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Sorry for being late on the updates! I have this EPIC story that I'd meant to release parts one at a time, each week, but kept fine tuning it and fine tuning it and... well. I've got to get it out there or I'll never finish it! I really hope you enjoy this story since I've been working on it forEVER!

So clocking in at over 6k words so far, I hope you enjoy, Three Loves, Four Quirks parts 1 through 3!


Part 1: Carlos 

Hi, I’m Carlos. Or... Mr. Triceratops as most women seem to call me. 

How’d I get such a nickname? Well... for one, my penis is shaped a bit like a dinosaur’s head. Big frill in the back, slope towards the head. No, I don’t have three bumps on my cock head... what I have is three cocks. 

Three eight-inch when flacid, twelve-inch at their best, base to tip, measured along the top of my cock. 

And if I wasn’t weird enough, I had a power, a ‘Quirk’ as they’ve been come to known as on top of having three cocks. I could alter my cum production, the amount of goo I was kicking out, the potential for impregnation (something I perpetually have at zero at this point in my life) and of course, flavor. 

Don’t… ask how I fine-tuned that last one. 

Anyway, I was having a rather bad day. ‘How could you be having a bad day with three cocks?’ I hear you not asking. Well, for one, those cocks. Just one of was too much for some women, but with three and no way to “shut off” my three dicks as they were a mutation, not a quirk, most women noped hard. 

Which left this 6’1” fit young man alone more than I’d like. I mean, sure, I’d had flings, a best friend with the nicest tits that were just big enough to wrap around at least two of my three cocks, but she’d just wanted fun, and the novelty wore off quickly. Though, that first time in the bathroom, sucking on her tits while I lifted her up and down, her reaching down to take two in her pussy and stuffing the third one in her ass… Magical. 

No, for most of my adult life I was truly an example of too much of a good thing. Then I met… her. 

Pinkie, the nickname owing to her hair color, entered my life like a hurricane. A rumble and light breeze being the only clue that my life was going to be upended. 

She’d sat down across from me in the quad and had openly, and loudly, asked if I was Mr. Triceratops. I choked on the water bottle I’d been drinking from and she clarified just as loudly if I was the tall guy with three cocks. 

Since then, Pinkie had become integrated into every part of my life. She was my best friend and frequent, and loud, lover.  

Which was how I’d found out about her power. When she was turned on, she could duplicate her lovers. I can't quite explain what it was like, fucking her with six cocks from two perspectives, but suffice to say, we fucked on a daily basis and she was always eager and experimental. 

So why the bad day? Well… we were … breaking up. 

Part 2: Pinkie 

I didn't… I hadn’t… it was just meant to be fun. 

Being a sexually expressive person, I had my heart broken a lot growing up, and had vowed to never do it to any partner, male or female. But here I was, pushing my pixie cut out of the way while I hung my head and tried to tell the greatest guy in the world that we should see other people. I think I might even have had one coworker from work that could fill that role and was currently ‘single’ as much as anyone with a sex-based quirk like hers was. 

Ok, so, it's not like he and I were exclusive or anything. Hell, not even between ourselves. My Quirk of being able to duplicate partners during sex tended to open guys and gals minds to having more than two people in the room, and I’d brought home a few female lovers to share in the Triceratops glory, but none had really stuck it out. I hadn’t been concerned, I had plenty of time! 

Then an internship the next province over had come open and my request for change of state had been fast tracked, and suddenly something I’d applied to as a joke was looking like a sudden first step into a fresh new future. 

I wanted… I really wanted to somehow take him with me. Just fold him up with my luggage and bring him along. He’d gone from one of my male partners, to my main man, to really the only cocks I needed in my life in just the one year we’d been dating. I still had plenty of pussy, a virtual rainbow of pussy, but only one man and his three cocks. 

Ok so I still would have other guys from time to time, but that only served to remind how awesome it was to have my pussy and ass stretched by that King Kong of Kocks. Cocks

And now time with those three magic wands, and how Carlos would stretch my womb with so much cum I looked pregnant… It was coming to an end. 

Ok let me tell you about the first time. 

We were playing video games at his place, this was before we moved in together, and I was trying to get an advantage by laying on my side, slowly unzipped him with my teeth… and there were his three cocks, hard and already dripping precum. 

I started to suck them. First one… then the other… he was just too damn thick for me to open wide enough for a proper blowjob, even on just a single dick of his tripod. But I slobbered all over those monsters… 

And I was… still… losing! 

