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  By MirandasDream for Zeranno  

Author's Notes: Based on a concept from Naga's Den, around a rubber brush that can turn you rubbery. It won't obey all the same rules, just meant to be a bit of fun. Wrote this based on a pic by Zeranno, included in the PDF.


Kaaya couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she walked up to Tsubaki’s house. Carried safely in her purse was a special brush, not covered in paint but in an endless supply of rubber that never seemed to run out and could change the body of the person being painted at will. She herself currently sported a cute monkey tail, orange in color and rubbery in texture, and wonderfully flexible. 

Tucking her messy brown hair back behind her ears, just to have it stubbornly insist on springing back out at odd angles like the rest of her mop of hair and knocked on the door, biting her tongue as she hoped that this would as well received by her friends as it had been by her. 

Moka answered the door in all her six-foot tall basketball glory, her dark skin making Kaaya imagine warm summer days and wanting to snuggle into the perky c-cups tightly held in Moka’s nigh-ever present sports bra. “Hey brat, what’s shakin’?” 

“Just my tail.” Kaaya swished her prehensile tail around to boop a shocked Moka on the nose, the tall black woman noticing that the end of it wasn’t the typical end of a monkey tail, given it’s rubber texture, but what looked to be a dildo. 

“The fuck is that?” While shocked sounding, Kaaya was happy to notice that the surprised Moka didn’t back away, but instead had leaned forward a bit to look at the tail a little closer. 

“I’ll explain when we get everyone together, but basically, I’ve got a magic ‘rubber brush’ that lets you add extras or even reduce or expand things about yourself or anyone else.” 

Moka got a speculative look on her face and looked back inside the house at probably the only person beside herself from the basketball team at the party. Kaaya recognized the tall, blue eyed blonde as Miki and had a sudden idea hatch to finally get the two six foot tall women together, something the duo had been uselessly flitting around since their freshmen year without actually just coming out and saying they had huge, massive, earth shattering crushes on one another. 

Now as Seniors the wait to see if the two would just get together had become a point of stress for everyone else who saw the obvious had become a bit too much and a common joke when the duo weren’t around. 

They were a cute pair, and Kaaya would be lying if the little match maker inside of her didn’t spring to life every time she saw the two awkwardly trying to be cool around each other and wanting to grab both of the tall women by the back of the head and shouting “NOW KISS!” 

But with the brush came new paths, and new ideas. “Hey Moka, can you get Miki and I’ll use the two of you to demonstrate the different stuff the brush can do?” 

“S-sure.” The usually unshakable woman stuttered, before retreating over to the tall blonde, her usual mask of bravado back in place before the blonde had even glanced at her own crush, a slight blush coming to her cheeks. 

Nodding her head, Kaaya made her way into the party, using her handy tail to push the door shut behind her. 

Walking around and greeting the different party goers, starting with the ‘four eyed committee’ of Yumiko, Masami and Mio. Yumiko was doing her own best to convince the other ‘unable to admit her crush on another member of the party’ Mio to just go over and ask Erina out, Masami nodding in agreement of whatever suggestion Yumiko had made. 

Mio, true to form and blushingly shy, simply shook her head no at any possible suggestion of forward momentum, her oval, purple framed glasses slipping down her nose as her silver twin tails danced about her head. 

“Hey Mio, hey Yumiko.” Kaaya waved with her tail, drawing the wide looks from both women. “Hi Masami.” 

“Uh, hey, Kaaya.” Yumiko adjusted her own large, frameless round lenses, blinking rapidly. “That’s.... new, right? A prosthetic?” 

“Not even a little.” Kaaya giggled. “Can you help gather everyone into the master bedroom?” 

“The one with the big round bed?” Mio squeaked. 

“That's the one.” Kaaya nodded, making her way over to the kitchen to scoop up a large knife. 

Going to the master bedroom, she was surprised to find the other dark-skinned woman of the group, Arina, talking with Mei and Tomoko, the only ‘couple’ of the group of open-minded women. 

“Hey girls?” Kaaya waived with her tail again. "Is it ok to use the room for a demonstration?” 

“Oh yeah!” The couple were unfazed, as usual, looking more excited than anything else. 

“We were just talking relationship stuff.” Tomoko blushed, a hand rubbing down the side of her cheek as she looked Kaya over, Arina's dark hair falling around her face in it’s well tamed straight glory. “Kaaya, what have you done now?” 

Kaaya grinned impishly at the ‘mom' of the group, drinking in her big mifly curves. “That’s what I'm intending to show off.” 

Before she could say more, Masami walking in, scratching at her long brown hair, pulling it into a tall and high ponytail, giving Kaaya a sudden idea for a transformation for the lanky four eyed gal. 

“Hey again, Masami.” 

“Hey Kaaya.” Her fingers brushed down the nape of her neck and side, clearly an act of visual teasing, but Kaaya knew it wasn’t meant for her, but Mei and Tomoko. She’d been trying to turn that pair into a tripod with her for a bit, nothing serious but so far Mei and Tomoko hadn’t been in a place to say yes. To Masami’s credit, the pair of openly lesbians blushed but didn’t look away from the other young woman. 

Kaaya took the opportunity to move over to Miki and Moka to let her in on her plans. The two women eagerly agreed, blushing and glancing away from each other at the description. 

Once everyone had made it into the room, Kaaya took center of the room, smiling at everyone but her two assistants sitting on the king sized, round bed. 

“Ok everyone, as everyone can tell, I’ve added a new addition to my form!” Kaaya hoped this sounded better out loud than it did in her head, public speaking wasn’t her best suit. 

As she spoke, she pulled out the rubber brush and started painted her left hand from the elbow down, making a yellow rubber monkey hand. “And it’s all thanks to this little brush. As you can tell from my tail,” she paused and giggled at the pun, “it can do more than just give me cute rubber gloves...” she paused as she finished her other arm, giving her two monkey hands before stepping out of her boots to paint down her legs from the knees down, giving herself monkey feet as well. “But also change my shape and physical abilities.” 

Moka and Miki stepped forward and out of their clothes, to the whoops and hollers of the group at the revealing of their well-toned, long and tight bodies. Kaaya painted around the waist of each woman, a purple rubber band appearing just above hip height. Using one of her new, lower hands she mad a swift cut through each woman at the purple bands, separating them cleanly in two. 

Moka quickly caught herself on her hips, lifting and pointing her stomach stump at the crowd to oohs and ahs at the smooth purple rubber on the base of her cut, Miki’s pale form flushing with blush as she did the same. 

Turning on their disembodied feet, the two women careful stuck their stomachs together, becoming a joining together not unlike a queen in a deck of cards, their lower halves following a moment later. 

With a surprisingly small amount of help, the pair of joined women and their legs climbed onto the bed, their top halves crab walking to the top of the bed, their legs next to them. 

“Wh-what’s it feel like?” Erina arching an eyebrow, doing her best to sound aloof. She was the smallest busted of the room and she felt herself feeling more than a little jealousy at the two sets of bare, perky C-cups. 

Moka reached out and squeezed one of Miki’s boobs, both women moaning, all four legs grinding against it’s partner in response. 

“Wow, joined like this we can feel both ends of it, and each other’s. It’s like it’s all twice as sensitive.” Moka replied, Miki nodding, her eyes open wide in shock. 

Quickly the girls each pulled into groups while Kaaya sat down next to the pair of women. Her dildo tail teased Miki’s nethers, both women too caught up in each other, and sharing every touch, every sensation to truly respond, but both cooing in response as she flicked at the pale woman’s entrance. 

I wonder who’ll be first. Kaaya thought to herself. 

~Fin... for now. 


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