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Patience frustratedly shoved the books into her bag with the folded part of her wings she used as hands when her clawed talon feet wouldn’t work.

“Do you need a hand?” A tall, well, tall relative to Patience’s 5’3”, raven haired woman bright red eyes looked over to the Harpy woman.

“Aye, two of ‘em!” Patience growled out as briefly fluttered her wings in frustration.

“I didn’t mean to-” The Raven-haired woman brought up one hand, her other arm full of what looked like a fuzzy hat filled with a diminutive blonde about six inches in height.

“No no, not your fault, just feeling ornery today.” Patience rolled her shoulders, her three large head-sized breasts rolling with the effort. “First day of college and all that.”

“Well, either way, nice to meet you.” The dark-haired woman stuck her hand out to the camo clothed harpy. “I’m Theresa. And my pocket pal here is Keeva,” hefting the upturned winter hat to show off the apparently naked young woman hidden inside, showing that inside the hat she was about ninety percent boob. “Got herself shrunk, all but her boobs. She’s been my desk pet until whatever goofy spell it was wears off.”

“Oh, a spell slinger, are ya?” Patience fist bumped Theresa as best she could by extending a wing and thumping it against the back of Theresa’s hand. “Art student myself. Ma made me come to college for it.”

“Actually, I’m more into potions and alchemical studies. Keeva here is the spell slinger, but shrunken size means less potent magic so can’t turn herself back on her own, and she won’t let me use.” Theresa did her best to cover her faux pa of trying to shake hands with someone with feathers by digging around in her bag and pulling up a few glowing potion bottles that didn’t look as sealed as they should be and a pretty standard looking ‘learners philosopher stone’.

“Oh? What do these do?” Patience traced a few feathers across the potions, hypnotized a bit by the shining, swirling contents, some ancient part of her brain reaching into her feathered pre-history telling her to grab the pretties and run back to her dorm room.

“Oh, these are mostly memory enhancers, great for midterms. I’m trying to get it just right and maybe sell them when we get there. Still the first day after all.” Theresa enthused, holding them up a bit farther, perched on the edge of her fingertips and balanced against each other. “I think that-”

Whatever was going to be said next, and whoever was going to move or be blamed for what came after could always be argued over, but a combination of one of Patience feathers pushing a bit too hard, Keeva rustling a bit too much in her hat to get a better look and trying to get both larger women’s attention, and Theresa falling forward in a desperate attempt to one handedly juggle the falling potions as she lost her grip definitely all happened.

The bottles all popped their top, the swirling contents pouring out and surrounding the philosopher stone that happily activated and enhanced their effect, blasting out in all directions over all three women.

Coughing, Patience flapped her wings to distribute the smoky mess. “Oof, ok, so I don’t think that was memory enhancer, as that doesn’t seem to be enhancing my boring childhood.”

“Huh.” Theresa blinked, shifting which hand Keeva’s hat was held in as she dumped the now empty vials and philosopher stone back in her bag. “I wonder what I made then.”

“At a guess.” Patience bared her sharp teeth in a frown, as she looked down at her already overburdened tank top. “Mammary enhancer.”

“What makes you say that?” Theresa blinked and used both hands to hold Keeva. “Keeva, is your spell wearing off because you’re getting kind of…”

In unison, it clicked with all three what was about to happen. The thus far silent Keeva sighed and threw her hands in the air as her already proportionately gigantic breasts grew to hat filling capacity, the threads of the cottonany home she’d found herself in for the last few days groaning with the new burden.

Above Keeva, Theresa found she couldn’t see beyond her own pillowy mass, once a respectable D-cup if you measured in such sizes, and now approaching the size of her own head each.

Patience was getting the worst of it, her three head sized breasts growing beyond the limits of her tank top and bursting into the open room. The lack of concern, or even generally looking in their direction as three naked breasts popped into view.

Soon, nudity wasn’t the issue as Theresa joined her and Keeva in the bare breasted babe of the day look, as the billowing breast flesh met between the two dark haired woman and quickly created a stack of two-three-two of Keeva pushing up into Patience’s three which filled the space between Keeva and Theresa’s own growing boobs.

Smish upon smish upon smish as the three women shrieked, tweeted and mimed surprise as they surpassed a stack of seven beach balls before the potion wore off.

“Any idea when this will wear off?”

“Uh… probably later today?” Theresa responded beyond the expanse of soft smishy boobs between her and her harpy acquaintance.

“And with these shenanigans, I’m guessing the three of us just became friends.” Patience glowered into Theresa’s cleavage as if she could see beyond the two pale boobs in front of her, using her feathery wings to give the women some dignity since Theresa was doing the heavy lifting of holding up Keeva’s and her own boobs.

“I wouldn’t be against it.” Theresa replied, shifting her hands at the soft pokes from Keeva down below. “And I doubt Keeva will say no if she ever regains her full size before the semester’s over.”

For her own part, Patience just blew a raspberry before burying her face in Theresa’s cleavage. It was warm and nice in there.


Roxil Aeon

This is adorable, looking forward to more grompbirb