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Then the coffee sells super well, so Dora hires Bubbles to punch coffee beans full time, and Bubbles hires Faye to irritate her full time, and everyone is happy.


Hanners is a better bartender than Brun, I think. :)


And one thought comes to mind... Bubbles overheard Faye exclaim that she didn't have a crush on her (to Dora, when Dora was teasing her.) I wonder where that's going. I'm not sure it's involved with anything, but it might be.


Heck, why not punch the water through the coffee machine too. I think we just discovered a new renewable source of energy!

David Howe

Well, nobody has asked Bubbles who THEY have a crush on :D


I think she's more of a GRR! grinder.

Jason Zions

Bubble's soft and vulnerable expression in panel 4 pretty much breaks my heart. That's the hurt little girl inside the bruiser body peeking through, and it pushes just about all my father-of-daughter buttons. Beautifully done.


I was actually just thinking about the comparison between Brun and Hannelore. Since apparently only Marten can have no mental health issues in this strip, we have the autistic bartender and the OCD barista. (Seriously, aside from parents and other people who disappear after a few appearances, is there a single character who hasn't either needed or actually gotten therapy? Steve's an alcoholic and binge drinker, Tai is a substance abuser of different substances ....)

Nobilis Reed (personal)

"We apologize for all the m--. We got carried away." m--? Mud? Murder? Money?


Hanners the voice of reason <3


I just wanna see a Bubbles-proof bucket.

Jonathan Wallace

When did Hannelore get a new haircut?

Brad Knowles

So, I've been exploring text-to-speech voices recently for other reasons, but now I'm hearing Bubbles' lines in my head with the macOS/iOS "Victoria" voice. That would explain why her speech bubbles are square instead of rounded.

Brad Knowles

Is this wrong of me? Is there a different voice I should be hearing instead? I would be interested to see what Jacques thinks would be good voices for the various characters....


Brun could be on the ASD scale, certainly. (Why not? I'm autistic, there are a lot of us out there.) She would be a very different person than I am, though.

Gary Walker

I'll see your "when" and raise you "how does Hannelore get her hair cut?"


No bars or coffee shops have burned down on Hanner's watch, I suppose.


Agreed, but, well... There COULD have been a couple of orbital railgun strikes we haven't been told about yet.


After listening to Victoria, I think that it's pretty similar to what I had imagined, except I think Bubbles would have a slightly deeper voice.

Brad Knowles

Yeah, the "Bubbles" voice doesn't fit. However, "Princess", "Kathy", and "Agnes" could also work, and they would all be more mechanical than "Victoria". Though, "Allison" is pretty damn close to the "uncanny valley" for me -- almost human, but not quite. The others I've got are not quite as good. But then I don't have any Cepstral or Acapela voices installed.


Consider... Punching down into the beans. The force of the blow would be dissipated by the beans, there wouldn't be much force on the side of the bucket at all. Now the table on which that bucket is sitting better be damned solid, that's all I gotta say about it.