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Author's Notes: So this one comes with a bit of "wah Wah, poor me" story. If you want to just get to the good stuff, skip to where it says STORY in bold.

This was a story I wrote for Jaywalker, same guy who commissioned the Mommy Blows Best series if you've read it. They had been begging me for months for another commission slot but I'd been struggling to get anything done lately and felt bad enough about commissions I had opened and then never finished (or even started) so I did something that I really shouldn't have.

I said "Sure, but pay me when I'm done."

Well surprisingly I finished it almost right away, and sent it off to him.... No response. Well ok maybe he wasn't online right? One day, two days, three.... A week... Finally I get a response, "been a hard week, pay you tomorrow."

So... I did something I thought was very normal, and deleted the link to the story as at this point they had a week to download the story so it really didn't matter now, and also... Yeah I've been given the 'pay you later for the story NOW' bit before.

Jaywalker's reaction... pretty much told me I was right. They had an utter melt down and blocked me when I made it clear to either stop it or I was blocking them.

I didn't handle it the best if screencaps pop up (I might post screencaps anyway), but still, don't think I was in the wrong to say that after a week of no contact, followed by the 'pay you tomorrow' BS, that I was well in my rights to decide to hold the story till then.

Anyway, I'm usually about the commissioner getting first read, but since that requires them to be a paying commissioner, That's out the window, so I hope you enjoy a rather weird story, I had fun writing.

Story Contains: Futa, conjoinment in an odd format, three friends trying to get closer



While a staple at nearly every known magical college in all of Wonarld, the colloquially known “Ballsey Potion’s" origin is completely known, possibly due to it’s nearly equal amount of banning at nearly every known college. Given how it is known to be both an increaser in cum production and has a built in component to keep the subject’s testicles from bursting, by increasing the size of ball sac, which of course increases cum production, starting a bit of a cycle with no upper limiter, it could be safe to assume that it was a novice potion maker’s creation while at college, and a C+ at best is all that could have been expected given the sloppiness of it. 

- Excerpt taken from Kassandra Paul’s paper on the Ballsey potion, origins and use.


Having both Kelly and Shelly as best friends was one of Dillion’s biggest joys, and one of her largest challenges. 

The two were both serious, focused, no nonsense, women who with their creative and artistic skills would have no trouble in their future in art or animation or whatever they were shooting for. They seemed to swap back and forth nearly every time they bumped into each other, like a two headed dog trying to figure out which tail to chase. 

Honestly, the main problem was that the two girls were probably too similar. 

But Dillion had a plan. A girl’s night in tonight, Friday Night. 

And of course, enough Ballsey potion to make a whole sorority happy, shared between just herself and the two women. 

Kelly was there first, but then, Kelly was also Dillion’s roommate so that might have been a given. 

“Hey Dills.” 

Dillion snorted with laughter. She already had her ‘dill pickle’ out, so to speak, and resting on the soft carpet was her own heavy balls, not much larger than most sets of ‘cock and balls’ but larger than most other elves had. Dillion ran a hand across her own short, golden crown, tucking her long tresses behind her long, pointed ears. 

Kelly mimicked the gesture with her own brown hair, her own half dwarven/half elf heritage as always seeming to play havoc on her features. Every angle, every turn seemed to be somewhere between the angler, thick boned dwarven heritage and the high cheekbones, light and lithe of limb of her elven heritage. 

Even her ‘beard’ that a lot of dwarven women sported had always grown in scraggily and with missing patches, leading her to shave it off most times, as it was today. “Oi, are we already giving up on pants?” Her mother’s accent springing thru, leading Dillion to surmise she’d been using her scrying sphere to talk to the distant woman, probably off in a cave somewhere. 

Dillion just laughed and gestured, “just going to be us girls, no reason to keep ‘em on. We won’t have anything the other’s don’t have.” 

Dillion realized her mistake instantly, but somehow Kelly’s usually sharp mind missed the hint at who the third guest to the small, intimate party might be. “Then let the shillelagh’s swing?” 

