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By MirandasDream

For a friend I wish I could be there for on Christmas.

Many years ago…


Alex sighed. There were many things that dating a fellow purifier had begun for him, especially a high pitched short blonde who often came flying at him with more curves than seemed physically possible, but then, that kinda was the job.

“Judy’s with me!”

Then there was her ‘frienemy with benefits’ and fellow purifier, Judy. Just as short, just as typically curvy, just as over the top horny, but in all other ways the opposite to his blonde lover. She was deep voiced with a throaty laugh compared to Randa’s squeak and infectious giggles. She was a naturally deep tan thanks to her thai heritage compared to the typically paler Irish freckles Randa sported. And finally, Randa’s pale blonde locks were the perfect contrast to Judy’s lustrous black rivulets.

Then there was their tendency to prank each other. Namely, more than once he woke up to one or the other feeding a sleepy lover into his cock, snickering the whole way. Easy as both were heavy sleepers.

But today… well… both were heavily intoxicated, probably do in no part to their own drinking as Alex knew his lady love well, and that rarely, if ever, did she get so much as tipsy. Which meant the alcohol, as well as their ridiculous curves, was more than likely the result of their dormmates.

It was just a side business at this point, but horny girls and college were a bit hand in hand, and in a world where the hornier you got, and more fun you had, the curvier you became, well, it just didn’t do to go to college an A-cup with 32 hips and show up at Christmas Family Dinner with twice the curves of Jessica Rabbit.

So one girl after another would get a bit drunk one last time, climb into two of the best purifiers on campus’ wombs, and scoot out an hour later as skinny, svelte, and sober as they showed up to college, leaving his girlfriend and her brunette competitor/partner with all the curves and the liquor.

And from the looks of the two lovely ladies who often darkened his doorstep, business had been a bit too good. Each was too big to really fit through the doorway to Alex’s tiny dorm room, but then they seemed more interested in cajoling him out of it, or at least part of him.

“Weeee want your cooooock.”

As a male purifier, his third leg was already big, plump, and… had been well fed already today and was the biggest of his three ‘legs’ by far. It was already with a gruff umph, and a moan that he was able to stand, and having two lovely women begging for his attention, both of whom he knew were capable of handling every inch he had at even his biggest sizes, was making him harder and thicker than a phone pole.

“L-ladies.” He absently itched at his beard, something even a Viking would be proud to call their own. “Umm, if you’re looking for booty call-” He was hopeful, but intending to explain to the two drunken women who were drunkenly leaning against each other so hard they looked like they might just be a very curvy two headed woman, something he’d seen them pull off on more than one occasion, that there was just no way either of them were going to fit into his dorm bed, let alone both.

The two bursting into drunken giggles broke the sexy image entirely as he reminded himself that they were both very drunk. “Not sex, ya goof.” Randa giggled.

“Yeah we just wanna shed a few inches and have some ‘goo’ time together.” Judy nodded, the motion making her eyes spin a little.

“Uh, sure, I think I can spare a bit of time to you two getting some… wait, together?”

Both women enthusiastically nodded, their ample curves jiggling, and Alex let out a deep groan.

“I love you both, in ways that I’m not sure I totally understand, but… fine.” Alex arched his back and let his heavy cock, longer than either woman was tall, not that it said much given their diminutive height and his even ‘empty’ prestigious hungry cock. He hadn’t needed to really encourage him much, as Randa was already fingering his opening, stretching his entrance out enough to make room for whichever one got to go first.

Apparently, they’d pre-decided on it being Judy, and the answer was feet first as to which way she’d go down.

Carefully bracing herself against the wall, with Randa’s help, Judy slipped first one foot into the heavy, full cock followed shortly by her other, and Alex couldn’t help but moan. The ladies’ feet, like every other part of their bodies, was soft, curvy, and so sensual. While he’d want nothing more than to see just how far he could stretch either her or Randa’s pussy with possibly the biggest cock he’d had to date, he wasn’t one to deny a lady her desires, let alone two.

