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Ayo definitely has everything under control




Starting to feel like this is the story of how Willow got hired after all.


Easy solution: make a fake schedule that shows her needing to be in 30 minutes early, so even if she's half an hour late, she's still on time.

Orion Rhine

In 7 years of working I've only ever been late once, and it wasn't my fault. My car broke down and I had to get a ride. 20 minutes late, but I got there.


As a manager and as someone with severe ADHD, I really appreciate Dora’s approach here. I wish my bosses had done this when I was younger.




I think someone asked on yesterday's post how she could have finished high school, got accepted to college, held down a job, etc. Regardless of the reason for her symptoms (e.g. formal diagnosis) it is quite amazing how we can sometimes manage to function just fine for some things and not for others (including things we WANT to do.) I have a very good attendance track record in my work history. But I only finish projects once I have a deadline looming (for example.) Before I figured out a way to go to college that would work for me, I too just kinda stopped going to classes. One semester my report card was all Incompletes. (You only get an F if you attend a certain portion of the semester in the first place...)


Agreed. I'm 49, a lawyer, I run my own firm. I got my diagnosis for ADHD about a month ago.


I have to be honest, I'm really disliking Ayo. This isn't because she's a bad character or badly written. Quite the opposite. I recognize her and it stresses me out.

Holly Nelson

I understand, and that’s another reason why it’s tough being ADD. We can be seriously annoying and frustrating to others, we often don’t fulfill obligations, we can be real drama queens, and after a couple decades of trying and failing to make friends, we often simply give up. Ayo isn’t at that giving-up point yet, but I suspect it’s not far off.

Holly Nelson

I think what Ayo (and I) really need is an AI companion. Maybe a little cutie like a marmoset to sit on my shoulder and remind me of things.

Daryl Sawyer

While I had trouble showing up to class at all in college, I've never had any difficulty getting to work on time (except at the tail end of daylight savings time). If anything, I'm obsessive about punctuality.


I deeply loved The Golden Compass for this reason. The idea of having a little animal that was my constant companion(/also part of my soul??) was so cool

jeff fearnow

exactly what you said. That sounded like a lovely world in that respect.


I'm ADHD and obsessively punctual and organized. It's a coping mechanism since I've experienced so many consequences of being late and disorganized that I get anxiety if I'm not obsessive. What's even worse is that the obsessive organization ability was only unlocked once I got medication. So I was punctual but so disorganized that sometimes I'd be punctual on the wrong day or in the wrong place.