter’s likes and dislikes, at least so far as she knew them, but had added at the bottom in the comments section that it had been a few years since they’d really connected and that perhaps the information was out of date.

With a flick of her hand, the bunny magician tossed the disk into the air, deftly catching it with her other hand thumping against it, the whole thing popping out into an instant top hat, complete with a white band around the middle about halfway up the hat. “You bet!”

It warmed Candi’s heart to see the glee on her daughter’s face as they stepped into the room.


Karlina was amazed at what this ‘simple’ spa had within it. She and her mother, Candi, had been herded into a room with a half dozen ergonomic chairs that had a massage feature she had to admit was just... magical.

Karlina glanced over at her mother and blushed, watching the other woman have what looked like an almost orgasmic experience as the massagers in the chairs worked hard on her back, something she knew her mother struggled with having a pair of breasts just shy of the size of her head and back muscles that could just barely keep up.

That part that also got to Karlina was... she knew that was in her future. Despite being a much darker skin tone than her mother, owing to her late father, every other fact about her non-Latina mother had carried over to Candi’s daughter.

Except height. Her mom was 5’8” and Karlina was fine being a shortie, being the little spoon was a plus.

The bunny magician had kept to mostly card tricks to start, showing off various acts of sleight of hand that impressed the pair of women. Karlina felt herself relaxing a bit more than she expected, slipping back to the times it was just her and her mom watching some magic special on TV. Where had those gone anyway?

Probably the same place cable and broadcast TV had gone.

Just when Karlina was starting to find her mind wandering, the magician announced the next phase of the show was about to begin. From stage left came two women, a blonde in a black tube top and tube dress and really accented what she was working with, and a red head that was light enough she was probably qualified to be called a strawberry blonde, dressed in a red bikini and with ruby red lips and slippers.

The magician did a few fun tricks, including pulling a magic wand out of the red head’s cleavage that she used to tap a spot on the floor that unfolded upwards into a tall box that was half again as wide. Gesturing for the two women to climb in, she adjusted her cute bunny ears under her hat, even giving a little wiggle to her cute bunny tail just before using her hips to snap the door shut.

Unknown to the two assistants, and Karlina and Candi up to that point, the front of the box was painted with the general shape and even the different outfits of the women, if a bit cartoonish and simple in design.

Waggling her eyebrows at the mother daughter pair, the bunny magician flicked her wand and the front of the box seemed to shuffle itself around, before popping into place finally. Before Candi or her daughter could really tell what had happened, the box popped open, revealing two very shocked and shuffled women. On the left, originally the blonde’s side, at the top was the surprised strawberry babe. Bellow that was her feet, next was the blonde’s hips, then her tits and waist. In the next column starting at the top was the blonde’s feet, followed by the redhead’s tits and upper part of her waist. Next was the blonde herself, or at least her shoulders and head, followed by the strawberry blonde’s pussy and thighs perfectly framed in the last box.


“What do you think, ladies, you like the new look for our volunteers staff members?” The bunny teased. Candi held her giggles in almost literally, one hand wrapped around her own large breast, the other covering her mouth as her shoulders shook in silent laughter, the expressions on the two volunteers face of shock only pushing her further into hysterics.

Karlina herself was having a difficult time holding back the laughter and the two volunteers’ expression softened as they dropped the ‘shocked’ act.

“Glad you’re enjoying the show.” The strawberry blonde blew a kiss, carefully reaching from above the blonde’s head across the boxes to reach her lips to complete the effect. “But we really need to get back to work.”

The blonde didn’t comment but did shoot the bunny a pointed look.

“Fine, fine.” The bunny babe threw her hands in the air with a ‘poor me’ flip to her hair. “Rush a magician and see what you get.”

“Wait, what?”

With another hip check, the magician snapped the box shut again. She flicked the magic wand and pushed the panels around shuffling them faster and faster, the different box fronts sliding and shuffling and clacking against the sides of the box before even letting the different panels to pop into place, several still overlapping.

The woman on the inside looked like a mishmash of the two girls who’d gone into the box, the blonde’s face on their stomach. It might have been her own, but the strawberry blonde’s bikini top, holding boobs that were a bit smaller and perkier like the blonde had sported before.

They also sported three legs stretching out the tube skirt the blonde had walked in with. Finally, ‘topping off’ the whole affair was a surprised looking redhead... with the blonde’s hair.

“Wait, what?” The pair said together.

“What you get for rushing me.” The bunny magician made a shooing motion. “Now get going, I’ve still got one more trick to do with these two.”

The combined woman shrugged and carefully testing a three-legged gate, walked out of the box and off stage right. As the magic box collapsed into the floor like it wasn’t there, the bunny magician began setting up the next trick, and mother and daughter glanced nervously at each other. What had she meant?


“And now for the finale, I’ll be required you two to come up stage, if you’re nice and relaxed.” The bunny magician gestured a strange contraption that looked like two pieces of PVC pipe connected to something about the size of a cue ball from a pool set, made of stainless steel. “This is a trick that is guaranteed to bring two women closer together. Each of you takes a side and pulls in a breath from our little magic trick. You’ll find with each deep breath in you’ll find your partner less burdened with concerns of the world and more focused on the bit of fun every woman deserves to have in her life.”