I looked up at him, upset that even my half assed blowjob wasn’t enough to distract him, a girl has her pride! 

He wasn’t even looking down at me, just had this goofy grin on his face. “You’re going to have to go all the way if you want to distract me.” Cocky bastard! But then, he did have three. 

I adjusted my top, popping my tits out. I wasn’t as busty as some girls on campus, like my coworker friend Cinnamon, but I had a lot more than most women had to work with. Managing to get two… well one and a half… mostly… in my cleavage, I quickly grew frustrated trying to work my tits around his cocks, it was just so much man meat to wrangle. Even slobbering all over one of his cocks along with my almost double dick titfuck wasn’t enough to push myself into the lead. It was enough to get us tied though, which gave me an idea. 

The moment I was in the lead, even the smallest amount, I tossed my controller aside, and facing Carlos, dropped the booty shorts I was wearing and promptly slid the two cocks originally in my cleavage into my pussy, knowing my poor kitty was going to be upset with me later. I wasn’t about to leave a cock left out, and his well lubricated dick was inch by inch pushed into my ass. 

It took a bit of wiggling and more than a little pushing to get fully onto his lap, and for a moment I sat there, my face in the crook of his neck panting, before I started rocking my hips. D-damn… he was stretching my pussy to its limit with those two massive cocks, reaching so deep inside my little body. And my ass! Just one of those three monsters inside me and I knew I was going to be sitting gingerly for a month! It all felt so… so very good! 

I bucked and looked down in shock at myself, through my cleavage and at the two cocks crammed together inside my pussy. I had a sudden memory of Carlos telling me about an old friend and how they had fun in the past, and I questioned how any woman could ever be convinced to leave this behind! 

And then, of course, Carlos had to push it to another level. At some point his own controller had been forgotten on the couch, and with both hands he hefted my tits and stuffed both nipples into his mouth and sucked... HARD. 

“Oh... oh fuck baby! You’re fucking me with your big fucking cocks and... AH! Sucking on my big fucking tits! Ah! FUCK!” Ok, not the most eloquent thing I could have said but in my defense, I was having one of the top five fuckings I’d had up to that point in my life. 

I had… I had never lost control of my body in sex like this before. I came my damn brains out and I felt the gushing cum inside my pussy and filling my ass with crème. Had he started cumming before me? After? I honestly didn't know.  

What I did know was what he did next. He lifted me up by my ass, and off his three cocks, much to my chagrin. I wanted cuddling! Can you imagine that? Me, the 'get my fun and leave them drooling as I walked away' queen, wanting to hug him, kiss him, and just be held as I waited for his cocks to go soft. Instead I was whimpering, begging him to let us take our time with each other. 

Instead he turned me around and slid my ass down his abs again. His cocks were still hard! A cock slid into my ass, a different one from last time. How did I know? His cocks are pretty much identical, but somehow, a girl’s ass just knows.  

Carlos' arms looped under my legs and pulled them up till my feet were above my head. The strain on my ass was exquisite, and my thighs squeezed my pussy wonderfully. 

My pussy. 

Another cock was quickly stuffed into my sweet kitty, stretching my pussy to its limit. I looked down and had to remind myself, he had THREE cocks, and he was going to use them all on me. 

His third and final cock quickly joined his second. I begged him... To … to... I can’t even remember now. Do it? Not do it? Put it in my ass instead? I know what my mouth said next, “more! Faster! Fuck me you triceratops bastard!” 

And he did. 

The only other thing I remember of that night? Looking up at that screen. Player 2 Wins. 

Well fuck me. 

Part 3: Fresca 

So being a hot blonde is one thing, but I’m short. Like... super short. You know that fantasy of the long-legged buxom blonde, with curves from here till Thursday? Well... that’s not me. 

Hi, my name’s Fresca. I’m... well... 4’8” tall, with a 56” bust. That’s right, I’m as busty as I am tall. I also have a matching set of hips. Sounds hot? Well, try finding a pair of slacks that’ll fit those hips, or a bra to fit my basketball sized tits. 

Ok, so even described that way it is fucking hot. I admit it. 

How big are my boobs? Well I can rest a pencil on them. While standing. And it makes a little bridge across my cleavage. And they’re so big and round and plump the pencil won’t roll off. 

