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I wrote this a while a go for a dear friend on their birthday.

Minos/Isk, thank you so much for being you and I thank that you were born every single time we talk.

And now, on with the story. Please let me know if you want me to continue it.


“Did I dream that?” Stephen tried to open one eye and decided that dehydrated was not a way to wake up.

“If so, you coulda dreamed a little smaller.”

Now that woke him up. Snapping his head around he immediately moaned into his pillow before opening his eyes again and beholding the curvaceous blonde next to him in his bed. As his brain tried to remember what happened last night, his eyes feasted upon the woman next to him. Breasts the size of her head, hips so wide they were nearly pushing Stephen off the bed, with plump thighs to match. Her ass was so wonderfully big, that he knew he could slide his hand under her lower back and not brush her skin.

Just as he was about to try it, she giggled and rolled out of bed. His bed. She was suddenly standing and gasped as she tried to wrangle curves that moved a lot more than she was used to. “Well that’s gonna take some getting used to. Couldn’t shrink me back to normal before work, hm?”

“What’s in it for me?” Since when am I this playful?

“Oh, I can think of several things, but no, I think I’d rather keep them.” She shot him a smoldering look, and licking lips that were noticeably a bit plumper than he remembered, or was that just the reality sinking in that he had just slept with this woman. His brief ponder was interrupted as the gorgeous curves and the woman carrying them turned and left. “OK, I’ve got work in a mere three hours, so I’m going to go take a shower.”

“Awwww.” Stephen couldn’t help but pout as she vanished around the corner. Just her head poked back out and she shot him a smile that had never failed to make his heart flutter, even before they were lovers.

“You could always join me, ya know.” Mira grinned before vanishing again.

A minute later, he could hear the water running and decided if now wasn’t the time to pull himself out of bed, he wasn’t sure when was.

Pulling on a robe, he decided that perhaps climbing into the shower with the short, curvy blonde was not the best way to continue the morning, though for the life of him he couldn’t think why. Instead, he made his way into the kitchen and started to kickstart his other brain.

By the time the water stopped, he’d gathered together what he’d needed, and as Mira was making her way the short distance to his kitchen in his tiny apartment, he was setting the first set of blueberry pancakes on the table at the spot Miranda had been occupying just last night.

His untouched cake had been moved to the counter and he pondered what to do with it as he flipped the next batch when he heard her squeal of delight.

“You remembered!”

He turned to see the blonde leaning forward, her plump tits spilling out of her hastily wrapped towel as she dug into the pancakes, moaning in delight in a way decidedly reminiscent to how she’d moaned on top of his cock last night.

“Well, I try and take care of my…” Friends?

She stopped, hearing the unspoken word and carefully rewrapped her towel and sat in the chair, though she didn’t stop pushing more pancake between those gorgeous lips. “Mmm, yeah, we should have that conversation.”

He finished the next batch, and deciding that at least one needed to end up on his plate before Miranda stole them all, he slid one off the stack and placed both plates on the table. “What do you want us to be, Miranda?”

“Oh, going full name huh? Last night you were all about single syllables.” She snickered and he blushed.

“Don’t tease.” He took a bite of pancake and grimaced lightly. He liked regular pancakes, or maybe chocolate chip. Bathed in syrup, which wasn’t on the table out of choice as he never had enjoyed the mix of maple and blueberry. “Please, Mira…”

He trailed off and she gave him a warm smile.

“Look, I’m not in the market for a new boyfriend.” She looked to the side, away from him, her smile shifting from teasing to ‘please don’t notice how much pain I’m in.’ “Me and long-term relationships don’t work out so… Please don’t think I’m not grateful for the new curves but would you mind if-”

“I wouldn’t mind at all, Mira.” Stephen interrupted, putting as much of his heart in his smile as he could, and leaving out the heartbreak of someone as amazing as her turning him down.

“Besides,” Mira shoveled another forkful of pancake into her mouth. “If you’re just the occasional booty call for me, that means you can keep playing the field with those magic powers of yours.”

Stephen blinked and tried to find a way to articulate to her that if long term relationships and her didn’t work, him and women at ALL didn’t work just as badly.

She saw the look and rolled her eyes. “And for the last time, you’re a catch! Some lucky gal is going to want you all to herself. Heck, with this-” She gestured down at her sizable assets, reminding him of his power, “as an ice breaker, they’re going to be breaking down your door.”

Stephen snorted. “I doubt that.”

“Oh, you’ll be surprised.” Mira stood, hardly changing in height at all given the nature of his tall table and chairs, the diminutive woman actually hopping down a bit to stand up. “I shot a few selfies and posted them on my IG. Left enough clues in the comments that any of our mutual friends will know exactly how I got my new curves, and just who’s door to knock on to get some of their own. See ya!”

And with that she was vanished out of the kitchen and back into his bedroom.

The weight in his heart didn’t move, and only grew heavier when she reappeared wearing a hockey Jersey she’d left over at his house once and a pair of yoga pants that normally she’d have been swimming in and now we’re stretched to the max. She kissed his cheek and was gone before he could turn to say the words he desperately wanted to say to a woman. I love you.


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