Dillion gestured towards the woman’s draw string pants and grinned as Kelly let them fall to the ground. 

Kelly’s cock was much like the woman herself, shorter than Dillion’s but nearly half again thicker. Her wide hips did a good job of presenting her package, include the two plump apricots that road high and tight beneath her cock. The balls looked as packed with cum as her own firm titties seemed back with boob. 

“Shillelaghs?” A new voice, Shelly’s, said from the doorway. Kelly left it open again. Dillion thought to herself. “I knew you were actually a leprechaun instead of a dwarf.” 

The joke seemed like an ill fit for the pale, red headed woman. Unlike the other two, Shelly was ‘just’ a human, specifically one of the northmen, showing in her broad shoulders and large upper body strength. The tall red head had on more than one occasion simply lifted up both Dillion and Kelly and sat them on her shoulders at a concert, the two shorter women having struggled to see the band. 

Joining her upper body strength was a pair of breasts each larger than her head, and a sight Dillion was hoping would soften... or harden... Kelly’s cock with her plan to make Shelly big enough she could titfuck herself. 

“Ugh, this bitch?” Kelly turned and jerked a thumb at the red head, Shelly pulling down her own pants to fit in with the other two, her small hips knocking the door shut as she bent over. 

“Look, I’ve got something to show you both. It’s more than any of us could handle alone and well, I’d rather not share it with anyone else.” Dillion looked down, using a finger to trace lazy circles in the cheap carpet, her down cast look helping her as she struggled to hide the smile. She knew the unasked question, what did Dillion have, driving the duo forward to find out just what Dillion was hiding. 

Shelly was the first to sigh and set down, taking her place to Dillion’s left. “Ok ok, balls are out, and you’ve got me interested. What have ya got?” 

Rather than answer, Dillion gestured to her right, pointedly looking at the half dwarven woman, Kelly’s shorter, but still pointed ears giving a minor twitch of annoyance before plopping her large hips to the ground, her heavy balls smacking the floor briefly, her cock head bobbing. “Ya, ya, what have you got?” 

With a gesture, and a quick “Viola!” Dillion pulled out... literally a liter of a glowing blue potion. 

“Is that...” 

“Ya gotta be kiddin’... It’s...” 

“A full liter of Ballsey.” Dillion nodded. “Like I said, more than I’d want to do with myself or even split between one of you. So it’s all three of us or nothing.” 

The two women eyed each other, before giving an in-unison nod. Yes! “Ok let’s go with just a swallow each to start.” 

It wasn’t an exact measurement, a calculation on her own part. Without taking the first drink she passed the bottle to Shelly who took a sizable gulp. Not one to be outdone, the smaller half dwarf, Kelly, snatched the bottle and took her own big gulp, leaving Dillion to hide her grin behind the rim of the bottle as she matched the competitive duo. 

Even as she finished her swallow, Dillion heard Shelly give a low moan as her balls had began inflating with cum. Kelly wasn’t far behind as her own balls began filling up, stretching the skin. 

Their cocks weren’t far behind, Dillion’s catching up quickly as the longest of the trio, all three soon matching in girth and size as their balls were pushed apart by their filling testicles. Dillion gritted her teeth as her balls hit softball size each. Come on... healing potion, kick in! She felt her skin hit it’s limit, groaning as she felt her balls tremble. Too... full! 

She realized she had a choice. Begin masturbating, and hoping she could cum before her balls burst, or hope this wasn’t a bad batch of Ballsey. “G-girls?” 

“Ah! I’m... I’m growing!” Shelly gasped in relief, Kelly following her a moment later. Dillion gave her own sigh of relief as she felt her skin tingle and begin healing. 

“Feeling tight is soooo good, ladies.” Kelly sighed. “But I’d rather not burst my balls.” 

“Me either,” Shelly and Dillion grinned at each other. They could already fill their newly grown balls filling up again and Dillion wanted to do something before they did. 

