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Ayo is kind of all over the place




Knowing this community, and I'm not excluding myself here, some wouldn't mind a Hanners-shaped pillow/float.


Questionable Content characters canonically unsuitable as floating devices - Momo - Hannelore Ol' Boaty is PROBABLY suitable, if not enthusiasticall so

Opus the Poet

This is another example of executive disorder, trying to leave early.


I don't know why but this new character feels.. The worst. Can't stand her.


Patreon comments every time a new character is introduced (or gets renewed on-page time): "THIS CHARACTER IS THE BEST!!!! so cute I want to adopt ✨✨✨" "This character is the worst why are they in my comic gtfo DDD:"


I think it's a good idea not to take the characters overly seriously. It's meant to be a funny comic, after all. But at least give them a few dozen strips before you decide you hate them.

Carol Metzger

At first I thought she was more stable than Willow, but now I have doubts. Maybe Dora should have held out for a third choice.

Yelling Bird

See, now I want an inflatable Hannelore and it is NOT my fault that image is in my brain.


Hanners isn't designed to be a flotation device. For that you're gonna want a friend like Faye, Marigold, or Renee.

Darnel D Cooper

Hmmmmn I wonder if Moray floats,.....