I’ve also rarely met a man with enough dong to dangle to really challenge these boobs when it comes to titfucking, so I’m sure you can imagine my delight when the cutest, saddest man walked into my job, ‘Tops and Bottoms’... it’s a coffee shop, not a strip joint, really, I promise. We just have a topless Tuesday. 

Anyway, back to tall, dark, handsome, and with enough pants bulge for three women. He was a regular, one I had been flirting ferociously with since the first time I’d seen him about a year ago, and he either had always been too polite, too dense, or just too taken with some other woman to notice. 

Today though, he came in with a face that I saw a lot in my life as a barista next to a major university. Someone had broken that man’s heart! And I fully intended to be the glue that pulled it back together and fucked the memory of whatever horrid bitch had come before me out of his head. 

Quickly tugging my top down a bit, it wasn’t Tuesday after all, and I wanted to make sure and show off as much cleavage as I could without letting my nips show (about a foot of deep, dark inviting boobage if you’re wondering), and leaned across the counter top letting my heavy milk pillows rest on the counter top and put my flirtiest look on... And stood up on my tip toes on top of the step stool I use at the register so I’m the same height as my other coworkers when taking orders. Why the tiptoes? Well I kind of needed to. Even with the step stool I wasn’t tall enough to really pull this off and also because it let him glance over my shoulder and see my big heart shaped ass from above. 

“Hey Handsome.” I had my smirk at my maximum Jessica Rabbit, right down to letting my long, blonde fringe fall over one eye. “Can I get you something short, strong with lots of extra crème?” 

He mumbled something towards my cleavage. Not unusual for me. What was unusual was that while his eyes were downcast it wasn't also towards my cleavage. It was towards his shoes. This was... serious. 

I whipped up his order and personally brought it to his table, sitting down across from him. It took a bit of cajoling, lightening up a little on the flirting, and opening my heart a little but I started to get what had happened out of him. I’d had more than a few heartbreaks in my life, both mutual and against me by some ass. He told me his woes, I let him know a few of mine... and before you knew it, I had him coming out of his shell. I had him smiling, though I could still see that pain behind his eyes. 

“How about this. We’ve got a stock room, big enough for two, and I’d love to show you why being single and free to cast your net out into that wonderful sea of fish might be good for you.” 

“Are you... offering...?” Carlos blushed. 

“Let me double check with my boss.” I left him with a flirty smile and a swish of my hips that I knew from experience would keep his eyes just as good as me walking towards him would with my boobs. 

I quickly found my manager arguing with some woman with two toned hair in the drive thru about whether or not a refund was in order because her iced coffee wasn’t hot. A drink she’d already drunk... Customers... 

“Hey, boss, mind if I take my break real quick?” A simple enough question, and after a questioning look from her, I jerked a thumb over my shoulder making my boobs give a nice bounce. Why the boob bounce? Boss lady, a tall, skinny waif of a woman with red hair was about as susceptible to my feminine charms as most men were and I knew it. Her eyes went first to my tits, then over my shoulder to Carlos. I knew she knew who my customer crush was, there wasn’t a barista in the shop who didn’t. 

An arched eyebrow and a question on her lips I already knew the answer to was enough to make me reply with an offer to sweeten the pot, and hopefully Carlos’ day. “I wasn’t planning on using my quirk, but... wanna take your break with me?” 

I saw her face light up and she reached over, snagged a gift card with Ƶ5 preloaded as she all but tossed it at the woman in the drive thru and handed her headset off to one of our coworkers who was just coming off her own break. 

My boss, Jessie, was... well, kinky. I’m not talking whips and chains kinky, more like... She went through relationships fast with both guys and girls because... she liked being cheated on. She liked cheating. She liked to be the person you were cheating on your partner with. 

Yeah, we don’t have enough time to unpack ALL that crazy, but to make a long story short... it was a kink that happened to be compatible with my particular quirk. So, I made my way back to Carlos as I wanted to quickly touch base and make sure he was down for this. But how? Well... it was going to require a little bit of subtlety. 

“So, uh, I have a quirk that’s kinda sex based.” Yup, just blurted that out because I was horny damnit and I wanted to get to that ‘mostly private’ room with him and my boss and show him what two determined and independent women could do with a nice guy. 

“Oh, uh, same.” 

I blinked, then gave him the biggest grin possible. Sex Quirks Unite! “Ok, so mine is... I can combine with someone else during sex and keep any number of extras or traits from either or both of the people combining.” 


