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being a goblin



Jon K

Liz in the last panel is truly a thing of beauty - next-level facial expression

Merle Blue

Get Sam some water! Coughing is the worst thing about weed.


🎶Whennnnnn 🎶 good green gets you HIGH, filtered through an AI, 🎶THAT'S A MORAY ! 🎶 😯💨 🥴

Ben French

Liz in that last panel...she's definitely tapping into that "chaos goblin" energy.


Gotta say, that content is pretty darn questionable! :D


New goblin face dropped! The best one so far

Holly Nelson

Sometime, I hope to discover what Liz's two doctorates are in. I know, I’m kind of a party pooper. But you don’t get a doctorate, much less two doctorates, if you’re only skill is being an insufferable goblin.


I feel like you're not that versed at the academic enviroment. Most of the doctorates are insufferable goblins xD


I love everything about what's going on


Occasionally I've wanted to smoke weed out of my boss's head, but in a slightly different way.

Jason Harris

Pass the Moray `pon the left hand side!

Orion Rhine

Alright, who talked who out of using Moray's tijubas as the bong?


You are having too much fun drawing Liz

Solomon Garland

Can someone tell the first-timer that joints are way less harsh on the lungs?

Gary Walker

Counterpoint: smoking out of a sexy goo lady’s head? Not an experience to miss. Also probably none of these people can roll a decent cone. EDIT: why yes I can elaborate, and that is a threat. Marten is canonically not a cannabis fan, Liz is a first timer, and Claire has not been at this long. It's possible Evvie knows how (and I know where I'd put the tray), but I deem it unlikely, and Moray would ruin the paper pretty much immediately.

Stephen Wells

Okay, now imagine Moray guesting on MommyMilkers' stream.


I wonder what Marten's looking at in the last panel, since he seems to be looking past Liz & Moray.


The internet would explode and take all geeks with them.

Zak Reichle

I know very few people that roll cones around here (Missouri), more often they're prerolled cones and people stuff them or buy the prerolled cones direct from dispensaries. Blunts are super popular around here, but since I quit smoking cigarettes (5 years, woo!) I avoid tobacco and would not recommend that for a first time smoker either. For a first timer I would say a vape is probably my first recommendation if available, if not a water piece helps with coughing, so bongs (never gravity bongs) with ice catchers or bubblers. I'm not sure I'd agree that joints are always the best route to go unless you have semi decent papers, as elaborated above I doubt any of the 5 present have any experience rolling anything. Also a pretty safe bet that the weed is not of high quality and probably old, given it was confiscated from a 15 year old.

Carol Metzger

That is one really pretty dog.

Thomas A. Dennis

pass the moray on the left hand side

Hugh Eckert

At least in the comics I can remember, Claire's experience has been with Aurelia's vape machine and a small pipe provided by Tai. So, yeah, I don't think anyone there (except possibly Evan) know how to roll a joint.

Hugh Eckert

I love Moray, but Evan is now my new favorite character. And her tijubas are a bonus!

Daniel S

When did Marten change his shirt?

Shawn K. Younkin

Probably when they got back to their hotel and Marten could grab another sweater. Or Even has a sweater stash that we just don't know about...yet.

Gary Walker

Truth? Rolling a good joint is a skill to develop. You never know when it's going to come in handy. As for first timer advice: Try a vape, but try a flower vape, like a volcano or mighty, not some distillate. It is not the same thing. In the slightest. Ideally, use the flower vape through a water piece for a less harsh, cooler inhale, but understand that cannabis vapor (to say nothing of smoke) is a bit thicker than the air you're used to however much you filter it or cool it off. Go slow.

Gary Walker

Sidebar: I'm thinking about what Moray might actually be constructed of, and I'm wondering if she could raise her body temp enough to vaporize cannabinoids. The lighter may be unnecessary.

Gary Walker

Really, if you're going to draw Evvie, she should have a penchant for keyhole shirts, like Power Girl. :D


my fondness for joints has faded as I have become accustom to my flower vape. I used to feel it was necessary to incinerate my lungs to get properly high

David Pipes

Wow, she is *committed* to the whole Goblincore routine...

Todd Ellner

You can't hide those goblin eyes. Or the chaos I surmise. Thought by now you'd realize. There ain't no way to hide those goblin eyes


At what temperature does Moray vaporize, and is that higher or lower than cannabinoids? She might be able to produce enough surface electrical output power to heat a piece of metal to vaporizing temperature, like Yay does with paperclips but with conduction instead of induction, without harming herself. The lighter's metal casing, or any nearby piece of metal, would suffice for that. On the other hand, that power then won't be available to Moray for more fun things, like walking around, talking, being a hoodie of comfortable temperature, or simply being conscious. With a hand-crank generator or a couple of sticks and string, in theory I can produce a lot of heat too, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't use a lighter instead in that situation.


