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And that's how Marten destroyed his back




I just realized… if Bubbles and Roko get funky illusions from the smell of tea… what sort of illusions will Evan get from smelling weed?


Achievement Unlocked: Moray Jacket.


Jeph... remember when you wrote the auto bio comic about registering a business at a bank and they accused you of being a weed company? Moray bong is just money on the table with more states decriminalizing weed

Sleepy John

Marten's good to goo now.


Moray is so pure 😂 That would also spawn internet lewds immediately.


101 uses for Moray. … Not one of them is “restocking the printer with paper”

Fart Captor

Please, please have Liz use Moray as a bong I've been very good and can be trusted to be very normal about it

David Durant

While I'm as stoked as everyone else to see Grimlizabeth get her first buzz on, I'm equally keen to know if Jeph casually dropping in the reference to Cubetown's radio telescope array is a a super-early hint of alien related future plot 😂. Alternatively, when Liz is stoned she'll just work out what Raven did to the second espressosaur.


Aw, Moray wants to be included! I’m assuming gelatinous bodied AI can’t benefit from cannabis

Zak Reichle

I very much would like a Moray backpack 🎒


Oh my god this is too funny. 1. Moray-pack on Marten 2. Gremlin super excited to get some cannabis 3. Now I’m wondering what AI would see when they smell cannabis smoke. If tea gets you sexy unicorns, what does cannabis do?


I am loving Moray!!


Marten's managed to get his girlfriend, the brick house amazonian android, the barely legal theoretical physicist, and the experimental goo gal to all get high and hang out with him. Cubetown is bringing out Marten's A-game.


He wore Moray!!! Yesss!!!!

Adam Abbott

I mean, this has ALWAYS been a harem series starring Marten, but I'm here for it.


I love how quickly Liz bounced back

Mitsuki Ayane

the fact that Marten has come so far that he readily accepted wearing Moray is one of the details I live for. ~<3

Thomas Halpin

If marten manages to get drunk and/ or high with his fiance and a bunch of friendly ladies they just met, we should be grateful if giving a piggyback ride is the only reason he throws his back out


So much awesome! I am so eager for the Cubetown crew and the entire Coffee of Doom crowd to hangout. I hope it happens!!

Jared Kolbly

Am I the only one that was expecting Moray to change shape a bit to become robe like?

Justin Seifert

>.> Not going to lie, kind of envious of Martin. He gets Moray jelly boobs on his back. I know I'm not the only one who is thinking this.

Orion Rhine

Turns out most of the stash is oregano. Liz is the only one to get the real stuff but no one believes her.


when you're hearing a crack like you've broken your back that'sa Morayyyy


Fun happy times, I guess. I’d be into edibles if I indulged. I do feel we’re seeing a board game crew coming into existence


I love Marten so much. He's the reason I've been reading QC for 17 years. I'm so pleased you decided to keep him, Jeph.

Douglas E. Smith

Moray's meme: "BE ALL THE THINGS!"

Gary Walker

Moray keeps a downstem and a bowl handy for exactly this situation. Headcanon: the janitor gets annoyed with her because she smells like bong water.

Stephen Wells

The next development: Liz gives Marten his hoodie back. Claire and Marten are enveloped in warm Moray. And Liz goes to live in Evan's cleavage and is safe and warm forever.


Somehow Marten's words about Moray reached Pintsize and he is crying while thinking "that could've been me!!!" Very cute drawing of them two btw, that made my morning.

Ruth Merriam

Marten has a Moray on his back, but he can quit it anytime.


Is Moray heavy? 🤔 I imagined that being made of goo would make her quite light...


Umm, not trying to be a nanny but giving weed to someone who just threw up due to drinking too much is super irresponsible.

David Durant

I was wondering about this. It's notable that despite all the organics drinking only Claire is still shown with "drunk bubbles" (insert joke here) implying that Martin and Grimlizabeth have somehow sobered but which would very much not be the case.


So the QC merch store needs a Moray-21 doll. Not a plushy, but like a gooey Stretch-Armstrong doll so I can wrap it around my shoulders for warmth.


Martin's wearing Moray! I love this!!!

Stephen Wells

Imagining a conversation in a few years where Claire says "It was that time in Canada when we were both in that girl at the same time" and everybody else in the conversation has... questions.

Stephen Wells

If Evan isn't partaking I think Moray has at least one orifice per person to offer (I am immediately destroyed by the Rule 34 police).

Am Queue

Lost robot poster on light pole

Bill Silvia

If the goo is as dense as water, she should be quite heavy. It's probably somewhat less dense, though.

Thomas A. Dennis

blowing smoke up the ass is an advanced technique, Marten


Why did I think that Moray would envelop Martin like a slime-suit of some sort?

Darnel D Cooper

Not quite the image I had of martin wearing Moray.