“Or more people. I think. Never had more than one other person who wanted to share a partner before though.” 

“Oh? And who’s the other one this time?” He leaned to one side, his chin resting on his right hand and I swear you could hear me get that much wetter. Of course, I totally knew what he was doing, adjusting in his seat so he could fit his hardening cock down a pants leg or something. 

“My boss, Jessie.” I made sure to include her name, pointing to her. When their eyes met, she gave a little wave, and brushed her red hair back over her shoulder. He smiled and waved back before refocusing on me. 

“So... both of you?” 


“Sharing a body?” 

“Uh, huh. With any amount of extras... if you’re into that. Or even a full merger down to just one woman. We’ve done it before, kinda have a Jessica Rabbit look.” Why was I on about her today? Wasn’t sure. I mean, she was the first time I realized I liked girls just as much as guys, and also the first time I’d found a female to be incredibly curvy and also empowering, something that I was starting to face in my own life at the time. “I can mix and match and merge anything about us. Any... requests?” 

He smiled. I smiled, and with his next words, I knew Jessie would be too. 

In a flash he and I were in the stock room and Jessie was snapping the lock shut behind us as I shucked off my simultaneously too small and too big polo that was part of our ‘not Topless Tuesday’ uniform and let my soft pink bra into the open air. Before I could say anything though, I looked up to his incredible abs, the real difference in our height hitting home as my tits were even with them. They were... quite yummy. 

I stepped closer to him, hiding his pants from view as I pressed my large soft breasts against those lickable abs and grinned up at him. He reached down and started undoing my bra as I unzipped his pants. 

And yeah, suddenly I understood why he requested for Jessie and my soon to be combined form for the coming sexual shenanigans. The boy had... he had... I had a sudden idea and quickly shucked off my work slacks and panties, making sure to keep my big tits hiding what he had going for him from boss lady. 

Jessie had shucked her clothes quicker than I had and when I turned my head to her, I was again reminded of just what a hotty she was... if you’re into tall, skinny, and a face that looked like walking trouble. 

Which a lot of people, myself included, did. 

And judging from what I was feeling on my underboob, so did Carlos. 

“So Frannie, what’s he packing?” Jessie grinned, trying to look around me. 

Smirking up at her, I flicked his hardening cock up onto the top of my tits. The incredible cock stretched from one plump tit to the other. I think it might have been the first time that a guy showed he had enough to not just get a titfuck but a blowjob from me (Something that had been a specialty of mine back in my D-cup days, but guys hadn’t been able to measure up since I moved into the top half of the alphabet). 

She audibly gasped. “Fuck me! That’s enough cock for three women.” 

“Oh, uh, it’s nothing much, you know.” Carlos kept looking between the two of us, and bless him, he was blushing so hard his ears were turning pink. I looked away from him quickly, in my experience men do not like it when you laugh when they have their cocks out. That and I could sense... a pain there. It was an awful lot of cock... had women passed on this much man meat before? I looked carefully at Jessie and noticed just how... indecisive Miss Bossy-Pants was looking and decided to push things... 

By flicking another cock up on top of my tits.  

“He’s got... two.” Jessie visibly blanched. Yep. Two cocks. He had two. I could see Jessie settle down a bit, a few looks up into Carlos eyes as the red head tried to find her footing again. I could see her realize the same thing I had. This was a man with too much of a good thing, way too much. As a woman with more curves than a country road and boobs bigger than my head, I knew that feeling. Of guys looking, being interested... and then that look of being overwhelmed. 

When Jessie pulled herself to her full height and fixed him with a sultry smile I knew I’d picked the right partner. She was tall, and had more than a few partners not wanting to go beyond the first meeting just from too much woman herself and knew a kindrid spirt when she saw one. 

But of course I had to push things that last little bit, just to get that real jaw drop from Jessie by flicking his third, and final, big cock up on top of my boobs. It had the expected response of Jessie looking like she was either gonna piss herself or cream herself. I could practically hear her thoughts at that moment, partially because I was having very similar thoughts, partly because... well you’ll see. I don’t think we have enough woman in this room to take care of this much man. 

But I wasn’t going to stop here. I was too turned on, and I had a man who’s heart I was going to un-fuck-up by fucking him as hard as I could. But first... I needed a little something extra. 