Inch by inch, Judy’s soft, plump calves, well-muscled from the near constant inches she carried, slid into his slick, cum coated cock’s interior plumbing. Next was thighs far too thick and wide for any normal woman, with so many inches that Alex moaned as she pushed her way in, now using his cock to support herself, and Alex having to use the door frame to hold himself up as Judy slid further in.

He was panting at the sensation of so much woman filling his cock when he came to the second thickest part of her, those amazing hips and plump ass.

No longer having to help Judy, Randa had come around and was grinding her huge tits against the side of Alex’s stretching cock, making sure to stroke the area that was really spreading to accept Judy. The blonde leaned forward and began kissing up Alex’s cock towards the head before reaching Judy’s hip just as her pussy got to the point of disappearing inside him, giving it one last kiss before with a soft slurp, her hips popped inside and Alex’s elastic cock snapped tight around her soft tummy.

The two women were talking, discussing something, but Alex was lost in the feeling of a woman entering him. He’d had a few mini orgasms, but without any cum, they were simply tremors of pleasure with peaks and valleys rather than they typical blast of goo.

Suddenly Judy was pushing her big tits into his cock by reaching up behind her head and pushing against the fall wall of the hallway, Alex still in his dorm room from the balls back. He moaned aloud, a deep baritone as first one of her dark, crinkled areola vanished into his cock, and then with Randa’s help, Judy’s other plump tit was stretching his cock out, further than even her hips ever had, though admittedly it was only one boob at a time.

Using her hands to keep pushing against the wall behind her, she pushed deeper into his long manhood, making a kissy face to him before her head vanished into his cock, leaving just her hands still outside of him, and her feet tickling his balls.

Then she did something incredible, something no woman had ever even thought to do inside of his cock, she twisted around so that she was face down inside of him, the sensation of so much woman inside his cock, so many curves spinning and squishing around inside his tight holding place making him roar with another ‘dry’ orgasm.

It took a minute to get his head screwed on tight when he looked up to check if Judy had fully gone inside yet only to find her hands grasping Randa’s own delicate ones, the contrast in skin tones standing out in the stark florescent lights of the hallway.

“Randa, baby, maybe think about this a min-”

Her head was already inside his cock before he’d even finished, and he could feel her plump breasts pushing against his entrance as her shoulders passed inside him. Unlike the other woman already a third of the way into his balls, Randa wasn’t going one tit at a time and he was roaring in orgasm as she stretched his cock incredibly even further than Judy had.

With a soft pop, the big jello-ey tits made it inside his cock. He could feel her hard nipples dragging along the inside of his cock, inch after inch going inside of him.

The feeling was magical, already feeling Judy starting to churn inside him and his incredible girlfriend halfway, when her hips hit the end of his cock, he felt a final dry-gasm pass through him as he stretched further and further until he came hard and passed out as Randa’s pale hips and plump ass finally passed inside of him, missing entirely the rest of her making her way into his balls.

It was nearly an hour later that Alex stirred to awakening, feeling the aftereffects of what must have been for the ladies in his balls over twenty orgasms each for them as they, knowing them, 69’ing themselves into gallons of churned cum that now pinned Alex to the ground, standing up.

He moaned and stroked his balls, feeling the two women inside, now gallons upon gallons of so much cum. He couldn’t wait to get them out when he noticed the base of his cock.

Some joker, probably to make up for him blocking the hallway with his mega cock, or maybe even a plan by the two ladies inside him pre-set up with a third friend, had slipped a ‘Chastity belt’ around his cock, promptly blocking him from pushing even a drop of cum out with a timer on it to release on Christmas morning.

“I hope you two enjoy being mixed together in there.” Alex gave an absent slap to the side of his balls. “Because it’s a week till Christmas and I think you two are coming out fused at this point and it’ll take forever for you two to build up enough mass to split again.”

He sighed but didn’t resist the smile tugging at his lips.

At least he wouldn’t be alone the last week before Christmas, and it was definitely going to be a ‘white’ one.