As the two women took their places on either side of the device, carefully putting their lips to the device, the bunny magician flicked the wand into the air, the spinning above almost hypnotic as it spun into the air, before falling down. With a clap of the magician’s hands the wand vanished into her white gloves, earning a wink from the magician when Karlina’s eyes opened wider at the trick. “Ready girls? Then suck like a two-dollar hoe!”

And suck they did. Each breath in was met with a tingling feeling in the other woman, the two catching on quickly to the trick of what was happening by watching what was going on with the other. First their hands vanished, one finger after the other pulling into their palm before their palms vanished into their wrists, their forearms pulling into their elbows, their biceps into their shoulders. Then their feet shrunk away into their ankles and shins pulled up into their knees.

Mother and daughter blushed when their clothes started pulling away but didn’t stop the suction between them both. They’d already been reduced quite a bit farther than they’d honestly expected to be, their legs sucked into their body, their arms, even their breasts and stomachs leaving them as just heads on a pair of hips, magically suspended in the air.

“Come on girls!” Cheered the bunny magician. “Suck harder!”

The two women blushed, but kept pulling in breath, watching in a bit of awe as each woman sunk further into their hips, Candi’s hips even pulling inward with an exceptionally hard suck from Karlina. Soon they were just two faces on a shrinking pair of hips... then just two mouths facing each other on a sphere each with their pussy behind them.

With a hard suck from mother and daughter, both women found themselves pulled into the large straw, slowly moving down the tube until they met in the spherical center point, lips meeting against each other in a soft kiss. The two sets of lips pressed together and for a moment, mother and daughter felt like one.

The bunny girl loved that and decided to take it a step further. She popped off the two ends of the tubes and grabbed the sphere in the middle, two plump pussies on either side. She tossed it in the air, letting it spin and catching it deftly. The sphere had spun around the two women inside, pushing and pulling here and there.

Holding it up to her long bunny ear, she could hear the murmur of two sets of lips pressed together, almost a purr she knew that both women could feel down to their pussy, since it was a pretty short trip right now.

With another flip into the air, the outer shell spun again, mixing the two women further and further. Again, and again, the bunny magician tossed it until it landed in her hand and the outer shell simply popped off, leaving a sphere of cut flesh behind with two pussies somewhat closer to each other than expected. In fact, as she turned it over and over in her hand, her fingers found only the two women’s sexy slits as any kind of seam between the two.

With a giggle she gave it a little squeeze, enjoying the ‘juice’ that came from her little ‘orange’. Licking it up she tried to think of what to do next. With a quick though, she tossed it against a wall, adjusting her angle just right so she could catch the rebound. The wet splat it made and the gush from both pussies after caught it let her know the women were enjoying the experience thoroughly.

She massaged the ball of pussy between her hands, squishing it here and there, pushing it almost flat this way, then that way, holding it between both hands, she twisted in opposite directions, twisting the pussyball flat one way, then the other. Each test of their elasticity resulting in a sweet gush of fluid from both pussies, forcing the bunny girl to lick her hands clean, careful not to let tongue touch the lady’s flesh, and a quiver in the ball as it bounced back to its perfect little sphere shape, letting her know the woman or women were both thoroughly enjoying themselves and were no worse for wear.

After a half hour of playing with the lovely pussy ball, the bunnygirl knew time was running short and moved to restore the two. She put them on a table and draped a small cloth, a bit larger than a hand towel, over the pussy ball. With a flick she pulled it away revealing a pair of hips with two pussies nestled next to each other and a wonderful heart shaped ass. She flicked the cloth and it squared in size and she draped it over the hips. Yanking it back revealed a full torso, and three massive breasts that any one of was larger than anything Candi had hoped to have for both her boobs. One more flick to a bigger cloth, and one more drape and she pulled away revealing a two armed, two headed, two-legged woman blinking at her with a bit of surprise.

“What-?” Asked her left head.

“How-?” The right head blinked, looking down at the massive spheres.

“Well, you two had asked to ‘get closer’ before heading back to Uni.” The cute bunny girl twisted coquettishly at her hips, gesturing to the pair of women. “Can’t get much closer than this.”

“But we’re...” They said in unison, blinking in surprise and stopping. The right head nodded and the left continued. “I think we got a little mixed, and I don’t just mean physically.”

“Do you mind the physical mix?” The bunny girl asked. The pair of women took stock of their curvaceous, short body, their two hands gliding over their numerous breasts and gasping as their fingers brushed their two pussies nestled right against each other between their legs.


“Wish we had more hands though.”

The bunnygirl Magician waggled her eyebrows. “But I thought you two wanted to work more closely together. No better way than only have two arms to play with alllllll those sensitive bits.”

Her comment brought a blush to the pair of women’s cheeks.

“But... our minds. Our memories are all...” The left started, their right hand swishing in the air as she tried to find the world.

“That’ll sort itself out, mostly, but I don’t think you’ll object to understanding each other quite a bit better after this.”

The women hopped off the little table, looking up a bit surprised at the tall bunnygirl, who gave them each a pat on the head, and a gentle push out the door.



Walking past the front desk girl, she overheard the two headed women talking about registering for classes like this and adjusting to a shared schedule. She gave them her usual smile, as delighted as ever to see another pair of happy customers before calling out ‘next’.