I adjusted how I was standing so that I was face to face with Carlos, but side view to Jessie. With a hand on either side of my big tits I had all three of his cocks gathered up, one atop the other, and surrounded by my plump milkers. Taking his lower one in my mouth, I looked up at him with my big blue eyes and saw the absolute adoration in his big brown eyes. 

That’s right. I thought to myself.  From my cheek to your balls, all fourteen inches of cock times THREE was surrounded by nothing but tit. And judging from the look on his face it was the first time he’d been with a woman packing enough pillow to fluff that much tube-steak. 

I worked his cock then with the skills honed from years of being with guys so tall and me so short that my tits were perfect for this, and a mouth that had been merged with my roommate’s so often that I had no trouble fitting that big head of his into my mouth, though not much past it. We really were the perfect fit like this, my tits just the right size to surround all of his cocks and give each of them the stimulation I knew they needed, and my mouth just the right distance to let me suck on him a bit, swirling the head of whichever cock suited my fancy, swirling the tip with my clever tongue. 

It didn’t take long to push him over the edge, and this was something I was worried about. NOT that I could get him to cum quickly, I hadn’t met a guy I couldn’t. But that was I was about to not only get a mouthful of baby batter, but a face full as well, along with probably a good frosting for my tits. 

But my man, bless him, knew how to blow a load, and which cannon to use. While his other two lethal weapons of mass panty-destruction were quivering like they were on the cusp, lucky number three between my lips filled me up with that creamy delight. 

Exactly what my Quirk needed to activate. 

Disentangling myself from him was easier said then done. He whimpered as my boobs let go and I made the mistake of looking up into his puppy dog eyes and... Oh, I wanted to just suck and tit-fuck that man for the rest of my break! 

I had to remind myself that I had a mission and a plan and... maybe ten minutes left to accomplish it in. 

Quickly making my way over to Jessie, I beckoned her down and used my quirk to charge up the cum in my mouth, pushing a good amount over to her own sweet lips. I was tempted to actually deal down and push it into her lower lips, but decided to save that for a different encounter. Time was tickin’ after all. 

“So what were you thinking?” I knew what Jessie was asking. With my quirk it was a good idea to have both partners on the same page and I really hadn’t discussed my idea for it first as I knew it would give away the surprise of what he was packing. 

“Full merge, then split partially into twins.” 

“Mixed minds?” I saw her eyes light up. She and I made a good mixed mind. We worked well together, both in and out of the ‘stock room’, so to speak. Good coworkers often were good fusion partners. 

I nodded and continued. “Split into two heads, three boobs, four arms, two above two on that, two legs but two pussies in between.” 

“Oooh, I love the way you-” I think she was going to say ‘think’ but I’ll never know as that’s when we’d each absorbed enough of his cum to have my Quirk start pulling us together. We gasped aloud as my belly and hers met, pulling me up on tip toes as our bellybuttons merged. 

Usually I prefer to spoon, but part of this was a show for Carlos, and Jessie and I had yet to find a guy who didn’t get all hot and bothered when we ‘lezi it up’ for him. Her words, not mine. If I could peek into her mind (and I was about to be able to) I would hazard a guess it had less to do with that that, and more to do with her want for cheating, to make a guy watch as Jessie stole the woman who’d been so recently sucking his cock away from him. 

But yeah, it was fucking hot to watch, and even hotter to be part of. My large, and growing, tits mashed against her nearly non-existent ones as my spine stretched to match hers in height, our faces pushing and puling against one another in a kiss she and I were locked into. I had a finger in her pussy, and she had one in mine, and we were finger fucking each other so hard that as I matched her in height we were literally taking turns lifting each other up off the ground. 

Her legs and mine ground against each other before blending fully. I could feel her hand on my ass as we began sharing sensation, feeling it... not really shrink, but melt into our forming body. My hand on her lower back involuntarily pulled her closer into me, and I knew we now shared control of our body, and I used it to open one of her eyes, with her long eyelashes and give him a final wink before we fully merged our torsos and heads. 

And... wooo... being Jessica, a mixture of our names “Jessie and Fresca”, (most of her/my friends call blonde me Frannie) is a hell of a trip. I had all of ‘mommy Jessie’s’ no bullshit taken or given personality, along with all her frisky and freaky needs, and also all of ‘mommy Frannie/Fresca’s’ loving, caring and to put it frankly, bitchy, personality wonderfully mixed together to. 

