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She didn’t know how long it went on, but it was fully dark by the time she came back to her senses. She was aware that they were both laying on their sides, panting heavily, and that Kain was still locked firmly inside of her. Kain laid a heavy paw-hand on her shoulder and growled at her in their beast language. Don’t move, he rumbled at her. She snarled back at him and tried to lift her head. 

Her very much not human head.

She paused in confusion for a moment, and her tongue flicked out and licked her wet nose. She could see down the length of her long snout, and stared at her whiskers more in curiosity than confusion. She let her senses feel her body. She could feel how they were locked together, her sex tender and pounding, and felt how he filled her. She could feel his pulse inside of her as his penis throbbed against her sheath. Her limbs were different, longer. Much stronger. She paused and her ears twitched interestingly on her head. She could feel the muscles along her skull that moved them. She could feel that she had another limb now as well: a tail. She felt it, and more especially the muscles in her spine and buttocks that moved it. She lifted her head and curiously tried making those muscles move, and felt it twitch off of Kain’s hip. Kain sucked in a deep breath through his muzzle. She did the same a moment later as a small orgasm washed over her.

Kain growled and nipped her shoulder. Don’t move! Mean it.

She grumbled at him and laid her head back down. She lifted one of her hands and stared at it curiously in the darkness. It was somewhat human, with five fingers and an opposable thumb, tipped with glossy black claws that were curved and wickedly sharp. The palms of her hands were half furred, with three paw pads with black, pebbly skin. There were pads on each of her fingertips, too. She tried flexing her hand experimentally. Her fingers curled into cruel hooks that could catch and hold her prey like a vice. 

Her fur was black, she saw, but lighter than Kain’s inky darkness. More of a reddish black than his. She finished her fascinated examination of herself and yawned. She wasn’t the least bit disturbed by her transformation, she found. In fact, she felt wonderful. Playful. But she was hungry, and wanted to get up.

Hungry, she growled at him, lifting her head to stare easily over her furred shoulder at him. Off me.

Kain growled at her, his icy eyes brilliant in the darkness. Soon. Be still. he chuffed at her.

She made an impatient sound and he uttered a wolfish chuckle, then began licking her shoulder, grooming her. We hunt soon, he whuffled, pausing to nibble some detritus from her fur. Feed mate.

Autumn sighed and grumbled at him. Now soon. Off me.

He growled and bit her shoulder lightly, and shifted his pelvis against her. There was only a slight aftershock at that, causing them both to emit wolfish purrs, and Kain resumed his grooming.

Soon soon, hungry mate, he purred at her, and moved to her ear. 

Autumn sighed and laid her head back down, allowing him to lave her strange new ear, twitching it slightly in irritation. After a few moments he laid his head on her shoulder with a whuffing sigh and draped his long arm over her...


This started out as just a sketch, and just sort of...went crazy. I wanted to illustrate this tender scene between Kain and Autumn after her first shift, when they are tied together and just relaxing. Male Kierrn only ever tie with their mated partners, and during this they must keep their mates still and comfortable. Like canines, they can be locked together for awhile. ;) 

  • Unmatted 8.5 X 11 prints available for $20 (+shipping)
  • Matted 11 X 14 prints available for $25 (+shipping)
  • Unmatted 11 X 16 Limited Edition prints available for $35 (+shipping)
  • Matted 16 X 20 Limited Edition prints available for $40 (+shipping)

Message me if you are interested in purchasing prints!




Other option - Ignore his protests, run off on the hunt dragging him along by the dick.


I love them both :) happy to see such a beautiful scene