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Excerpt from Hunger:

"Autumn crept forward a little closer. Kain appeared to have found whatever had interested him. He seemed transfixed, and stiff as if frozen. Something in Autumn caused her to stop then, some sort of instinct she couldn’t name, and a crawling sense of danger raised the fine hairs on her scalp and arms.

Leave now, a voice whispered in her. Run. Get back to the house. But she stayed where she was. She was concerned for Kain and wanted desperately to know what had him so transfixed. Suddenly the uneasy feeling mounted and became an overwhelming urge to flee, shooting up her spine and pounding in her head with the message RUN!, but she found herself rooted in place, staring wide-eyed as Kain began to…change.

It all happened very quickly, but for Autumn time seemed to slow down as he began to transform. He suddenly grew in all directions, becoming taller, wider, thicker. His sleek muscles bunched and bulked out, his feet and legs growing, stretching, elongating, his heels jutting up and back, a pink snake slithering out of his sacrum, all so quickly it was difficult to follow. As he grew his skin darkened, and then a wave of black fur exploded all over him, covering him in seconds while his body continued the transformation.

Autumn was rooted to the ground, gaping with mind-numbing fear, unable to do anything but shake uncontrollably. Her breath came in tiny gasps, and she stared in horror at the thing that now stood where Kain had been a moment ago. The thing he had become. A loud rumble came from the Kain-thing, and it was so deep and primal that it shook her bones and flashed white-hot terror through her. 

Suddenly it stepped back and flung its head up in the air, ape-like arms swung wide, and a sound blasted from it that filled the world so loudly it stung Autumn’s ears. It was an inhuman scream that drew out into a roaring howl, shaking the ground with its intensity. Autumn sobbed, and the roar abruptly ended as it snapped its massive head around to look directly at her, unholy ice blue eyes ablaze."

This is an interior illustration from the hardcover version of Hunger. 

Pencil drawing in my personal sketchbook.



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