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  Part of my flash commission sale! Let me know if you're interested!

“What is SHE doing here?”

Akeena gritted her teeth. That accent, that tone of voice, that utter bitchyness. “Teea McGee.”

“Yeah, Seins Géants top model!” The red headed woman stomped over, her huge four breasts wobbling as her feet slapped the ground. “And now even more top with my new upgrade!”

Upgrade was right. Already with breasts probably better classified as boulders, Teea had added a second pair for the ‘best of the biggest’ photoshoot they’d both flown to Philly for. Teea sneered down at the shorter woman, her shoulders idly readjusting to the new weight her body was still so uncertain of causing her monster tits to wobble back and forth like waves passing through her breast flesh.

Akeena tucked a few errant strands of her own long black hair out of her eyes and struggled up out of her chair, using both hands to try and wrangle her own breasts into some sort of controlled ascent. Her huge breasts had originally been even bigger than Teea’s original pair, dominating her lap when she sat in beautiful, giant teardrops. She’d been so big that when she’d gone in for her own gene-sync upgrade, a method that had been developed to get a body to accept even the strangest of changes. She had been so big that she’d only been able to add a single tit and even so they rarely hung three in a row lest they pull her forward, and instead had to gather up the soft masses, piling them up in a column of boob.

“When did you get that stupid quad boob look?” Akeena mashed her three naked tits against the front of the four Teea Tits.

“Th-this morning!” Teea gritted her teeth. “Can you be careful, column tits, they’re sensitive!”

Akeena struggled to pay attention. Her own breasts were a lot more sensitive too. “Ah! Th-the same time I did? Doctor Whosay Jose?”

“D-damn fucker must have cranked us both up.” Teea suddenly smacked the side of Akeena’s breast, Akeena so mixed up about which boob was currently on top that she couldn’t track which boob of her three it even was.

“Why the fuck did you hit my perfect tri tits!” Akeena cried out and crammed all three of her tits into the space between Teea’s quad set.

“Perfect?! You can’t even get them in a row!” Teea shoved back with her own four tight round breasts.

Akeena could feel the lower two of Teea’s nipples dig into her stomach, even as the red head’s top two nipples dug into Akeena’s shoulders. “My tits were always the best and adding a third only made me more amazing!”

“Amazingly freakish!” Teea gritted her teeth in frustration and even a bit of sexual overload at so much tight breast flesh crammed against so much soft marshmallow breast.

Akeena couldn’t take it and stepped back from Teea, her breasts pulling free from the their cage of Teea’s quad tits with a pop. Quickly rearranging her tits in what she hoped was a row, the sensations were overloading her ponytail covered brain a bit, she quickly slammed them back forward, shoving them now in a row between Teea’s top and bottom set, causing the other woman to scream in an orgasm into her own top most cleavage as Akeena did the same.

“You fuckin’ bogun!” Teea shoved back with her own tits, a slight popping noise accompanying the motion as the the seven tits locked together making both women cry out again. Taking a moment to gather her wits, she got nose to nose with Akeena and started shouting as many curses as she could think of with Akeena shouting right back just as hard. With each ‘round’ they went it was accompanied with them shoving their breasts harder against their opposite.

How long this went on with each woman trying to outtit the other, and cramming their breasts against one another, neither was sure until their six armed photographer Shijon came into the room some time later and shouted in surprise, throwing the duo’s rhythm off.

“What ‘appened to you two?” Shijon stared in shock, her six arms seeming to operate on autopilot freeing her camera from it’s bag and affixing just the right lens.

“Us?” Akeena looked to the silver haired five foot tall woman.

“We’re just arguing.” Teea added. “Unless you mean our tit-grades.”

“You two are bonkers. Did you get those upgrades ta’day?” Shijon couldn’t resist snapping a burst of pictures. Thumbing through the burst shot she stepped up to the still tangled together women and showed them the shot.

“Uh, yeah?” They said in unison, shuffling their feet a bit awkwardly.

“Didn’t anyone tell you not to get too close to someone else who went to the same splice doc as you while you’re still settling? It makes ‘ya unstable!” Shijon turned the camera around and showed the pair of women the picture she’d taken.

The two women gasped in shock as their brains caught up to the reality that the women now shared. Starting at their mismatched heads, they were now the same height, as they shared the same shoulders. They had all four of their arms squeezing and manipulating all seven of their tits filling up their torso. The boobs were larger than Teea’s had been, and firmer than Akeena’s. Their belly had completely vanished under the onslaught of boob that covered it, though the women realized they weren’t going to have a balance problem. Apparently all the extra mass of two women stuffed into one body had gone to their ass. It was simply enormous more ass than four women would use with hips as wide as the widest spot on their seven tits.


“The Fuck?!” Akeena finished Teea’s curse.

Shijon sighed and pointed out the door. “Head back to your doctor. You guys are so fired from this shoot.”

“F-fired?” the two women cried out in unison.

“And probably from the agency after this bullshit fighting you guys have pulled AGAIN.” Shijon slipped behind the women and with all six of her hands shoved the now combined women towards the door. “Get your raspberry arrangement back to your doc. I’ll check on you guys later. Fuck now I’ve gotta hire Leanne Raven and Ms. Adana for their big tits for this stupid shoot. Fuck.”

A bit stunned, the two women stumbled out.


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