So.. is a Goblin Liz doodle in the realm of possibility?

Todd Ellner

And put her in that ridiculous and uncomfortable triangle pose? Hell, no. She is sexy and professional, not cheesecake for 14 year olds

Stephen Wells

If Evan tried to wear a keyhole shirt it would immediately become more of a trapdoor shirt.


Liz has the best faces.

Ruth Merriam

Theory: Claire has found the Ultimate Librarian Position, so until she actually has to start the work, all imposter syndrome issues are being held in abeyance and she's savoring the exultation of Having Arrived. She can now unleash all the fun she's been wanting to have for years and is in an environment so bizarre that it nearly meets her fantasies. Marten is finding enough to keep him amused/confused and therefore not dwelling on nostalgia. Who has time for that shit when goblins and goo are in constant states of flux?

Stephen Wells

I've just realised that Claire and Marten were trained by Tai, so this is absolutely what librarians do.


Oh thank goodness they are just using Moray's...head? cranium? optical sensor and vocoder platform?


Now they all get high and tease Moray with "That's a Moray" song puns.


Ha! xD Even though Claire always disapproved of such louche behaviour. The student has surpassed the master...


It's so funny to see Evan's chill here considering she was the complete opposite when we first met her xD On the clock versus off the clock indeed...

Zak Reichle

Tai is going to be so jealous she didn't get to smoke out of a giggly goo girl

Stephen Wells

Let's be honest - Tai has inhaled from a number of giggly girls, it's only the goo part that's new...

Zak Reichle

Or it turns out Tai somehow knew Moray42069. Maybe Ellen, Steve's ex from ages ago, fished her out of the Orca.

Joseph Loder

I feel like writing out the sound a bong makes was probably giggle inducing.

Zak Reichle

True, but I think part of it earlier was Evan being incredibly nervous because she knew how badly Cubetown needed Claire.

Zak Reichle

I'd like to see what the job posting looked like, afaik we only saw the response Claire received from Moray.

Zak Reichle

I believe the Director specifically mentioned/selected Claire because "she showed promise" I wonder if that means most applicants never made it farther than that

Stephen Wells

I'm assuming that Moray interviewed Claire because the Director told her to, and never interviewed anyone else, because the Director didn't tell her to. This, of course, is assuming that anyone other than Claire saw the job opening in the first place - who knows how deep the manipulation goes? So many tentacles.


It's possible that there were other applicants for the role who were weeded out due to not having ~some criteria that Cubetown was looking for, or maybe they visited the place and were like "NOPE". But it seems a lot like Claire is the first candidate who's got this far, and given the level of generalised flailing at Cubetown on an organisational level, my theory is this: Cubetown didn't really know what they were looking for in a Librarian, so they put out a quite general job description, and Claire was an early applicant. Then when she arrived (and especially when she started to kick ass and take names) they realised she had a lot of Skills Not Advertised that Cubetown REALLY needs, and so they've been desperate for her to stay.


When the smoke's in your eyes and you want to get high, pass the Moray.


I went back to re-read the strips where Evan was first introduced, though, and I stand by my comment about her difference in personality. It wasn't just as things started to go south; she seemed nervy in general, talking about how much she hated house centipedes, and then later being so creeped out by the Director that she didn't want to go near them. This Chill Evvie who just rolls with things is pretty different.

Zak Reichle

Familiarity with the situation might also help, this feels more within her experience than before. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I also wonder how it works for Evan as far as when she is or isn't on the clock. Being and AI she doesn't technically need sleep, she needs to charge. That could mean she is pretty much always on the job, or at least always on call. We know she goes to sleep, but again the length of time she would need to "sleep" seems like it could be extremely short if they have a fast charging system.

Zain Redding

How do you keep making me laugh?

Stephen Wells

Also Nervous Evvie was nervous about whether Claire would take the job, whereas Chill Evvie knows she's taking the job and is going to get high, so the stress is gone.

Stephen Wells

I would assume that Tai was somehow involved in the chain of events which led to Moray42069 getting eaten by the orca.


@Zak Reichle Having revisited those strips, I was reminded that Evan originally went to lie down to recover from the stress/anxiety of everything almost going to shit, so I can only conclude that "sleep" has as much of a relaxation function as a charging function for her

Zak Reichle

Good point @enchantedsleeper, it's clearly more than just charging for Evan, something closer to human standard sleeping that serves several physiological functions. IIRC we've only seen Roko dream, and May has said she had the recurring dream about being a big blue titty demon. So at least some AI dream.


Remember Evan's first appearance? What the hell kind of vest was she wearing that bound those colossal hombojombos so effectively?


I still read her name as "Applebottom", and then I have to go back and re-read it!