As my mind solidified into ‘Jessica’ I felt my body settle around me. With a smirk I opened my eyes to look over at Carlos. 

Oh how I loved that look and knew Jessie and Fresca would love to as well, making sure to commit it to memory. He looked like... well... A busty cartoon character had come to life. I gave myself a quick once over in the side of the stainless steel fridge beside me just to get a bead on if my mommies had been on the same page or not. 

6’2”, check. Enough to make even Carlos look up just a little. Huuuuuuge tits? Check! Fresca’s tits scaled up to Jessie’s height made me massive. Wasp thin waist? Check. Thanks mommy Jessie. Hips and an ass so big you could see my back from the front? Check-check-check-a-roonie. Though as busty as I was you could see my front from the back too. Powerful and thick thighs just made for gripping a man as I rode him going down to a pair of calves just MEANT to support a frame as big and tall and curvy as mine in a pair of heels (thought I was flat footed right now)? Fucking CHECK! Both my mommies went for walks/jogs daily and also worked on their feet and it showed in my legs. 

I raised my hands above my head, arching my back towards him and thrusting my well-shaped chin into the air. I could feel my strawberry blonde hair and adjusted the ponytail, so it rode high and tight, my eyes never leaving his. Carlos had no doubt I was doing this fully for his benefit, but also I thought it looked hot as hell like this. Why neither of the women I was made from wore it like this, but I loved having it this way? I’d never know. 

“So, sailor, seen any good sights lately?” I took one long step, my incredible legs scissoring up the distance between us in that single stride. His cocks (cocks! Three of them!) were so hard and riding high that two of them rode up my toned belly and the third slide between thighs, grinding against my plump, wet pussy lips. I pulled him into a deep kiss that had us both panting as I stepped away. 

And that puppy dog look he gave me as I did! How had Mommy Fresca been able to pull away from him earlier? “Don’t worry, baby. I just want you to see what comes next.” And I really did. I blew him a ‘goodbye kiss’. It wasn’t... really goodbye, but I was about to split into two not quite me’s so sort of? It got confusing to explain. 

I felt my heads pull apart and we’d done this enough to know to make one of me like... 49% Jessie and 51% Fresca, and the other head, usually my left head, the opposite percentages. It wasn’t much of a detectable difference, but it kept us from talking in unison which had freaked out a few partners in the past. Next was our boobs. We grinned at each other as our chest swelled and pulled into a row of three breasts each as massive as either of our two original ones, only over emphasizing our thin waist. Finally our hips spread just a bit, not enough to really be noticeable, but jusssssst enough to cram in a second juicy pussy, just as plump and sensitive as our original. 

We made sure his eyes were on our pussy as we raised our arms up above our head but also kept them on our hips, resulting in two arms above two. He noticed quickly, but only after we’d separated them. We used each other’s top two hands to pull our identical heads into a kiss, not that we needed any encouragement to kiss ourselves, we were fucking hot after all. Is it incest to be bisexual and attracted to yourself like this? We weren’t really sure... 

The kiss was short, shorter than we would have liked, but we had important business. Glancing back to our man, we grinned seeing his cocks big and heavy and even a bit of precum pearling at the tips. Lucky number three was good and coated in our pussy juices from our earlier singular kiss to him, just like we wanted. 

Stepping up to him, it took three hands, one on each cock, and using our fourth hand on his hips to guide the young stud’s cocks into each of our pussies, and that lubed third one carefully into our ass. I debated why neither of my mothers had thought to just grab Becky or either of the Tiffany/Tiffani’s from out front upon realizing what they were dealing with, but it was too late for that now. 

Instead we lifted one flexible leg up and braced it on the shelf behind his hip, bending at the knee just to add a little bit of stretch to our pussies. Feeling these three behemoth cocks start to penetrate our lower holes, we just knew we were going to need it. Getting those three beauties into us actually gave us a chance to subtly measure what he was working with. Placing our hand flat against his hip with our wrist subtly against the base of his cock and... fuck us! Just one of these beast was as long as our forearm and as thick as our wrist! 

We would love to say what came next was a symphony of two and a half bodies coming together and it was magic and we made music, but that’s not what this was about. This was a fantasy made flesh, and it was raw, and wonderful, and a bit louder than our stockroom could really contain. We fucked him as hard as we could, only taking it slow at the start as we got used to his length and size. Damn, our eyes really had been a bit bigger than our mouths, or however the saying goes.  