“Ok Ladies, ready to take things up a notch?” She held up the liter bottle, barely 10% down, and gave it a little swish. 

The duo grinned. 

The next half hour progressed quickly, the trio passing the bottle around, gulps giving ways to swallows and finally just sips as the bottle got down to the last few inches of the drink. 

Their balls had increased to the point of being beanbags in size each. Six big bean bags the three ladys were somewhat gingerly riding atop, each woman had a testicle pressed against a testicle of one of the other two. In the center was a sort of three-sided tower, each side one of the trio’s dicks. So much sensitive flesh, both of the trios balls and of the lady’s mighty cocks was leading to more than a little precum dripping out of the tip of their huge cocks. 

“F-Fuuuuuck girls.” Shelly shuddered, surprisingly cursing just a bit. “I really... like... need to cum.” 

Kelly responded by reaching out for the tower of cock before Dillion stopped her with a hand. “O-one thing, ladies.” 

The two patiently waited while the blonde elf fumbled for a moment, blowing her fringe out of her eyes in exasperation from her perch above her balls. “Stupid.... big... balls.” 

“Well, you’re the one who kept drinking.” Shelly pointed out. 

“I think we all did.” Kelly the brunette half dwarf leaned forward, her two balls pushing against Shelly and Dillion’s each. 

“GOT IT!” Dillion cheered as she held up a gold band, so enchanted that the moment it pulled free of the leather pouch, the other two women felt the tingle wash over them. 

“Is that...” 

“You didn’t...” 

“Yup, the one and only Ring of Brotherhood on campus.” 

“You got that from the ‘12-inchers’ sorority?” 

“Yep, the biggest cocked ladies on campus have been using it, and even they can’t stretch it out the way we do, ladies.” Dillion patted the side of their cocks, finding a soft grin spreading across her face as she noticed how Kelly was staring at Shelly’s boobs, and how well they pressed around her massive cock, something Dillion herself found hypnotizing, especially the way the huge dollop of pre-cum slid down the top of her cock and make her large boobs slick. 

“Which of us is going to wear it?” Kelly’s question snapped Dillion back to the present. 

“Why not all of us?” Dillion spun the ring around her finger, no larger than a bracelet now, but she knew it’s magic well, and how could stretch over any cock, or cocks, letting all three of them benefit from it’s magical effects, and even share in each other’s sensation and feeling. Having just one cock and two massive balls was almost making any of the trio cum just from the feeling, but feeling all three? Dillion knew that would be enough to set off a train reaction that would empty balls even of this size. 

“I uh, heard those things are hard to take off.” Kelly gave it a look of trepidation as Shelly reached out and helped Dillion stretch it out.” 

“What, you’re really going to chicken out now?” Shelly smirked. “That’s fine, I’m happy to have it be just me and-” 

Dillion could see just where this was all headed and decided to just stretch it as far as could and ‘ring the python’s’ and snap it down around their dicks. She made it about halfway before the sheer girthiness of the cocks, the sudden stop making all three women spasm as they felt all three cocks at once. 

Later, all three would agree that no one knew who had knocked the bottle over as all three of them could feel the sensation of their elbow hitting it. They felt the bottle of Ballsey smack their balls and all eyes were opened wide as it spilled over the tops of their turgid testes. 

They gasped as their six balls, two by two, began fusing to their closest neighbor. Shelly felt her left testicle fuse with Kelly’s right one, as her right merged with Dillion’s left. Each woman felt it, and felt their own balls experience the same, and each other’s feeling it too. 

Dillion bit her lip as she felt the triple orgasm, the tri-gasm, blasted through their cocks and up to the Ring of Brotherhood where... 

Where it suddenly stopped. 

Oh shit... Dillion thought. We’ve overloaded it and now it’s the world’s tightest cockring. 

Well, at least it all brought us closer. She thought, reaching down to feel the side of one swollen, fused, ball. 

Maybe before their next class on Monday they’d figure out a way to undo it... 



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