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By MirandasDream

For TierynBE

Premise: "Maddie and Cass try an experimental spell that's supposed to let them read/feel each other's emotions but they get a bit more than they bargained for"

Contains: Implied BE and Butt expansion (because it’s Maddie and Cass and obviously they have). Conjoinment, quad boob, quad arm.


“This is entirely your fault.” Maddie folded her arms under her sizable plump breasts, hefting them up to her and Cass’s chins.

Cass for her part simply put her hands on her tremendous hips and plump ass, giving them a slight squeeze as was her habit. “And how is this my fault, Hmmm?”

“You obviously love me.” Maddie pouted, squeezing her elbows with the opposing hands, bouncing her breasts up a bit further.


“Well, the spell was supposed to let us feel each other emotions and get closer.”

“Yeah, you explained that when we cast it together.” Cass gave her pouty lover a kiss on the cheek, enjoying not having to bend over for once to do it. Not that she’d ever wish her lover be a different height, just enjoying the change of pace.

“Well obviously we can’t GET any closer without… well…” Maddie turned their piebald skin tone naked body to the mirror and the two women flushed a bit with what they saw.

“Combining into this sexy if freaky body?” Cass gestured at the wide set of hips, plump thighs, gorgeous calves, curvy but lovely belly, nearly hidden by four big plump tits that even the largest of busty women would be jealous of, and the four arms that reached up and squeezed each boob and the two heads atop that moan in pleasure.

“Y-yeah, that.”

“Fuck this feels good.” Cass ran all four hands down their body to tease their shared labia and the nestled double clit within.

“Ohhh Cass!”

“M-Maddie!” The two moaned together as their legs trembled.

“L-let’s leave the spell in place for the next… d-day or so.”

“I could go all weekend.” Cass enthused as they dashed to the bed. She couldn’t wait to wreck it.


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