But yeah, all three cocks were slowly, relentlessly pushing their way inside of us, and he was hanging onto our waist for dear life as he focused entirely on pounding up into us, stretching us so good with his thick dicks, pushing deeper with each thrust so wonderfully we were yelling and moaning our way through shared orgasms after the first few rounds! I mean, we’d both been ready to go before, but this was... new. When we looked down through our twin cleavages, we could see our womb bulge around and under our belly button with each thrust up! Ane we were still only about halfway down those cocks! 

We were using two hands to hang onto his shoulders, a hand on his hip to help him keep his pace. The fucking we were getting was making us both pant and moan. We were dirty talking him hard, gosh I hope he was into it. Our fourth hand was...  

That MINX! One of our heads, the slightly more Jessie than Fresca one, was lifting our middle breast up and stuffing it into Carlos’ mouth. He gave a good hard suck, and then his eyes opened wide as he found the secret of our special blended milk tea. 

We. Were. Lactating! 

Our little man (ha! Little!) sucked us good and hard and took just as good a care of our three big milky tits as we were his three, big, cum filled cocks! 

Speaking of! 

Fuck us! When he came, we just... we were... AH! 

Woah! Ok, back to being... just... Fresca again. There was always an emptiness after separating minds that I was never sure I liked dealing with. I felt like a huge chunk of me wasn’t there anymore and it took a minute to realize I wasn’t Jessica anymore, that the other half of ‘me’ was Jessie, who’s lap my plush back side was currently sitting on. 

We sorted ourselves out, and it felt weird for a bit being a plural we instead of a singular we, but soon enough break was over, Jessie was back in her uniform and giving me a wink as she ducked out of the stock room. 

I blushed, knowing what she was silently saying, our minds had been mixed just a moment or two ago after all. “Thanks for letting me cheat on your new fling.” Kind of a harsh reminder of how different the two of us were. And that’s all it took, snapping me back to being just me, just Fresca. I mouthed Thank you! to her, there’s a reason she’s the boss after all, who gave me two thumbs up. Go get ‘em! A gesture we used in our morning meetings half as a joke, half as a reminder to get customer’s numbers to text out... 

His number! 

I turned back to him as the door clicked shut. “So, uh...” Why did I suddenly feel like a high schooler again, suddenly afraid I’d pushed things to far too fast and was about to have the young stud I’d just rode give me the ‘Thank you, Ma’am’ after the Wham-Bam part. 

“Yeah, we uh, you...” He blushed and looked away, and my heart sank for a moment. 

Then we both burst out laughing. This wasn’t high school. We were adults. If this was goodbye, then it’d been a damn fun romp. 

“Ok,” it’s the end of the hand, so... “cards on the table.” I started and helped him fit his boys back into his pants. I couldn’t believe he looked like he was ready for a round three. “I enjoyed that, and I’m pretty sure you did. I’d like to get to know you better, but I’m not offended or put off if all you were-” 

“Can we go on a date?” He blurted, cutting to the point even faster than I was, but then I always was a bit long winded. Something about being short and wanting to fill up the room with me as much as I could. 

“Uh, sure, this Friday?” Friday was my next day off, so it would give me a whole day to get ready... and maybe convince my roommate to be my wingman, or even body partner if things went sideways. 

“Uh, yeah.” He nodded, doing a quick mental audit of his calendar. “I think I can do that.” 

I blinked. He blinked. We laughed again. I didn’t have my phone on me, I never did during work, and I didn’t want to ask why he was missing his, as it probably related to why he walked into work so heart broken. Instead, as I was pulling up my tight slacks, I remembered the sharpie I used for writing customer’s names on cups. 

Grabbing his arm and rolling up his sleeve, I wrote my number where he wouldn’t be parading it around for all to see or get it sweaty and have it rub off. Blowing on it to dry, I explained my expectations, listened to his, like rational damn adults and once I was satisfied, I gave him a smack on the butt. He was about to do the ‘walk of shame’ past my coworkers who I’m sure Jessie had just told what we’d gotten up to, and more than a few regulars who had either heard as well, or had been in this very stock room themselves for similar reasons, and I knew he knew.  

Held head high, he stepped out of the room and I let the door click shut behind him. 

Hey, I had two minutes left in my break! 


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